Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 20

It took time – about an hour – but I finally made Abbey confess. She was dating Tim. Dude, it’s Abbey. Abbey and Tim. Together, again. I love my brother even more, now.
“Hey, wanna hang out today?” She asked me when Tim finally released her. The bad thing is: I can’t even complain about it. I’m always with Garrett, so…
“Sure, what do you wanna do?”
“I want frozen yogurt” She stopped when she saw me wrinkling my nose “you still don’t like frozen yogurt?”
I shook my head.
“That thing is gross!”
Tim laughed.
“We go to Yogurtland and I buy myself a frozen yogurt and then, we can do whatever you want, okay?”
I laughed at her.
“Alright, let me just call Gare. Take your time Tim, she’s mine today.”
“She’s yours?” He asked skeptical.
“Hey, I don’t complain when you steal Garrett from me” I cocked an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes.
I called Garrett, feeling a bit worried. He hadn’t texted me today, what was weird. Usually, he texts me every day in the morning.
The phone rang a couple times, but no answer. I decided to call their home phone.
“Hello?” Trey answered.
“Hey Trey, it’s Leigh.”
“What’s up Baby Girl?”
“Is Garrett home? I haven’t talked to him yet.”
“No, last time I saw him was after lunch.”
I pursed my lips.
“And you don’t know where he is, do you?”
“No, sorry Leigh.”
“Okay, thanks Trey” I rang up and sighed.
“Problem?” Tim asked. I looked at him.
“Nope” I said quickly “Let’s go, Abbey.”
I took her hand and she kissed Tim quickly.

“What’s the problem?” She asked when we got in her car.
“None” I looked down.
“I haven’t seen you in years, but I still know you” she smiled. Fuck this visual contact thing. I sighed.
“I haven’t talked to Garrett today.”
“And that’s a problem because…”
“Because we’re not always together, but we keep texting each other.”
“Texting about what?” she smirked. I looked at her, an eyebrow raised “I’m kidding!”
“It’s not all sex, Abbey. We’re not Pat and Lauren” I laughed “Seriously, Garrett is a really sweet guy.”
“I knew you’d end up with him. I remember how you were so close.”
“We still are. He knows everything about me. He’s not only my boyfriend, he’s also my best friend.”
I’m being cheesy. Abbey smiled.
“He’s your first boyfriend?”
“No, I’ve dated a few guys. Gare had a girlfriend, too.”
After that, we stayed in silence. I looked at her.
“I missed you, Abbey.”
“I missed you too, honey” she smiled.
We stopped at Yogurtland and I frowned.
“No, not that face. I’ll order and we can leave, okay?” She asked. I nodded, following her to the counter.
A familiar brunette smiled at me and whispered to the guy in front of her. I froze when he turned around.
“Oh oh” I heard Abbey say. Her gaze shifted from Garrett and Rachael to me.
“Let’s- let’s get out of here” I whispered. But I was frozen in place, I could’t move a muscle, my eyes locked with Garrett’s. Abbey put her arms on my shoulder and pushed me to the exit. We crossed the street and got in her car.
“Leigh, say something!” Abbey pleaded. I just stared ahead.
Coast Of Maine started playing; it was Garrett’s ringtone. I stared at the phone on my lap.
“You didn’t cry, that’s a good thing” Abbey smiled a little. Really, my friend?
About five minutes later, her phone rang. She quickly answered.
“Hey” Pause “Really? I’m kinda busy now. I hav-“ pause again. She looked at me “Okay, bye.”
We were in front of my house now. I got out and walked to the front door. Tim and Pat were watching tv.
“I think you should call Lauren” I heard Abbey say.
“What? Why?” Pat answered.
“Don’t say it. Please” I whispered. They looked at me.
“Leigh, I wish I could stay but I need to go” Abbey said, kissing my temple. I nodded. She kissed Tim and said goodbye. I ran to my room, without saying anything.
After about fifteen minutes, someone knocked on my door. I didn’t answer.
“Leigh?” Pat called. I sighed. I stood up and opened my door. Garrett was standing there. Alone. Nice trick, bro.
“Leave” I said. He passed by me and sat on my bed.
“Rachael called me and I th-“
“Leave” I was surprised for being so calm. He opened his mouth to speak.
“I don’t wanna hear it.”
“We were doing nothing!”
“Why you didn’t tell me, Garrett? I see my boyfriend, with his ex. He didn’t tell me they were going out. You chose that place because you know I never go there. What did you expect?”
Garrett looked down.
“Why you didn’t tell me? Is it that bad? I thought you were over her.”
“Because In knew you were gonna freak out and act like a bitch. Just like the last time!”
My mouth opened in a perfect O. Garrett finally realized what he said.

“L-Leigh, I’m s-“
“Now, taking care of my boyfriend SLASH best friend is act like a bitch? I think I’ve had enough, Garrett. Goodbye.”
“No, not until you listen to the whole story.”
“I don’t give a fuck about it. You know where the door is, just leave.”
Garrett stared at me, his eyes burning with anger. He left the room, slamming the door behind him. Touchy much? Yup.
I waited more five minutes to go downstairs again. And yes, I was proud of me. I didn’t cry of anything. Everybody stared at me, in disbelief; I knew they heard Garrett and I yelling at each other. I grabbed a bottle of water in the fridge as Tim and Pat entered the kitchen.
“What happened?”
I looked at Tim. It’s not like you don’t know.
“Ask Garrett. Maybe he’ll tell you.”
“Leigh…” Pat started.
“I know you’re gonna talk about how Garrett is a good guy, how much he loves me and all. I don’t wanna hear it. You’re gonna make me feel like a bitch for screaming at him. Yeah, just like he said: a bitch. You heard it, didn’t you? So, stop talking shit.”
“Amanda” my dad warned.
“I don’t give a fuck.”
“Amanda, watch your mouth!” My mom said louder. I walked out the room.
“Mom, she’s not okay. Just give her a break” I heard Pat say.
That’s not enough, bro.