Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 22

More three days without seeing Garrett. I was almost running back to him. Almost. But I would never admit that out loud. I was still pissed, a lot. The fact that they only practiced in my house once in a week helped; the fact that today they couldn’t practice at Jared’s doesn’t help.
“Don’t you miss him?” Lauren asked me quietly. I sighed.
We were laying on the floor in my room, looking at the ceiling. I know I’m crazy.
“Seriously? Don’t you miss like… staying with him?”
“I miss the sex.”
We looked at each other and started laughing. A couple laughs escaped from our lips, but we were quiet again.
“You know, people think you and Garrett are dating. All the pictures, the messages and everything.”
I looked at Lauren.
“How do you know?”
“Some girls asked Pat.. and Tim.. and Garrett.”
I bit my lip before answering.
“I don’t even know if we’re dating anymore. We didn’t talk.”
“He wanted to.”
I looked at her again. You’re not helping, my friend. She looked at me.
I just shrugged. Lauren’s phone rand and she answered it.
“My mom needs me. I have to go.”
She got up and held out her hand. We ran downstairs so she could say goodbye to Pat.

Everyone’s eyes widened as they saw me entering the basement. I smiled at them and sat next to Jared.
“Where’s Garrett and John?” Pat asked.
“Late” they both said as they ran downstairs. Garrett seemed surprised for seeing me there, but quickly recovered. I pretended to be checking my phone.
“Can we start now?”
“Wait, let me just fix this” Jared said, adjusting his guitar. Garrett did the same.
“Okay, ready.”
“No no, wait” Garrett said.
“Gare!” Pat whined.
“What! I’m nervous!”
“Lack of sex” I coughed. Everybody looked at me.
“You heard me” I gazed at him, cocking an eyebrow.
“Amanda” Tim warned “Garrett, don’t care about it. You know what she is like.”
“Sorry. but.. What?” he tried again, a mask of anger on his face. Yeah, touchy much “Stop being a child, just grow the fuck up.”
“You’re the wrong one, Garrett.”
“I’m the wrong one? You didn’t listen to the whole story!”
“There’s a story?” I stood up, exasperated “Let me guess… Once upon a time, a beautiful princess named Rachael calls her ex-boyfriend.. and oh wait, he is in a band, and is fucking hot. Do you know what’s his name? I bet you do. They go out, but the guy doesn’t tell his actual girlfriend. And then, she finds out in the worst way. You could’ve told me, Garrett.”
He looked down. Thinking I’m right?
“I can’t believe you did that. After all the things you said.”
“All the things I said? What did I say?”
“You said you’d never hurt me that way.”
“Back up. You didn’t let me finish. You kissed me, remember?”
I crossed my arms on my chest. He was right now.
“But you meant that! That day you said you love me. Did you mean that? Oh yeah, and all the times you said you love me, after we slept together!”
Garrett winced and Tim coughed a little.
“And after all those cute things, you called me bitch.”
He let out a sarcastic laugh.
“You wanted things to be this way, Leigh. Just look back in the past.”
I sighed exasperated.
“Leigh, go out, take your time” John said calmly.
“No, I won’t go out. I’m staying here arguing with Garrett.”
“Stop being so fucking dramatic” Tim complained.
“Shut the fuck up, I’m not even talking to you!”
“Ouch” Pat whispered.
“I’m not saying anything” Garrett shrugged “You had your chance, and you lost it.”
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. Now you’re denying it?
“That’s all? Seriously, fuck you Garrett.”
I stormed out the room, slamming the door behind me.