Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 23

I had one more week to calm down. Dude, that was my worst fight with Garrett. I decided to make my move.
“Hey Patty, you’re gonna practice at Garrett’s today, right?”
“You called me just to ask that?”
“Seriously Pat, I wanna go there!”
“Be a good girl.”
“Aw, thanks Pat!”
I hang up and walked to the kitchen. I slept at Tim’s apartment, knowing that he would go practice with the guys today.
“Hey Tim, can you take me with you?” I smiled sweetly.
“You’re kidding me, right?”
“Oh, come on Tim, give her a chance” Abbey said.
“See? She’s better than you” I pointed at her. She chuckled.
“Don’t make me regret this” Tim pointed a finger at me.
“You talk like a daddy” I frowned.
“It’s just because I know you.”
I stuck my tongue out to him.

We quickly made our way to the Nickelsens, where Tim told me he wasn’t staying. Nice, bro.
I gently knocked the door, afraid that Garrett would open it. I almost sighed in relief when Trey did. He was surprised for seeing me there.
“Uh… hi Leigh.”
“Hey Trey. Is Pat or any of the boys here?”
“No, but I guess they’re almost here… come in!”
I entered the house and following him. Trey was watching Transformers. Always the same, I smiled.
“Trey, I heard..” Garrett trailed off when he saw me. He walked pass us.
“Wow. Garrett’s not talking to you?”
I shrugged.
“Shit happens.”
“He told me what happened.”
I looked at Trey.
“Is that a good or a bad thing?”
Trey smiled.
“It depends from your point of view.”
“And what’s your point of view?” I asked him, skeptical.
Just in time, Garrett’s dog appeared and jumped on my lap.
“Someone’s missed you” Trey laughed.
“At least, he has” I muttered. Trey looked at me, sadly. Seriously?
When I was about to complain, Garrett appeared and opened the door. Pat, Ken and Jared appeared.
“Leigh? What are you doing here?”
“Dickhead didn’t come; he’s staying at 8123 today. I had to stay here and wait for you.”
Kenny and Pat looked at Garrett. He shook his head. I’m missing too much information between them. I got up and walked towards them.
“Hey Patty” I kissed his cheek. Jared poked my ribs and I kicked his leg.
They went to the garage and I followed them. I stopped in the kitchen for a moment, talking to Mrs. Nickelsen. She and Jenna missed me, and even with this awkward situation, I should stop there so we could talk.
The doorbell rang – again – and a surprised John followed me to the garage.
“No, we’re not talking or anything” I said in a sad voice “I’m here for Pat.”
“What?” John asked confused.
“You know what I meant. And I know you’re curious.”
John laughed at me.

They practiced a lot. What was rare. I could even complain and call them lazy this time. But the most difficult was being near Garrett. I missed him, I missed his smile, I missed the way he kissed me. I was being cheesy and I didn’t care. Things would be easier if I just run back to him. But no, I wouldn’t do that.
I blinked in surprise as Pat caught my macbook, interrupting my thoughts. Gare gazed at me, then back at John who was trying to say something. Pat handed my mac to Jared.
“Why did you bring your laptop, Leigh?”
“I slept at Tim’s yesterday, so I brought it with me.”
“I clicked on Itunes. Do you have good stuff here?”
I laughed.
“If by good stuff you mean Death Cab, so yes, I do.”
“Oh, look what we’ve got here ” Kenny said, checking my laptop.
A familiar song began to play. That was unexpected. Coast Of Maine. You guys had to make this harder, didn’t you?
My head snapped at Garrett; he was looking at me too. I kept our eyes locked while I listened to the song.
“Leigh, are you crying?” John asked awkwardly.
I looked at him, startled, breaking my gaze with Garrett. I wiped the tears from under my eyes and stood up. I tried to walk out the room, but Garrett grasped my arm and turned me to him. I broke down. And I actually felt better.
I buried my face in his chest and let the silent tears fall, ruining his shirt. Garrett hugged me tight, stroking my hair.
“wh-“ Pat started.
“shhhhhh” Kennedy cut him off.
I just couldn’t understand why I was doing this, breaking down. I acted so good these days, keeping the ice between us. I even had my worst fight with him. Well, I felt like a shit for yelling at Garrett and everything, but he asked for it. Right? Or I was just overreacting; like I always did. Maybe things weren’t meant to be this way. Maybe it was just a phase in our relationship. I don’t even know.
I breathed deeply, trying to calm down. Garrett released me, but I hugged him.
“Let’s go to my room” he whispered, dragging me back to his house.
There, he sat on his bed with me on his lap. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and closed my eyes; Garrett put his arms around me. I missed moment like this; when we would just sit there for minutes, in silence.
Gare sighed a couple times. He knew that if he wanted me to talk, he would have to wait.
“I never expected this from you. You lied” I whispered “you hid things from me, Garrett.”
“The first part is not true; I never lied. The second.. well, I’m sorry.”
“You could have told me. I wouldn’t act like a crazy bitch or…”
Garrett chuckled softly. I pinched his arm.
“Don’t laugh. I’m serious! You didn’t tell me, that’s why I got upset.”
“Sorry, love” he whispered.
“Just promise me that next time, you’ll tell me” I muttered, playing with the collar of his shirt.
“There won’t be a next time. Please, forgive me Mandy Moore!”
I huffed.
“I love you, remember?” he whispered in my ear “more than anything.”
My eyes began to water. He had said that before; so many times before.
“Gare?” Pat called before I could answer. He opened the door a little “Wow, that’s good.”
The guys were behind him, trying to spy into the room – what isn’t hard, since Pat is the smallest.
“We’re going out for pizza. Wanna come?”
Garrett looked down at me. I shooked my head.
“I think we’ll… stay.”
“Yeah, It’ll be good” Pat smiled at me.
“Leigh, Trey has your macbook” Jared said. I gave him a thumb up.
They closed the door, leaving us alone. Garrett moved my hair from my face, kissing the tip of my nose, then softly, my lips.
“It’s good to see you together again” Mrs. Nickelsen opened the door. Garrett blushed and I giggled.
“Is it a good thing?”
“Yes dear, I had never seen Garrett act that way. I could tell he was pretty upset.”
“Upset? He was feeling guilty” I said, looking at Gare. He rolled his eyes.
“Mom, please.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you alone.”
With that, she left.
“Did you know Pat got mad at me? Not even when I broke his favorite drumstick he got like that.”
“Karma. Still the same bitch.”
Garrett smiled.
Suddenly, the door exploded open and Trey jumped in the room, shouting. I shrieked and Garrett jumped.
“Fuck! Oh my gosh, Trey!” I placed my hand on my chest. I could feel my heart racing.
“Sorry, I tried to stop him but he was being stubborn” Jenna smiled apologetically.
“I just heard the good news. I needed to see if it’s true” Trey gave us a knowing look. Garrett rolled his eyes.
“We’ll leave you alone” Jenna said quietly. Good sense. She grasped Trey’s arms and dragged him out of the room. I heard Trey complain about something.
I ran a finger along Garrett’s neck and jaw. He stared me straight in the eyes and I stared back; the same shiny blue eyes, the same rosy lips begging to be kissed.
He waited.
“Make love to me” I spoke softly, watching his reaction. A smile spread across his face.
“Do you know how much I love you?”
I laughed. He removed his shirt and helped me to remove mine. He laid us back and kissed me, as I laid on top of him. He moved his hands to my back and started working on my bra.
“Hey guys!” I heard Kenny call.
“Fuck” Garrett whispered.
“Fuck off!” I whined.
“Bu-” Pat tried
“We don’t care!” Garrett yelled.
“Lack of sex is being filled” Jared laughed. They made a disgusted noise.
“Just leave us alone, for fuck’s sake!”
“Ahn.. call home later” Pat said awkwardly.
I didn’t answer, too busy kissing Garrett. He tried to unhook my bra again, but using my hands, I stopped him. He looked at me quizzically.
I pressed my lips to his neck, making my way downards, only stopping when I reached his stomach. I sucked his skin into my mouth, with the intent of giving him a hickey.
“Seriously?” He breathed. “What was that for?”
“To make sure” I leaned back on top of him, my lips on his ear. I bit his earlobe gently and he shivered “you belong to me.”
“That’s kinda possessive, don’t you think?”
“Honestly? No.”
I brought my lips to his, and he moved forward wantonly, his lips brushing off mine.
“No” I whispered. He looked at me, looking distressed. I leaned in, sucking his bottom lip into mine. I bit real hard on his bottom lip, releasing all the rage I had been feeling towards him in the past weeks. He winced, groaning loudly. I let go, slowly drawing my tongue on his bottom lip, before kissing him heatedly.
Garrett unhooked my bra and I shrugged my arms free off it, quickly removing my jeans. He did the same, and laid us back on bed. He placed his hands on my waist, planting kisses and bites along my collar bone; my eyes slid shut, my breath quickening as he kissed downards my body.
Placing his lips on mine again, he eased my panties down and kicked off his boxers impatiently; I inhaled in a sharp gasp as he slid into me without warning. Garrett placed his hands next to my body, on each sides of my shoulders and I wrapped my legs around his waist, hugging him closer.
I cried out loud, unable to control my volume or the words escaping my mouth, as he moved in and out of me. I kissed his shoulders, collar bones, then his neck. I buried my face there, my teeth grazing on the space where his neck meets shoulder; I bit on his skin, with all my strength.
”Fuck, Leigh!”
Garrett began to move faster and harder, making me moan even louder. His breath quickened, almost gasping, as small groans escaped from his lips. I kissed him and he pushed his welcome tongue into my mouth, my nails scraping against his back.
“Damn Gare” I cried, shuddering. I placed my hand on his chest; I could feel how raced his heart was. I bit and licked along his collar bones, leaving red marks on his skin, as his eyes slid close and he groaned my name repeatedly.
Garrett pushed even harder, until I screamed his name, but all those shits and damns and fucks weren’t in vein.
Uh.. call me weirdo, or nympho, or whatever you say it, but it was the best sex we’ve ever had. Sure it was. My nails clawed at his back, as I felt the pressure building. I whimpered, feeling Garrett speed up; he was close too.
My back arched as I gasped, screaming his name. I felt my muscles clench and unclench, as I grasped his back desperately. My body flopped weakly on the bed, while I still whimpered his name.
“Gare?” I called, weakly; he looked at me. His usually shiny blue eyes were dilated, and his plump lips were parted, small, ragged breaths coming from them. I touched my hand to his stomach, and buried my face in the crook of his neck as his eyes slid shut. Garrett bit hard on his bottom lip, groaning. After a moment, he fell weakly on top of me, gasping.
He rolled on the bed, and pulled me against him, his cheek resting lightly against the top of my head. I looked up for a moment, my nose brushing against his neck. He sucked in a breath.
“Hey” I whispered. Garrett looked at me and I pressed my lips to his lightly. “I love you, more than anything.”
“Just promise me you won’t regret saying that.”