Fuel to the Fire

Chaper 24

“Get up!”
I groaned, moving deeper in the sheets. Garrett poked my arm.
“Seriously, fuck off!” I whined.
Garrett moved my sweaty hair from the back of my neck and started kissing my back. I closed my eyes. He knew exactly how to make me melt.
“We’ve been here for… I don’t even know! I bet they’re worried.”
“Garrett, we’re talking about John, Jared, Kennedy and Pat” I reminded him. He just stared at me.
“We say hi, then we come back?” I tried
“We’ll see” Garrett smiled. He wrapped his arms around me and I clutched at him.
“You’re making me want to stay here” Garrett complained. I giggled.
He picked our clothes from the ground and tossed them at me. We dressed up and went downstairs, hand in hand. The guys were playing videogames, but they stopped to look at us.
“No comments” I pointed at Jared. He smiled.
Garrett sat on the couch, with me on his lap. They were still looking at us.
“We’re fine now!”
Pat and Trey exchanged a look. Brothers.
“You know, you make weird noises when..” Trey trailed off as my eyes widened.
“You were listening?” I shrieked.
“We had no choice! You were too loud!” John cried. I looked over Pat, Kennedy and Jared.
“We weren’t there” Ken said. I sighed in relief. Pat was grimacing. Awkward talks with brother, always so fun.
“Stop making comments about…… My life” I punched John’s arm.
Garrett put his arms around my shoulders. Trey and John sat on the floor so we could lay straight. I fell asleep, but apparently, they couldn’t shut up.
“Of course she’s tired, Garrett is wild” Jared laughed.
“It’s a family thing. We’re amazing.”
“Shut up, Trey” I mumbled.
“What, Garrett’s not amazing?” Trey asked.
Gare scoffed. I kicked Trey’s back.
“You’re amazing” I muttered, hugging Garrett. He laughed.
“See” Trey said. I kicked his back again. John laughed. I kicked his back, too.
“Oh, hi boys” I heard Mr. Nickelsen say. He smiled at us.
“You two…”
Garrett nodded.
“Good! So, what are you playing?”
“Halo” Trey said.
“Again?” I groaned.
“Again” John nodded.
“Why Baby Girl, don’t you wanna play?”
“No, I rather stay here with Garebear” I said, hugging Garrett even more.
“Hey, a challenge” John said, “Mr. Nickelsen and Leigh, Trey and Garrett.”
I looked at Mr. Nickelsen. He nodded. Garrett poked me.
“Mandy Moore, you are going down!”
“That’s what you think, babe.”
“Who’s going first?” Ken asked.
“Us” Trey said, handing his father a console.
We explained everything to Mr. Nickelsen and let him start. And man, he was good. Although, he didn’t win. My turn with Garrett was good; Trey, John and Pat tried to distract me, but I won anyway.
“Dude, I won” I chuckled. I got up, but Garrett pulled my leg and I fell on top of him. John pinned my hands over my head so I couldn’t move and Garrett started tickling me.
“Why do you always have to tickle me?”
“Because I love you” Garrett told me simply.
I pursed my lips and he cocked an eyebrow, knowing that something was up.
“Aw, he said he loves her” Jared mocked.
“I love you, Jared” Pat said.
“I love you too. You guys.”
“Guys? I feel unloved now” I pouted.
“But I just said I love you!” Garrett said.
We stood up and he took my hand. I followed him to kitchen, confused. Garrett leaned against the island, his hands on my waist.
“What’s up?”
“I should be asking you” I furrowed my brows in confusion.
“You’re cold. I said I love you, not just now, but many times before and you barely answered.”
“Well, I was too busy to form a proper answer” I smiled. Garrett rolled his eyes.
“So what?” I shrugged.
“So what? Leigh, don’t start this again.”
“I’m not starting anything, Garrett!”
“Look, I’m sorry. I’m sorry if I hurt you. I messed everything up. But I need to know, three weeks were enough to change everything?”
“Three weeks will never change anything, Gare.”
“So tell me that you love me, and it’ll be alright” he smiled. I rolled my eyes. “You know I’d do anything for you.”
“Even tattoo my name on your ass?” I mocked. Garrett scoffed.
“A tattoo, yes.”
“A tattoo, both of us” I pondered.
“Both of us?”
I bit my lip, thinking.
“We spent three weeks away… why not thre-”
“Three hearts, cause I love you” Garrett smiled.
“That sounds gay for a guy, you know.”
“I don’t care” he shrugged. “So tell me, three hearts… where?”
“On my wrist!”
Garrett thought about it.
“Good. Let’s go get it now!”
I laughed.
“Gare, it’s almost ten” I said, checking my phone “we’ll get it tomorrow, okay?”
Garrett pouted.
“You seem disappointed” I giggled.
“It’s just because this tattoo is a proof of how much I love you.”
He grabbed my face and kissed me.
“Free porn in the kitchen, again?” Kenny asked. I mentally rolled my eyes.
“Leigh, I’m going home. Are you coming?” Pat asked.
“Yeah, in a second.”
I kissed Garrett one more time.
“Call me tomorrow, okay?”
He nodded.
“Love ya, Gare.”
“Love you too, Leighbear.”