Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 25

“Hey love” I answered my phone.
“Hey Leighbear” I heard the guys make aaaw noises, teasing Garrett “are you home?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Come to 8123, we’re all here.”
“Ok, be there in a few” I hang up.

I opened the door and instantly regretted it. Pat had Gare’s laptop pointed at me. I could see myself in a small screen. The damn chat. I forgot it.
“No no no!” I pulled my hoodie over my head. They laughed. Pat turned his laptop back to him.
“They saw you anyway” John said.
“Don’t prank my baby sister, she’s beautiful” Aw Tim, that’s why I love you! I kissed his cheek.
“You said that just because she looks like you” Kenny answered.
“Ouch” I said in fake sadness, sitting on Tim’s desk “Kennedy Brock, that hurt my feelings. You don’t think I am beautiful?”
Kenny chuckled. Garrett got up and walked up to me.
“No!!!!!! Where’s Garrett?” John said in a girly voice; reading fans’ questions.
“Tell him to come back!” Jared said.
“I’m coming.”
Garrett kissed me, but before we could really enjoy the moment, John called him again.
“Where’s Garebear?” He said dramatically, “No, don’t go! John, tell him to come back! Where the fuck is Garrett?”
I pouted, as Garrett pulled away.
“They’re saying hi, Leigh!”
“Do not turn this fucking camera to me” I warned Jared as Garrett walked back to his place.
As soon as Garrett sat down, John moved the laptop. I flipped him off.
“Uh… hi girls” I waved. Tim laughed.
“They saw you, Tim” Kenny commented.
“Ha! The girls have… eyegarsms when they see Tim” I giggled.
“What?” He asked confused.
“Uh.. google your name on day…”
“Oh yeah, they’re talking about you.. Tim Kirch” Garrett said. I chuckled.
They answered a lot of questions, and I had fun watching the girls… fangirl. Lauren was right, after all; the fans really knew me, and they did know about Garrett and I. It was odd, seeing them talk about my life. The point of the chat was the band, but sometimes they would say my name or Tim’s.
“Hey Leigh, come over here” Garrett called. I did as I was told.
I sat on his lap, by Pat’s side. John and Kennedy were behind us, talking to Max. Looking at the screen, I could see Garrett’s “new tattoo” and many girls talking about it. ‘Aw, three hearts.. that’s so cute! I wonder if it has a meaning.’
“They wanna know if we’re dating” Gare mocked. Oh yes, we are. I cocked an eyebrow and he understood. We slowly leaned in, looking into each others’ eyes. When our lips were only a few inches apart, we pulled back laughing. Yep, just like he did with Pat.
“Let’s say we’re… good friends” I said.
“Yeah, Garrett will always be mine” Pat completed. I giggled. My phone buzzed in my back pocket and Garrett took it out.
Friends with benefits. Got it, girl from Jared. Garrett handed my phone and I chuckled. I patted his leg and stood up, walking back to Tim.
“So, Abbey’s cousin is throwing this party tonight, Super Sweet 16, and invited us.”
“Are we going?” I asked the guys.
“Yes” John replied.
“Alright, then.”
“So guys, we gotta go” Garrett said. They said goodbye to their fans and logged off.

Later that night, we met at Abbey’s, then headed to her cousin’s house. The girls still hadn’t seen our tattoos, and I knew they were crazy to finally see it. The first thing they did when they saw me was grab my wrist.
“Aw, it’s so cute” Gabi drawled. The other girls smiled.
“Did it hurt?” Lauren asked.
“No” I said.
Garrett suddenly put his arm around my waist. I looked at him, but he was looking at Gabi. She nodded lightly.
“What’s wrong?” I asked them.
“Nothing” Garrett smiled. I narrowed my eyes at him.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that” he hugged me closer to him. Some girls looked at us and giggled.
Gabi and Lauren tried to distract me after that, and Garrett didn’t leave my side. That was really suspicious. I gazed at the girls again. They didn’t look like high school girls, they were older. Maybe someone was here with them, and sure, they dressed up like sluts. Sorry, but that’s true.
I didn’t pay attention on them anymore, I was having fun with my friends.

Garrett, all of sudden kissed me, and I, surprised, kissed back. Someone bumped into us – which was very annoying – and I turned in Garrett’s arms to see who was apologizing. I stepped back in surprise, bumping into Garrett.
“Oh! Hey Leigh, sorry” Rachael said, giving me the sweetest smile. She risked a look at Garrett, than back at me.
“No problem, Ray” I said, grasping Gare’s arm. I felt him cringe a little.
She looked at us once more, before walk away. She stopped by the girls, and then hugged a guy… her boyfriend? Garrett sighed, knowing what was about to happen.
“Did you know about this?” I asked.
“I-I” He sputtered.
“That’s what you were hiding from me?” I asked Gabi.
“Pat” Lauren muttered. He nodded.
“Leigh, please, don’t freak out. I bet Gare had no idea she would be here. And don’t worry, Gabi’s talked to her. She doesn’t want any problems.”
I sighed, shaking my head.
“When I thought everything was perfect…”
“Everything is perfect” Garrett said.
“I am not convinced.”
I glared at each one of them, rolling my eyes at Garrett because he was making faces.
“Alright, I’ll be a good girl.”
Garrett hugged me again, and Tim patted my arm.
“Can you do me a favor?” I asked Abbey.
“Can you find out why Rach is doing here?”
They all groaned in response.
“What? I wanna know!”

So, Rachael’s boyfriend was Leah’s – Abbey’s cousin – cousin, too. She didn’t talk to us anymore, but stole some glances from Garrett. Her boyfriend glared at him, and I glared back. How weird is having your girlfriend’s ex in the same party as you? I don’t know. But that’s not a problem when his actual girlfriend – who he loves so much, if I may add - is with him.
Except for that, I had fun. I really needed that, a party with my friends. We hadn’t done that in a long time. Garrett didn’t leave my side – probably scared that I would act like a crazy bitch - and I was glad for that.
When we were about to leave, Rachael came talk to me. Garrett reluctantly let me go. I bit the inside of my cheek, crossing my arms on my chest. She took a deep breath.
“I wanted to say I’m sorry…”
I nodded.
“Look, it was wrong. I had broken up with my boyfriend and I decided to call Garrett, so I could make him jealou-“
“How dare you?” I asked, outraged.
“Will you listen to me or not?” she snapped.
I dropped my hands to my sides, clenching and unclenching my fits. I wanted to punch Rachael so badly, is it normal?
“I asked Garrett if he wanted to go out, and he said yes. I had no idea he didn’t tell you.. I had no idea you were dating him, to tell the truth. When he was telling me about you, I realized how happy he was. I felt guilty for calling Garrett there, and then you appeared. I didn’t understand a thing! You were glaring at us, and Garrett was desperate. When you left, he told me everything and went after you. I didn’t see him anymore.”
I looked down.
“That’s it, sorry Leigh.”
Rachael smiled at me and left, pacing back to her friends. I walked back to where Tim and Abbey were standing.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess so… She said she’s sorry.”
“See? She’s not the bitch you think she is” Abbey said.
I didn’t think of her as a bitch, I just didn’t trust her anymore. She had changed.
“Ha! You were ready to punch her, weren’t you?” Tim asked.
I smiled, and he took that as an yes.