Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 27

New York, New York was the only thing I could think of. Seriously.

“Stop jumping up and down” John said, placing his hands on my shoulders and forcing my down.

Uh… I wasn’t jumping up and down. Well, not exactly. We were in a plane, heading to the most amazing city in the world.

“Leave her alone, John” Max said. Yeah, leave me alone, John. I’m super excited.

I was sitting between John and Garrett – who gave up on me after five minutes squealing New York – and every time I opened my mouth to say something, John cut me off saying “do not talk about New York.” I rolled my eyes.

“Come on Gare, sing with me. Hell, I still love you New York. Hell, I still love you N-“

“Hush” John said, placing his hand over my mouth. I bit his palm.“Ew, stop it!”

“Gare, sing with me!”

“No, here” he said. Garrett gave me one of his earplugs. He was listening New York, New York. Nice. I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and he put his arm around me.

“Please, tell me she fell asleep” John muttered.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Oh fuck!”

I giggled. Humming to the lyrics of Ryan with Garrett, I did fall asleep.

John poking my shoulder woke me up later; cussing, I smacked his hand.

“Leigh, wake up” Garrett whispered in my ear.

“No” I said, my voice raspy from asleep. I snuggled closer to him.

“New York, New York, we’re here.”

My eyes snapped open and sat up straight. John looked awkwardly at me as I tried to look over Garrett’s shoulder. I could see the lights outside, as the plane approached the city. I was amazed, I had never seen something as pretty as that.

“Leigh, have you been to New York?” Jared asked. I looked at the seat behind me.

“No” I said shyly. They smiled.

“You’re gonna love it.”

“We’ll go to Times Square and I’ll sing Hey There Delilah.”

“Oh, no no no. No more songs” John whined “someone take her ipod from her.”

Yes, I fell in love with New York City; not only the city, but the people and the culture too. I was a bit lost; like Pat said, this city is fucking huge. If I didn’t have Garrett or the boys to help me, I would have gotten lost. And sat on a curb and cried for hours before ask someone to help me.

With John’s help – finally – I found the hotel where we were staying until Saturday. We got the keys to our rooms and went out for lunch. I found a cool place, after a few minutes driving around and listening to Pat and Garrett arguing about food. Seriously.

Later that day, John and Max found a club while driving around; they came back to the hotel, literally begging to go there. Since we had the day off, we agreed to go. Pat, Kennedy, Max and Jared just wanted a few shots. Ew. John wanted to try his luck with some girl. Gare and I… well, I don’t know.

I got ready, while Garrett still showered. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to make It look nice. Garrett opened the door and stopped.

“Yo-you look. Uh… you’re beautiful.”

I smiled, looking down. I was wearing a navy strapless dress, no big deal.

Garrett quickly got dressed and we met the others in the hallway. After a few jokes about my outfit – what made Pat mad – we headed to the club.

The place was crowded, and the loud music was making me deaf. I squirmed between the bodies dancing to the beat, alcohol, smoke and sweat filling my nostrils. Garrett hugged my closer to him as we walked to a booth in the back of the club, his hand placed flatly on my stomach, and I clutched into it, my fingers interlocked with his. I could feel every line of his body pressed to my own, as he placed his other hand on the curve of my waist. I leaned against the barstool, seeing many guys looking at me across the club, and Garrett probably did too, making him tighten his hands on my waist.

John ordered a few drinks, and soon, we were all drunk. I think. John was dancing with some girls he met at the bar; Pat, Max, Kenny and Jared were just talking. And Garrett and I, well…

“Stop kissing!” Pat complained. I pulled away from Garrett, laughing breathlessly.

“I think she’s too drunk to do something else” Jared said. I shook my head.

“I’m more sober than you, red guy. Hey, I wanna dance.”

“Dance?” Gare asked in doubt. “Ah, I don’t know.”

“Come on” I said, taking his hand and dragging him with me.

John seemed to be having fun. He was laughing and dancing with some fans, sometimes stopping to whisper something to them. He smiled when he saw Garrett and I walking to the middle of the crowd, hand in hand.

“What do you wanna do?” I asked. Garrett raised his eyebrows.

“Dance¿” He said, taking my arms and wrapping them around his neck.

Garrett placed his hands on my hips, hugging my closer to him. We weren’t exactly dancing, we were just… moving to the beat. I tangled my fingers in his hair, bringing his face to mine. I pressed my face to his neck, my eyes sliding shut.

“Did you fall asleep?” Garrett asked. I giggled.

“No, I didn’t.”

After a moment, I moved my face up, touching my lips to his neck. Deciding to tease him a little, I softly bit the space where his neck meets his shoulder, my hips slowly grinding against his. Garrett moved his hands to my ass, pressing my body even more to his and holding me there. I moaned softly, sucking on the spot under his ear.

“Le-let’s get out of here” he whispered, taking my hand.

We walked to the back of the club, to the restrooms. Garrett opened a door, slamming it behind him. I tried to switch the lights on, but I couldn’t make it though. The tiny cubicle wasn’t built for more than one person; making my body crush against Garrett. He immediately pressed my body to the wall behind me, and thanks to my high heels, we were at eye-level.

Garrett kissed me, more desperately than softly. I shoved my hand between us, hooking it into the belt loops of his jeans, holding his hips against mine. Having my drunken courage, I rubbed myself against him and was rewarded with several moans and sighs.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, as he pulled me carefully from the wall and lifted me from the ground, so I could wrap my legs around his hips. He slipped his hands under my dress and I heard the sharp sound of fabric shredding beneath his hands.

“Dammit Garrett, I like this dress.”

He laughed, and I couldn’t help but laugh too. His hands moved further as his lips moved down my neck to my exposed shoulders. His fingertips traced a line from my thighs to my hips and I could feel goose bumps forming where he had touched me. I kissed a line from his jaw to his lips, stopping only for a second. Garrett looked at me, before lean in.

Just when his lips were about to touch mine, a loud noise came from the outside.

“Leigh? Garrett? We’re going back to the hotel” Max said.

I sighed, closing my eyes as Garrett pulled back. He, carefully, untangled myself from him and set me down.

Garrett opened the door a little, peeking outside. Max was waiting there, looking awkward.

“I don’t even wanna know… We’re going back to the hotel, you coming?”

Garrett and I nodded, following Max back to the bar.

“Leigh, you look…”

“Messy, I know” I said. My hair was messy and I can tell my make up was smudged too.

“Lookin’ good” John teased when we walked back to the booth.

“Better than you” I replied. Garrett, Max and Jared laughed when John frowned, without having something better to reply.