Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 3

After a week, I found out what my mom meant when she said about “next week”. I was going back to school.
“Mom, mommy come on! I can graduate online like them” I said, pointing to Garrett and Pat.
“Please mommy, I’m senior this year, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease?” I pouted. My mom seemed to think about it.
“The answer is no” She said, causing the boys to laugh.
“Someone is going to school” Garrett sang.
“Someone is going to lose his balls” I sang back.
“Come on Mandy Moore, we both know that one day we might use them” he teased. I looked at him through wide eyes. Pat tried not to laugh – failing miserably. My mom just gave us a look.
“How dare you say that, Garrett?” I hissed.
“Sorry Leigh, it’s just…” He trailed off.
Things weren’t that weird after what happened. Garrett didn’t try to kiss me again and I was okay with that. But I squeezed his butt.

One week later, I was waking up at 7. I changed into denim shorts, white v-neck shirt and a black cardigan matching my red vans. I got into the kitchen, looking for something to eat.
“What are you doing here?” I said, pausing to yawn.
“I wanted to see you today, you know, I wouldn’t miss your first day of school. And you’re not looking so bad” Garrett said.
“Yeah, I’m looking good, whatever. I’m sooooooo sleepy” I sat on a chair, laying my head on Pat’s shoulder.
“You’re wearing too much make up, girl” My mom said, placing a plate with toasts in front of me.
“First,” I said, taking a bite of my toast “there’s no such thing as ‘too much make up’. I wear black eyeliner PLUS black mascara because they make my green eyes look awesome. Thanks for giving me these beauties” I pointed to my eyes “Second, I’m eighteen. I can wear make up, right?”
My mom rolled her eyes.
I took a few more bites of my toast, brushed my teeth and applied lip gloss.
“Okay, I’m going. Wish me luck.” I hugged Pat and kissed Garrett’s cheek.
“EW! Glossy!” Garrett grimaced, wiping the gloss off of his face.
“Strawberry, baby” I smiled “You haven’t wished me good luck!”
“oh, I’m sorry. Good luck, babe” Garrett stood up, wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned down. I thought he’d kiss my cheek, but he actually licked it.
“Douche!” I grimaced, cleaning my cheek. I laughed when I saw him trying to clean his tongue.
“Foundation” I shrugged.
“Just get the fuck out”
“Are you throwing me out of my own house?” I smiled.
“Well, you’re late…” Pat started.
“Okay okay, bye!” I yelled.

So, school officially sucks. Let’s say that I’m kinda excluded. I used to hang with the boys, even though they’re older than me, but when they graduated, I was left alone. Some girls still talked to me, only when they had something to ask about the band. They usually would start as “oh, how’s Garrett, or John, or Kennedy?”, I would answer them e they would ignore me talking about how hot they are. God, Pat is my brother. THAT’S DISGUSTING!
I was gathering my books in my locker when I heard this girl talking about The Maine.
“I know that some of them studied in this school. Ask me anything about them, and I’ll answer you.”
I rolled my eyes before closing my locker. The girl looked at me before rolling her eyes and turn away.
“Ahn… Chelsea, this is Leigh” the another girl muttered. Chelsea looked at her. “This is Leigh. Leigh Kirch.”
“Hum.. yes?” I said.
“God, I love you. And your brother. And your brother’s band.”
“My brother and Garrett started the band, actually. But, how do you know me?”
“Well, I’m a huge fan of The Maine. I search things about them on the internet and everything..” After that, I stopped listening to whatever she was saying.
Unfortunately, the girl ended up dragging me with her. I spent the whole lunch listening to her- talking about nonsense things about Garrett and John; she even talked about Tim! Fortunately, I didn’t have any classes with her.

Kennedy was the chosen to pick me up. When I reached the parking lot, a lot of girls were around the white suburban, taking pictures or asking for autographs. I leaned against the car, waiting for the girls realize their fangirl dreams. After 15 minutes, we finally got in the car.
“Sorry” Kenny said.
“Well, you’re Kennedy Brock, the hottest guy in the whole world. Of course they’d want to take a picture with you.”I laughed “What are you doing here, by the way?”
“I was on my way to your house. I thought I could pick you up” He shrugged.
“Thanks Kenny” I smiled.
“Anytime, Leigh.”

The next days were the same thing: home, school, school, home. Sometimes, hanging with the boys. At school, someone would always ask about the band or something, but never really talking to me. The most awkward thing was some boys asking me out. Why would I go out with boys who just wanted to get in my pants, if I could stay home with Gare?
And that’s what I did. On Friday, Pat and I went to his house. We played Left 4 Dead until Mrs. Nickelsen called us.
“Pizza!” Garrett smiled as we made our way to the kitchen.
Trey was there too. He told us a joke, making me laugh so hard that I ended up spitting Coke on Garrett. It just made me laugh even more. Man, his face was priceless! He went to his room change, while we finished eating.
A few minutes later, Garrett came back with a grin on hi face.
“Why are you so happy, Garrett? You’re not planning anything, are you?” I asked.
“No! You’ll never guess what happened!”
We all looked at him, waiting for him to continue.
“Rachael just called me. We’re going out tomorrow!”
Pat, who was drinking some water, choked a little. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, waiting for my reaction. I quickly left the room, walking towards the street. I can’t believe it. Rachael, again? They’d go out , she’d break his heart again and he’d feel bad for days.
I heard Garrett calling my name, but I didn’t care. I didn’t know if I was sad or angry. Or both. I just couldn’t believe it. My phone buzzed in my pocket; I took it out to see who was calling me. Of course it was him. I turned my phone off and started walking aimlessly.
I heard someone running, and I turned to see who it was. Garrett ran towards me, stopping a few inches away.
“Amanda, I’m sorry.” He tried.
“You shouldn’t” I said “I should feel sorry for you. You were the broken hearted one. You’ll be that broken hearted guy again. I can’t believe that you’re coming back to her! After all she’s done to you, remember? No? I do” I didn’t realized I was yelling. Garrett cringed a little “I won’t spend another night awake worried about you Garrett… ” I cut off when I noticed the tears falling from my eyes.
Garrett took my hand, sat on the curb and sat me on his lap, his arms around me, letting my cry for minutes; maybe hous, I don’t know. After what seemed like hours, Garrett sighed.
“Leigh, let’s go home. It’s cold” he whispered.
I stood up and Garrett followed me. He wiped the tears from under my eyes and hugged me. I felt the sobs starting again.
“Leigh, don’t cry” Garrett pleaded. He put an arm around my waist, and led us back to his house.
Trey, Jenna - his girlfriend, and Mrs. Nickelsen were eating pizza in the kitchen. She looked like she was gonna say something but Garrett lightly shook his head and led us towards the living room. We sat on the couch and I lay my head on his chest, his arms never leaving me. Garrett gently kissed the top of my head.
“Goodnight Leigh” I heard him whisper as I drifted off to sleep.