Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 37

I rolled on the bed, listening to someone, hearing someone snoring softly next to me. At first I thought it was Pat, but then I remembered I was waiting for Garrett and accidentally fell asleep.

I opened my eyes a little, looking around. Garrett was lying next to me, his eyes closed and his mouth lightly open. He kept a good distance between our bodies, but his arm was placed between us, his fingers holding the hem of my shirt. I looked at the other side of the room; Max was in his bed, his back facing us. The clock on the nightstand said it was almost 6.

I stretched my arms and legs and sat up, rubbing my eyes. Gently, I removed my shirt from Garrett’s hand and he scooted closer to me.

“Leigh?” he whispered, his voice raspy. Ops.


“Yesterday when I came back, you were sleeping. I didn’t want to wake you.”

He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

“D-do you want to talk to me?” I asked. He frowned and sat up. Max sighed, loud enough to startle me, and rolled on his bed, still back to us.

“I didn’t mean to say those things to you last night” Garrett said, gaining my attention again. I bit my lip.

“I saw you were so excited to meet Paul and Martin and I thought you were doing that to make me jealous, and well, I was jealous.“

“You are so silly” I said, smiling. He frowned, more puzzled than mad.


“I was excited to meet them because I like them, not because I wanted to make you jealous. It was a great idea though” I said. Why I didn’t think of that?

“Silly” he repeated and scoffed. I smiled again. “Will you forgive me or not?”

“Yes Garrett, yes. Even though I don’t have reasons to.”

He sighed and took my hands in his.

“I am really sorry Leigh.”

“Me too.”

Garrett pulled me to him and laid us back on the bed; I snuggled up to him.

“I love you, you know that?” he whispered, kissing the top of my head.

“Stop being all lovey-dovey” Max said from his bed. I giggled.

“Sorry Moose.”

“No problem, kid.”

I circled Garrett’s torso with my free arm and rested my head on his chest. I was feeling tired, I went to bed late and woke up earlier than I needed to.

“Why don’t we go back to sleep?” Garrett said, reading my thoughts. I nodded and kissed his cheek. He shifted under me, rolling on the bed so he was facing me. We gazed at each other for a moment, before I speak again.

“Gare?” I whispered. He raised his eyebrows in response. “Do you know the music video of Hero Heroine?”

Garrett rolled his eyes.

“No, I’m serious! Don’t you think Martin and that girl sorta look like us¿ If we brok-“

“Don’t say that” Garrett whispered and kissed the tip of my nose.

“Up” I continued as if he hadn’t interrupted me “do you think we’d get back together?”

“I don’t see why not” He shrugged.

“Good. I don’t want to break up with you.”

“I already told you, I didn’t mean to say those things to you.”

“Shh Gare, it’s okay.”

I leaned closer, but before my lips could touch his, he moved back. I frowned.

“You said you’d be disgusted to kiss me ever again, so, you won’t kiss me ever again.”

My jaw dropped.


“No, not ever again, because that would not be coo, let’s say… for a long time.”

“That’s not fair, Garrett.”

“Life is not fair.”

I pouted and Garrett smiled. Placing my hands on his naked shoulders, I tried to hold him in place.

“Not gonna work.”

Before my lips graze on his, he stopped be my holding my arms. I didn’t move as he slowly leaned in and his lips touched mine, not really kissing me.

“Goodnight, Leighbear” he whispered, his face still pressed to mine.

When I woke up later at the sound of laughter, I realized the room was… crowded. Garrett was still sleeping, his arm wrapped tightly around me, my body molded to his. Pat was sleeping on my other side and Kennedy was lying by the end of the bed, his head resting on Garrett’s leg. Jared and John were lying on the other bed with Max. They were watching cartoons and making fun of someone – me?

“Shut up” I said, kicking something. Kennedy groaned in response.

“Well well, look who woke up” John said.

“Apparently not Gare or Pat” I said, pulling the covers over my head. They laughed at me and Pat turned, his butt pushing me even more onto Garrett.

“I wanna sleep” I whined.

“Do you know what time is it?” Jared asked.


“It’s 1. We’re here since 11.”

“1? Shit, we’re late! We have to pack our bags an-“

“We already did that.”

Good. Oh wait. I pulled my covers back, sitting on the bed. Garrett groaned.

“Did you pack my bags?” I asked them awkwardly. You know, I’m a girl. I have woman stuff in my bags. Plus, all my clothes and… ugh; I shivered inwardly.

“No, thank God!” John said. Yeah, thank God.

“We’re leaving at 5. We still have a plenty of time” Max said.


I pulled the blankets over my head again and turned to Garrett. He opened his left eye, just a little.

“Hey” I whispered. He smiled, closing his eyes tightly. “Wake up!”

“No” He said, sounding weary.

“Open your eyes” I said and he did as he was told.

“What are they doing?” I heard John ask. “Are they making out? That’s disgusting.”

“Shut up, John.”

“Shush” Pat said from my side.

I didn’t listen to them. I placed my hands on both sides of Garrett’s face and brought him closer to me.

“No” he whispered, holding my hands in his.


“Love ya too” he smiled.

“Why Garrett, why? Ugh, this is so frustrating.”

“Because I want to. Now, get up. We need to get ready. We are going to Maine today.”