Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 38

Frustration. Ugh, Garrett is such a jerk. Idiot. Moron. What else? Faggot. No, not that. But I just can’t help it. He kept his promise of “you won’t kiss me ever again” and it felt like I haven’t kissed him in ages. What doesn’t help either, is that he’s always teasing me as hell and I’m always… uh, not horny, but… how do the fans say? Sexually frustrated? Yeah, sexually frustrations. On my own boyfriend.

I bit my lip, thinking about today when we were in the van going to the hotel. We sat in the back, and at first, he only kissed my cheek but then his lips moved downwards…. After a few kisses and bites and suckles, rewarded with several moans and sighs, I tried to kiss him and he simply pushed me away. He’s a jerk, I know! His teases always drive me up the fucking wall. All the fucking time.

“Ew, stop it!” John cried like a little boy. Wut, I thought puzzled.

“Amanda” Pat said, looking straight at me, “You just moaned.”

Big ops. I looked at Garrett; his head was bowed, his hair falling on his eyes. All I could see were his lips, twisted up in a sly smile.

“Asshole” I said. His smile grew wider. “Garrett!”

“What’s going on?” Kennedy asked.

“Garrett is making my life painful and he’s enjoying it” I replied. Garrett turned his smile at me. John made a disgusted noise and Jared laughed.

“This is so not funny” I said, folding my arms on my chest.

“Oh, come on babe” Garrett said, taking my hand.

We were in the room John was sharing with Max, planning what to do. Garrett led us to our room and locked the door behind him.

“What are we going to do?” I asked. He shrugged.

I hopped on the bed and turned on the tv. House was on, boo. Garrett laid next to me and kicked off his boots.

We stood like that for a while, but I barely paid attention to the tv. I was thinking of Garrett and… all the good things we had done. I bit my lip.

“You’re doing that again” Garrett poked me and I rolled my eyes.

“Alright, Nickelsen.”

I turned off the tv and hopped on him, pressing his legs together as I sat on his stomach.

“What are you going to do? What? No. No, Leigh. Help, she’s going to rape me!”

I chuckled darkly as he writhed beneath me, his body twisting from side to side. I grabbed his hands and held them over his head.

“Shh” I whispered, leaning down. He smirked, looking down at my lips. Just when I was about to kiss him, he turned away. “Garrett!”

He laughed, turning back and kissing my cheek. Oh nooo.

His lips touched the corner of my jaw and moved down to my exposed throat, kissing and sulking. I gave a small moan and felt his lips curl into a smile. My grip on his wrists tightened.

“Ow, Leigh!”

Garrett pressed his lips together as I tried to kiss him again.

“I hate you!”

“You and I both know it’s not true” he said, smiling sweetly.

“The fuck it isn’t.”

I released his arms and he shifted, rolling on the bed and gliding my body beneath his.

Garrett’s lips never more than brushed mine, making me whimper – AND punch his chest – as he bowed his head and kissed the space between my neck and shoulder. He lowered the neckline of the shirt I was wearing and planted kisses along my collar bones. I felt his teeth tease my tender skin and a shiver traveled down my body.

My hands grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and using all my strength, I tried to hold his body in place. I closed my eyes, feeling his lips on my neck, his teeth gently gliding against my skin. A shuddered moan escaped my lips, only making Garrett tease me more. He slipped his hand under my body, using his thumb to rub small circles on my shoulder.

“Oh God. No. Damn. Garrett” I stumbled on my own words, trying to say something coherent.

“What?” He purred, kissing my jaw. I aimed my hands at his chest, trying to push him away but I never made it. He tugged at my hands and held them, interlocking our fingers.

“Gare” I whined quietly. Garrett leaned back to take a proper look on my face. The fucker was smiling. He was enjoying my pain!

“Stop” I whispered, looking at him straight in the eyes.

“Alright” he shrugged and released me.

“No, this is not what I meant!” I said desperately as he sat on the bed, searching for his boots. I kneeled behind him, sliding my arms around his neck.

“You don’t want to do it.”

“Yes, I do.”

Before my lips could even graze on his neck, he grabbed my hands and kissed them quickly, before unwrap himself from me and get up. Rejection hit me hit me, strong and bold, in a way that I didn’t expect. I hopped off of the bed, pushing Garrett out of my way and headed back to John’s room where everybody was.

I slammed the door behind me and sank in the recliner next to the tv.

“What’s up Baby Girl?” John asked while Garrett walked in the room. I scowled.


“Do not talk to me.”

“Garrett’s giving her a real hard time” Jared said. Ugh.

“Teenagers and their hormones” John said, shaking his head. I rolled my eyes.

“Garrett is in a constant cold shower, it is amazing! I mean, is that even possible? It drives me insane!”

A burst of laughter filled the room, making me even more pissed.

“She’s frustrated, man” Jared said “it’s like that lack of sex thing all over again.”

“Ugh, don’t say that” I said, covering my face with my hands. It sounded worse out loud.

“Leigh, lov-“

“Don’t call me love” I snapped. John giggled.

“But you started this in the first place!” Garrett said, trying to sound innocent. Yeah, completely, totally, utterly innocent.

“Just don’t talk to me” I said, ending our talk.