Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 4

I woke up, feeling Garrett’s arms around me. The clock said 3 am. I looked up to find a sleepy Garrett laying next to me. I smiled when I saw his face; sleepy Garrett was the cutest thing in the world. I tried to move, not wanting to wake him. I gently removed his hands from my waist and got up, silently making my way to the kitchen. I shrieked when I saw a shadow.
“What the fuck, Trey?” I whispered when I heard his laugh.
“Sorry. Hm… are you okay?” He asked quietly.
“Yes” I muttered looking at my feet, knowing what he was talking about.
“Okay, good. Go back to sleep; I’m sure that even sleeping, Garrett misses you.”
I laughed.
“Trey…” I started, unsure.
“What do you think? Garrett will go out with Ray tomorrow or…”
“I don’t know, Leigh. You’re too important to him. He wouldn’t want to hurt you that way” Trey said.
“Yeah, I think so… Thanks, Trey” I smiled.
“No problem, Leigh” he answered.
I walked back to the living room. Garrett sat on the couch, rubbing his eyes.
“What time is it?”
“3 am” I answered.
“Let’s go to my room, so we can sleep properly” He took my hand and went to his room.
I lay down on his bed, closing my eyes. I heard clothes falling on the floor; Garrett laid beside me, his arms around me again.
“Garrett, just… Don’t get hurt ok?” I asked, tracing his bottom lip with my thumb.
Garrett sighed.
“Ok” he said, kissing my cheek. I closed my eyes again and snuggled into his chest.

I slowly opened my eyes to find Gare staring at me. I stared back into his blye eyes.
“What are you doing?” I moaned.
“Watching you sleep” He said simply. I looked at him through narrowed eyes.
“You look cute when you’re asleep” He shrugged.
“Aw Garrett Daniel Nickelsen, always so cheesy!” I smiled. We heard Trey laugh.
“Jerk!” Garrett called.
“Love you too!” he yelled back.
“Come on, get up and get ready” I said. It reminded me of Stay Up, Get Down; yeah, I’m a weirdo.
“Nah, I wanna sleep more” Garrett whined, tightening his arms around my waist.
“Nope” I said, popping the P.
“Yes” he said.
“No” I said, pushing him out of the bed.
His arms were around me, causing me to fall on top of him. I yelled when we hit the ground.
“That was your fault, Leigh. You pushed me” Garrett laughed.
“Are you okay?” Mrs. Nickelsen asked, opening the door a little.
I blushed when I realized what we looked like. Garrett was wearing only boxers, and I was on top of him.
“Yeah mom. Breakfast’s ready?” He asked. She nodded and closed the door.
“Go change, so we can have breakfast. I’m hungry” I poked Garrett.

Garrett drove me home after breakfast, parking in front of my house. He rested his hand on my thigh and I took it, lacing our fingers together.
“I really don’t know what to say. I’m sorry is not enough.”
“Do you remember what I said?” I looked at him.
“Don’t get hurt” He nodded.
“Yes, so don’t worry about it.”
Garrett sighed.
“Are you coming?” I asked.
Garrett squeezed my hand before answering.
“No… I have things to do. I guess… I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Okay” I kissed his cheek.
I got out of his awesome yellow car and walked towards my house. Dad was watching tv with Tim in the living room.
“Where have you been?”
“Hm.. Pat didn’t tell you?” I raised an eyebrow.
“He said that you had problems to solve. He didn’t say you’d stay out all night” I heard my mom say from the kitchen.
“Is everything ok?” Tim asked, talking for the first time. “Where did you sleep last night?”
“Hum.. At Garrett’s. Look, it’s a complicated thing and I don’t wanna talk about it, ok?” I looked around “where’s Pat, by the way?”
“At Lauren’s house” Dad answered me.
I checked my phone; it wasn’t even 10 am yet.
“Ok” I said, going to my room.

I took a long shower, thinking about what Trey said. Garrett cared too much about me; that’s a good thing right? Maybe yes, maybe no. He knows how I feel about him, but I know how much he loved Rachael.
Tim was sitting along on the couch when I went downstairs.
“Where’s dad?” I asked, sitting by his side.
“Went out with mom” He told me.

We sat in silence for a moment, the only sound was the tv on. “Leigh, what’s going on?”
“Between you and Garrett. Come on, talk to your big bro!”
I made a disgusted sound. Cheesy Tim was never good.
“Leigh, I know you have this thing for Garrett. Now, spill” I knew that tone; overprotective brother mode on. I sighed before answering.
“Rachael called Gare yesterday.”
“And you’re jealous…?”
“No! I’m afraid that she’ll hurt him again.”
“You don’t have to worry about that. Garrett is an adult and he can take care of himself.” Tim shrugged.
“No. Garrett can take care of himself, but he’s not an adult” I chuckled.

As time passed by, I became more and more nervous. Tim, Lauren and Pat assured me that everything was fine. Even JohnOhh was here. He played videogames, trying to distract me. At least, he tried.
“John O’Callaghan, you suck!” I said, dropping my console.
“But Amanda Leigh, that zombie scared me! That’s why I got killed”
“You, John Ohh, lead singer of The Maine, scream like a faggot” I laughed.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like this!” He said, pulling my foot. He laughed when my back hit the ground.
“Asshole” I called, trying to get up.
“What?” He shouted. He lifted me upside down, laughing while I struggled. “What’s this? Do I hear an apology?”
“I’M SORRY JOHN!” I yelled, laughing.
“That’s good” He said, dropping me on the couch.
I quickly stood up and kicked John’s.. ahn.. well, you know. John fell to his knees, groaning in pain. I swear, I saw a tear falling from his eye.
“It looks like my girl knows how to fight” Someone said from behind me.
I turned to see Garrett leaning against the wall. I took a step back in surprise, tripping over John and falling. I screamed when my hand hit the coffee table.
“Are you okay?” John asked. My hand hurt too much and it was slightly swollen.
“No” I whined.
“What? Are you okay, Leigh?” Garrett bent down next to me.
“I think I broke my hand.”
Garrett examined my hand for a moment. I heard Lauren and Pat running down the stairs.
“What happened? We heard Leigh screaming” Pat asked, worried “Hey Gare.”
“An accident happened and Leigh broke her hand” John Ohh explained.
“Come on, let’s take you to the doctor” Garrett helped me to get up.
“We’re coming” Lauren said.

Arriving at the hospital, we had to wait for a moment. Garrett had his arm around me, while John, Pat and Lauren talked. I stared at him, wondering why he was here. He looked up and smiled at me.
“Why are you here?” I asked.
“Because you broke your hand” he frowned “Do you want me to go?”
“No” I rolled my eyes “what about Rachael?”
“You’re important. She isn’t. Not anymore. And well, she’ll survive” Garrett shrugged.