Fuel to the Fire

Chapter 40

I was feeling good; satisfied, like Garrett had said. I had been awake for a while now, just enjoying the moment. His arms were locked around me, my body pressed so closely to his, his chest to my back, our legs intertwined between the sheets. I didn’t want to get up, but soon, we would have to.

Garrett sighed, his lips barely brushing against my shoulder. I squirmed, giggling.

“What’s so funny?” he whispered.

“Nothing, actually it is not funny. I have to get up in ten but I don’t want to.”

“That’s crap.”

Just to prove him wrong, my phone buzzed on the nightstand next to the bed. I picked it up and looked at the dialer.

“Why are you calling me? It’s so early there in Arizona.”

“I’m going to 8123 work out” Tim said; I could hear the smile in his voice. Seriously, is Timothy my real brother? Because he’s always waking up early for jogs and working out. I like waking up after 2 and eat Mexican.

“I thought you weren’t going to wake up in time.”

“Well, I did wake up in time. Earlier than I needed, actually.”

“That’s a miracle.”

“Bla bla bla, is that all? bye, Timothy.”

“No, wait” Tim called “are you okay, is anything wrong or?”

“I’m fine Tim, things are fine now. If you don’t mind, I wanna enjoy the last few minutes I have in this huge be-”

“Garrett’s there I got it, but I gotta to talk to you. You’re leaving Portland tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Austin is still in New York and he’s asking if is okay for you guys to wait for him so you all can come back to Arizona together.”

“I don’t see why not.”

“Okay, I’ll call him.”

Tim hung up and I tossed my phone away, by the end of the bed.

“Are you sure Tim is my brother?”

“Well, he looks exactly like you. Why?”

“He’s going to 8123.”

Garrett’s eyebrows shot up, as he waited for me to continue.

“He’s going to 8123… to work out. It’s not even 8 there in Arizona, how can he wake up so early?”

“You’re right, is he your real brother?”

I chuckled. Garrett smiled and then sighed.

“Do we really have to get up?”

“No if we don’t want to.”


The turned on the tv, casually flipping through the channels. I smiled, laying my head on his chest as his hand drifted up and down my arms lazily.

“Are you serious, we can stay here?”

“No” I said, sitting up suddenly and smacking my hands on his chest.


“What are you doing in there?” John asked from the outside. He knocked softly on the door.

“Sweet love, John, wanna join us?”

John made a disgusted sound, followed by a laugh. Garrett scoffed and I furrowed my brows, puzzled by his reaction.

“What’s up?”

He sat up, his back to me. I placed my hands on his shoulders, kneeling behind him.

“Wanna join us” he repeated, all grumpy. Oh, good, this is me, as always, talking too much. I forgot my whole story with John and it was a bit strange to think of that. Ew. Anyway…

“Aw, you’re jealous!”

He rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone on the nightstand.

“Seriously Garebear” I stopped and he smiled a little. “It’s been a while since the last time I called you Garebear. Really Gare, there’s no need to be jealous. I love you, only you. In the whole world. I could love Ryan Adams, Morrissey, John Mayer, Adam Lazarra and all those other guys from cool bands but no, I am here with you. So yeah, I love you.”

He pursed his lips for a second, still looking down. I kissed his cheek and jumped from the bed.

“Hey Leigh” Garrett called as I stepped to the bathroom. I turned to him “I love you too.”

Portland was amazing, this time it all happened. Garrett took me to Portland Harbor, we listened to Coast of Maine, had cute moments… and do you know what’s nice? The guys didn’t teased or mocked us for being all romantic again. It had been a while since we had moments like these. I think they finally understood how much these things mean to me or how much I love Garrett.

And Gare… I think he felt guilty. It seemed like he was trying to make up for the past few days, everything we did to each other. I was doing the same because I felt guilty too. Garrett was special, you’ll never meet someone like him again. It would be so hard if I lost him.

But enough with the sappy shit, the show in Portland was the one I was waiting for. It was sold out in the first weeks and the fans were really excited to have the band there.

“It sounds like a joke” Kenny said, sipping his water “we’re The Maine and we’re in Maine.”

I giggled.

“We’re The Maine, but we’re from Arizona.”

“Nah, it wasn’t that funny Gare” I said. He rolled his eyes and chuckled, feeling his arm slip around my waist.

“What time is it?” Pat asked. I checked my phone.

“Almost 9. It’s time to go.. So put all your clothes on, I got the keys, baby you’re so gone!”

They laughed as I got up from the table I was sitting, tugging on Garrett’s hand. They followed me as I led them through the hall, humming the we like to party chant. Jared laughed.

“It’s stuck in my head, make it stop!” I complained.

“It is not that bad” John said “the fans like it.”

We reached the end of the small hallway, where I could see the stage perfectly. Wow, it was.. crowded. Full of girls wearing The Maine shirts and screaming.

“Uh… good luck guys.”

They smiled. Kennedy was the first one to go; the crowd interrupted in cheers and screams when they saw him. I watched as they walked to the stage, a grin on their faces. John ruffled my hair and I smacked his hand away, then I hugged Pat. Garrett placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head back, pecking my lips softly.

The first song they played was I Must Be Dreaming, followed by Girls Do What They Want. It was amazing, and aw, I was so proud of my boys!

By the end of the concert, Garrett shouted something to Pat, I couldn’t make out what they were saying; Pat smiled and nodded. Garrett called John and shouted something again, John nodded too.

“So guys” John said into his microphone “there is a song, it is really especial to us, but even more especial to someone who’s here with us tonight…”

“Is it Leigh?” a girl yelled from the crowd. John smiled at her.

“I don’t think there’s any other way to represent our love for this person than playing this song tonight. Well, we’re The Maine, we are in Maine and… we are going to play Coast Of Maine.”

I am sorry if I need help re-attatching my jaw to my face. I clinged to Max, needing something to keep me grounded. Pat looked at me and laughed at my face. Pat and Jared smiled.

John began to sing and I covered my mouth with both hands. I am fangirling and I. Don’t. Give. A. Single. Fuck. Oh my god, they were playing Coast of Maine to me! Thank God I wasn’t crying, it would only make things worse. Have I ever mentioned how much I love my friends? John stopped singing for a second to laugh at me and I flipped him off.

The fans were singing to the song, which they probably knew because of The Maine. And.. oh my god, make me shut up, I’m still fangirling.

“Thank you, we love you!” John called out, after they sang the entire song.

I ran towards them, my body colliding against Jared’s, who was the first one coming. Even thought they were sweaty – what’s is extremely ew, you all know who I am – I couldn’t stop hugging them.

“Did you like it?” Kenny asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“That’s a yes” Pat said “it was all Gare’s idea.”

Gare smiled shyly as I turned to him.

“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”

“No, but now you know how much I love you.”