Status: Active . . . Maybe

Lies and Love

Bruised ego

“Mitch, why are you being so difficult about this?” I asked as he once again decided to ignore what I told him to do and do things his own way. “I mean honestly, you just have to write down the names of the cell organisms, not draw it.”

“Psh, whatever! My way is more creative.” He said acting like a little boy.

“It’s not about being creative, it’s about answering the question correctly and you’ll lose marks if you do it wrong.” I stated. He turned away with a pout on his face. “Mitch don’t be like that!” I don’t know why I even cared that he was sad, but it somehow made me feel guilty.

“I’m not being like anything.” He threw me a sideways glance.

“Yes, you are, you’re acting like a little boy who got scolded.”

“You scolded me.” He said with a little sadness crawling through his voice.

“I’m sorry Mitch, but you need to get it right, or you won’t pass the class.” I felt bad about scolding him, even if it wasn’t a bad scolding. He let out a long breath and looked at me.

“No, I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening. I guess I was just stalling.”

“Stalling for what?”

“So you wouldn’t have to leave . . . I like having you around.” He had the ghost of a blush on his cheeks, and what he’d said made my heart flutter happily. I felt the happiest I’ve ever been in that moment and I had no idea why. I was supposed to be afraid of this guy, cautious ‘cuz he’s a murderer, but I didn’t. Instead I felt like we’d been friends for years, and not just with Mitch, with Lee, Jake and Aaron too. Somehow I felt bad that I’ve never hung out with them, or gotten to know them before. Honestly, at this moment I don’t care what Jul has to say about them, even if she is my best friend.

“You know, I’ll be coming back tomorrow, so we can continue right? We’re not even past the first chapter yet.” I smiled at Mitch. “It might take us a few weeks to get to where the class is now.” Mitch smiled at me.

“Yay! You get to come home with me for a few weeks.” He looked like he just won the lottery. “We can hang out together every day and chill with Aaron and the others and laugh at my sisters idiocy!” I smacked his arm.

“You’re sister is not the idiot here!”

“Then who is?”

“You.” I said with a teasing smile.

“Way to build up my confidence.” He said sarcastically.

“Awe, did your ego get bruised?” I asked

“Yes, you need to nurse it to health, by telling me how awesome I am!”

“As if, I think it’s still too big.” I smiled. My eye caught the clock on the wall; it was already 6pm. “Shit! I need to get home!” Mitch looked at the clock too and realization hit his features.

“Shit! I’ll take you home!” He grabbed my bags and books and a jacket. He ran out the door, but came back a few seconds later, picked me up and ran to the car. I don’t know if it was my imagination or what, but I’m sure I heard laughing in the living room. When we reached the car, he opened the passenger door and gently put me inside and buckled my seatbelt. Me on the other hand I was so shocked when he picked me up that I sat like a frozen zombie, not able to do anything at all. He put my bags in the back seat and ran around to the driver’s seat.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize how late it was.” He said finally.

“It . . . It’s okay, I didn’t either, I guess time flies when you’re having fun.” I said with a smile. Mitch, in turn, smiled too.

“I guess it does, now show me where you live.” He said pulling away from his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I know it took a while, but I had a bit of writers block.

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