Full Throttle and M&Ms Do Not Mix

I'm Throwing A Line Out to Sea

"Okay Andy, truth or dare?" Stephen asked.

"Hm... Dare."

Ray shot Andy a smug look and Stephen and an exasperated look.

"I dare you to play your next show wearing pink, yellow and purple."

"Fine, Ray truth or dare?"


"Who's sexier, me or Stephen?"

"Stephen." She shrugged.

"Oh my god! Ray you whore!" Alex shrieked.

"Eh, it's the truth ain't it?"

"Yeah... But still!" Ray laughed.

"Truth or dare Alex?"


"I dare you to prank Patrick."

"Shit...Fine. Stephen, truth or dare."


"I dare you to french Joe."

"Aw, shit. Fine...RAY BEAR TRUTH OR DARE?!"

"Damn...Dare, I guess."

"I dare you to lick Pete's armpit after tonights show."

"Eh, whatever. Sure. Kris truth or dare.''

''Shit Ray I was trying to suprise them."