Full Throttle and M&Ms Do Not Mix

The Walls Line the Bullet Holes.

Kris huffed and Stephen looked at Ray, “Are you going to tell him or shall we?”

Ray sat crying shaking her head.

Stephen began to walk over to him, but Kris stopped him, “Let me handle this. Stay with Ray. You’re better at comforting her.”

Andy began to move toward but Kris put her hand on his chest, “Dude. I need to talk to y-”

“Well I’m sure it can wait ‘till I find out what’s wrong with-” his voice a little bitter.

“It’s about her…” she looked at him. His eyes were so concerned, you’d think Ray was told she had three days to live. They exited the bus, the others nowhere to be found.

“Andy… you remember my brother’s wedding?”

“Adam, yeah. Go on.” He was looking agitated.

“Uh. Something happened to Ray there. Something she wasn’t willing to do.”

Andy looked at her, “Oh god. Please tell me it’s not what I’m thinking.”

“She-She was raped, Andy.” Kris could feel a tear run down her cheek.

Andy burst out into screaming and pounding the sides of the bus. He slammed open the bus door, almost ripping it off it’s hinges, “I! Swear! To! God! I! Will!-”

He was cut off by Ray, “Andy, please… be quiet.”

“Ray… I’m so sorry.” He hugged her and you could tell he was crying by the change in his voice. “Ray, tell me you’re okay.”

“I’m-” She sniffed, “I’m fine.” She said it more to reassure all three of them.

Kris went back into shock and gave Ray the biggest look. Ray knew what it was about.

She looked at Andy,” I need you to go for a minute, Andy. Please. It’ll only be a minute.” Meanwhile Kris was attempting to push Stephen off the bus, not even budging him.

She pushed Stephen once more, “Dude, just go… pleeeeease.” He looked at Ray and she nodded.

Kris huffed and crossed her arms, “Oh sure… listen to her.” She looked at Ray and sat next to her.

“Ray, how long has it been since you’ve gotten your period?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Yes, you do.”

“About two months…”

Kris put her head in her hands, “God damn!”

“It’s not my fault!”

“I know, I know,” Kris comforted her.