Full Throttle and M&Ms Do Not Mix

Keep Telling Yourself That I'm A Diva

Ray ran outside after Kristyne. She found Kristyne sitting against the wall.

"I..Uh...I told you Pete was an ass."

"You're not mad at me?"

Ray sat next to her.

"Honey of course I'm pissed. You invaded my privacy. But what are friends for?"

Kristyne laughed. "Sure Ray. I'm sorry. I never meant to-"

"Hey none of that now. We are all good."

"Ray?" Andy came rushing out."Oh...Um..Just to let you guys know, Joe's nose isn't broken just bleeding pretty bad. He doesn't need to go to the hospital or anything. "

"Thanks babe." Ray kissed him. "Come on." She pulled Kris to her feet.

"Andy, this is my fellow My Chemical Romance Stalker Kristyne of as we call her Kris and Kris this is my boyfriend Andy."

Kris laughed."You treat her right or what happened to Joe will happen to you somewhere near your balls."

Andy gulped and Ray laughed."Now, lets go kick Pete's ass."

Andy and Kris followed her back inside.