Status: uhhh idk lol :3

Cirque Du Gothique


Hello, anybody who might be reading this. my name is Connie Brooks, well, actually its Cornelia Natallie Ann Brooks, but i guess you see why everyone just calls me Connie. And that, unfortunatly, is probably the only weird thing about my life. I hate my life. And im not some teenager who's full of angst, just cuz her parents didnt get her that new cell phone, or those shoes that everyone is wearing. Ive never been like that. I guess i always just figured, that maybe the reason why i dont get to have these things was because we were poor,and for families who have to live through poverty, well, the kids just have to grow up. I feel like thats the reason why im so negative. It could also be because of the music i listen to, which is all negative, but real, not just sone party dance song about falling in love. I find that music to be quite annoying, and how everyone thinks its real music. When you live in poverty, you realize that survival comes first, and sometimes you have to spare those "totally cute boots everyones wearing" or watever.

Im a realist. I feel like once you know about something, its kinda hard to think of how it was before you knew, like an 8 year old, finding out santa clause isnt real. Possibly the ultimate childhood shatterer, that at least breaks a dent ino your life, therefore, making you grow up.
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hey, this whole story is from my story Carnival City, on quizilla. I just renamed it to this, and i'll be writing the rest on here :) hope you enjoy. my old account on quizilla is XxngstsemozombieninjaxX and i'll also be posting Zombie Pizza on here eventually. :3

ipwnedyourmom is editing all the chapters