Status: Having another go at this.

All the Things She Said


"I should go," Lillian blurted out. She quickly slid off of Harry's bed and slipped her shoes back onto her feet. She hadn't meant to stay so long, nor get so comfotable. Harry's mother had brought her back to reality and reminded her that she couldn't do things like this. She wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, but Harry's hand grabbed hers, preventing her from leaving. Lillian let out a little yelp and pulled away from him.

"Sorry Lillybeth, I forgot," Harry said. His voice had filled with an even more groggy tone. In the light, his eyes were bloodshot with circles underneath. Earlier that day, he had seemed so perfect and almost angelic. These new flaws should have made him seem lesser than, but it made it even more perfect. The fact that he could show these traits made him human, and that much more attractive.

"It's alright." Lillian looked at him and sighed at his appearance. She could only wish to still be so pure when tired.

"Where are you off to," he asked, leaning against the door that lead to his balcony. Lillian's eyes filled with shock. She couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. Had he already forgotten the conversation the two had shared with him mother only a few moments ago?

"Your mom--." Lillian was cut of by Harry shaking his head and holding out a finger to her.

"She only made a slight suggestion that you should go home. She never said you had to leave. I thought we could hang out a bit longer."

"No." Lillian spoke bluntly. "I must go. You wouldn't understand." She tried to push past Harry, but he wouldn't let her right away. He wasn't ready for her to leave. It wasn't based on his own selfish reasons, but he was afraid of what she might go home and do. He couldn't live with himself if something happened to her when he was only a few feet away.

"Promise me that you'll be safe though, yeah? That you will come to me first if you ever are feeling the way you were earlier tonight, okay?" Lillian nodded her head, looking up at him and rolling her eyes. "Good. Well go on, I don't want you getting into any trouble, but next time you'll stay all night? My bed gets lonely at night." He guided her outside and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I just met you." Lillian shrugged him off, shocked. Lillian went back on her judgement on the boy. She shook her head with disapproval.

"You said it yourself that your felt comfortable around me. We did have an entire conversation and apparently that's not really your 'thing'. I mean, you talked to me, really talked to me, that must mean something important right," he asked, leaning up against the building. It was so dark out that only his silhouette could be seen, but Lillian could just barely make out his suddenly serious facial expression.

"What exactly is your angle? Yeah sure you stopped me from jumping, and I stopped counting my words, but that doesn't mean that I will sleep with you. You obviously didn't listen to a word I said," Lillian said defensively, feeling a tad less safe around him.

"Whoa, slow down there! I never said we would have sex. I would never do such a thing, especially after what you told me. I was saying that only meeting me this morning has nothing to do with it. We obviously bring out the good in each other. I was saying you could sleep here whenever you need to," he said defending himself, throwing his hands in the air mockingly.

"Oh. Sorry." Lillian beagan to play with her hands, feeling terrible for accusing him of being something he is not. This was the second time today that she had interperted his kindness in the wrong mannor.

"Don't be love, you've done nothing wrong," he said leaning in for a hug, but immediately stopped. "May I?" Lillian nodded, hesitantly, with approval, and without another second, his body was wrapped around hers. He smelled of cologne and just a hint of warm chocolate. "Don't be so down on yourself," he said, still holding on to her.

"That's difficult. I'm not used to people being so nice to me."

"Well that's a shame," he whispered into her ear. "Well maybe it's time for you to go," he said letting go of her. Lillian suddenly felt disappointed. She never wanted the closeness they had shared to end, but it had ended just as quickly as it started.

"Right," Lillian said, remembering why she was leaving in the first place. She climbed back over the ledge, with some help from Harry, and climbed back through the tree.

"Goodnight Lillybeth," Harry called out to her.

"Goodnight Harry," she said in return.

Once she had made it safely back to her own balcony, she couldn't bring herself to go inside. She sat down on a metal chair and took her phone from her uniform pocket. A sinlge unread message sat in her Messages app. She pressed the green icon and read the text carefully.

From: Alex
Hey, I know you must get tired of hearing this from us, but Emily and I really care about you. I didn't tell her what we talked about earlier, but we really do love you so much and wouldn't know what to do if we ever lost you. We've already lost one of our best friends and your mother; we don't want to lose another. Please don't kill yourself, I'd miss you too much.
Alex had always had great timing. Lillian smiled widly and responded to his message.

To: Alex
Thanks. That actually means a lot to me. I love you and Emily too.

From: Alex
So you're okay now?

Define okay?

From: Alex
Whatever you think okay is.

To: Alex
Well compared to everyone else's definition of okay, no. According to my screwed up usual, then yes. I'm okay.

From: Alex
That's good to hear. So what are you doing up so late?

To: Alex
I kind of actually just go home...

From: Alex
From where?

To: Alex
That kid Harry's house.

From: Alex
That's not like you.

It's not like we did anything we just talked.

Talked? Like with words? More than 23?

Well... yeah. I give you more than 23 sometimes.

From: Alex
Well I've known you since well forever. You've just met him.

To: Alex
Whatever Alex, he's nice.

From: Alex
Whatever you say Lilly. I'm so tired. Night Beautiful:)

To: Alex
Night Handsome:)

She grinned, satisfied with the conversation at hand. She yawned and stood from her little chair. She opened the doors that lead to her bedroom and slid inside. Thoughts of both boys, Alex and Harry, flooded her brain. She thought it unbelieveable that the two could make her feel so secure without actaully do much. It puzzled her even more that she had just met Harry and they already had a strong connection. To be truthful, it scared her. She was afraid she would get attatched to only be played and left lonely in the long run.

"Hey," a weak voice that wasn't her own filled the room. Lillian shook at the sight of her brother, Lucas, laid across her bed. Lillian chewed the inside of her cheek, unsure of which side of Lucas she would encounter, the complete stranger or her brother. "I'm sorry that I've failed you as a brother. I'm sorry that I've let Landon become such a terror. I'm sorry that I can't do much about it."

Lillian studied him and felt the sincerity coming from his hurt body. She moved closer and sat down on her bed, pulling her knees to her chest. She knew that he meant it, but it also didn't mean a whole lot to her. She had heard the same thing time and time again, but nothing ever changed.

That was just the way he was and always had been. He was easy to give into peer pressure or to ignore the problem altogether. He's sweet and makes convincing promises, but is a complete different person when Landon is around. He sees and hears everything, but can never bring himself to do anything about it. He ignores it and pretends like nothing is wrong, which is almost as bad as joining in with Landon.

He was Landon's lap dog, obeying his every whim, and it was degrading. Lucas is an intellegente, strong, good person, but Landon has a way of breaking him so quickly. He wished that he would have the power to stop all of this madness, but he knows that he is no match compared to Landon. Lucas wished that he could stand up to Landon, but he knows it will only make it worse for Lillian and himself. He hoped and prayed that Landon wouldn't find pleasure in the constant absuse anymore, especailly towards Lillian, but it only got worse. If he doesn't obey, Landon would destroy him. In fact, that was the case the first couple of weeks when all of this tragity strarted. The poor kid practically lived in the E.R.

"I know my apologies don't mean much, but they count for something, right?"

"I appreciate your effort," Lillian said, getting comfortable under her covers. Nineteen words, she thought to herself.

"Thanks, Lil. I know this must really suck for your end, but I just--," he began to say.

"I'm just taking one for the team. Don't worry I know it would be worse if it were you." Lillian had just hit zero.

"I still feel bad about it though. As soon as I know how to help you, trust me I will," he said, closing his eyes a little. "I just worry about you sometimes, but you're strong," and with that he closed his eyes and began to drift off into a deep sleep. Those were one of the little things that made Lillian feel like in the end everything will work out. It gave her a feeling of what life used to be like. It's not often she gets to see her brother like this, but when she does it's pretty nice.
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Sorry it's been so long. Enjoy loves!
