Status: WRITING.

I Knew You'd Be Trouble...

Chapter 4-

My mum gave me a huge smile as I walked through the door. I raised" my eyebrow, she just grinned a bigger grin and wave me off. I ran up to my loft and hopped into the shower. The warm water felt good as it relaxed my muscles. My subconscious humming in my head turned into a full blown song.
"I'm pain, I'm hope, I'm suffer Yeah, hey, heeee-heeeey Ain't no mercy, ain't no mercy there for me Do you bury me when I'm gone? Do you teach me while I'm here?Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disappear..." I sang as the warm water washed the suds out of my long black hair. Once they were down the drain I got out the shower and wrapped in a fluffy red towel.
"Nice pipes."  I gasped as I opened the door to see Brian. My cheeks burned red.
"Hey don't be embarrassed you really do have a gorgeous singing voice." he said pulling me into a long hug.
"Uh Bri... You're hugging me." I said.
"And...?" he said with a confused grin. "Aren't I allowed to hug my best-friend?" I stifled back a laugh.
"Yeah... But not when they're female, wet and naked." he looked down then  looked back up, before shielding his eyes and locking himself in the bathroom.
"Nice idea Bri-bear." I laughed pulling some underwear from my draw. I heard him mumble something. I changed into my black shorts, a flannel shirt, thigh high black socks and checked vans. 
"Babe you can come in, I am no longer naked." I said with a giggle. He strutted in and mumbled something again.
"Baby I love you but please never be like that infront of me again." 
I cocked an eyebrow before drying my hair.  
"C'mon Otherwise mother is going to make us do extra physics." I said pulling him down the two flights of stairs. I took a glance back at him, he seemed to beam to himself.
"See something you like JoJo?" he smirked, I shook my head and carried on until we finally reached the our new classroom for the next week.
"Right your first class is Psychology. We're doing Bowlby's theory of Attachment and Hazen and Shavers study. Okay?" Mother said with a frown.
"Mum you can go and get some work done, I can teach hooligan one this stuff." she just sent me a questioning glare and trudged upstairs.
"Nice way of getting out of work!" Brian said going for a high-five.
"We're doing the work, just at our own pace." I said grabbing the textbook and my glasses off of the table.
"Right so Bowlby said that an infant has a critical period which is the first three years of an kids life. Also know as when a kid is at it's most cute or annoying...."
We'd continued with psychology for and hour. Changed to Spanish... We had a ball at that. Then we did some math which was quite easy seeing as I had covered it in Y11. Then Art, then History, we had a break because it was supposed to be PE, then lastly it was the dreaded English.
"Jo you sure you want to do this? We can just skip this." Brian said squeezing my fore-arm.
"No I have too." I said staring down at the Shakespeare in front of me.
"Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,  From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.  From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife.  The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,  And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove.  Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;  The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend." I read slowly. Brian put his arm around me and kissed my temple.
"That was really good." he whispered, I leant my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
"Alright guys you can stop work now, Brian do you want to stay for tea?" Mum said with her head around the door.
"Uhh sure..." he said resting his head on top of mine.
"She means dinner, we don't drink tea for meals." I said with a chuckle. He laughed and pulled me into his lap.   I squirmed a bit.
"Woah there Jo-Jo I'd stop that or Bri will get a boner!" Jimmy shouted as he bounded into the room. My cheeks flushed red and I crawled from Brians lap.
"Sorry." I said sitting in the corner. Why the fuck did I do that?
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's been a week and this is filler-ish.
-Me and Jim pinky promise to update tomorrow to make up for not posting.
Don't be a Silent read y'hear?