Status: Completed

All She Knew Was Bliss

  1. What's Killing You?
    The aftermath of a suicide, told by the girl's boyfriend.
  2. You're All I've Got
  3. These Walls Are Painted Red
  4. She Wrote:
    The note that was found amongst her belongings with his name on it.
  5. A Suffocating Lie
  6. Her Black Eyes Filled with a Love
    Okay, this is sort of unrealistic, but it has to happen. This is what would happen if Taylor really could go back and fix that one moment. I'm not entirely sure how it's gonna end.
  7. Her Sanity Rides Low
    In case anybody wondered or cared what was going on in Aiden's head, this is the night of the suicide from Aiden's point of view.