The Rollercoaster

Chapter One.

The sunlight streaming through the partially opened blinds is what I found myself waking up to as I sat up, glancing warily at a sleeping Lucas. His arm was draped loosely around my naked waist, and I removed it slowly, careful not to wake him. I didn't want him to see me leave, but I knew he'd knew I'd be gone by the time he did wake up. I never stayed after we had sex, as horrible as it sounds.

I slid out from underneath the covers, and picked up my clothes, putting them on as I grabbed my keys and headed out the front door, not bothering to leave a note. I cared about Lucas, and I loved him..but it wasn't enough for me to be with him permanently.

The annoying buzz of my ringtone sounded throughout my small car, and I snapped it open after debate. "Yeah?"

"Alexis Marie, I've been calling you for an hour."

"Sorry, Ma. I do sleep, you know."

"Excuse me?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples before I set my phone down and put it on speaker. "I'm sorry."

"Where are you? You weren't at your apartment."

"You went to my apartment?"

"What else was I supposed to do?"

"You could have waited until I called you back, Mother. I'm not a little kid, anymore."

"I very well know that, Alexis."

"Besides, what was so important that it couldn't wait?" I huffed, starting my car up.

"Justin's back in town, honey. I just wanted to warn you."

I felt my heart skip a beat, but acted like it was nothing. "Oh. Alright. Was that it, then?"

"Alexis, please don't do anything stupid," She pleaded. "And if you do go see him, make sure that Lucas goes with you!"

"Lucas isn't my babysitter, Mom."

"But he makes you happy. Doesn't he?"

"He's my best friend, Ma. Of course he does."

"Then why aren't you with him? I see the way he looks at you.."

Yeah, I have too. "Will you please stop bugging me about this, Mom? Lucas and I are never going to be together."

She sighed, suddenly at a loss for words. "Oh. Well, then. Be sure to tell him he's invited to our house for dinner tonight."

"I will."

"Bye, Alexis. I love you."

"Bye, Mom. You too."

I hung up with a sigh, and pulled out of his driveway, never once looking back. I was so sick of hearing about how Lucas was so in love with me, when he clearly wasn't. He just wanted the sex, and so did I. That's all we were--are--now.

Justin and I weren't like that. He loved me, or at least, I loved him. Well, love. I leaned my head against the window, and drove the rest of the way home without another thought wasted on Lucas and every one wasted on Justin.

What was I going to do now that he was back?
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First chapter. (:
Comments would be appreciated!