The Rollercoaster

Chapter Two.

I woke up as my German Shepard , Sadie, licked my face causing me to roll over and smile up at her. She wagged her tail as I rubbed the scruff of her neck. Her brown eyes reminded me of Alexis’s ,but that wasn’t why I had her. Not even close, not when she leads me on to no end. I hate that about the girl.

“Morning,” I yawned as we tapped our heads together until I heard a knock on my door, “Fetch robe.”

She jumped down and ran to the bathroom as I sat up. My head throbbed with a never leaving headache ,which I needed to get checked when I get the chance. Sadie dropped my robe by the door over her leash. A smirk played on my lips which made her tail wag faster and she ran to the living room. I shook my head with the smirk and walked to my robe, pulling it on over my nude body. After I picked up her leash I answered the door. Seeing Zack, I stepped aside and he danced in rapping “here we go for the ,hundredth time ,hand grenade pins in every line ,throw 'em up and let something shine ,going out of my fucking mind.” I laughed and smiled watching him break dance then move to me swinging his arms around in rap poses. He stepped to me and thudded his fingers lightly against my chest continuing down the rapper’s part until it got to Chester’s part.

“I bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it away, I bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it away, I bleed it out, digging deeper just to throw it away, just to throw it away, just to throw it away.” Before the song was over we were almost in tears laughing at each other. He lounged on my couch and pointed to the robe with a lion’s smile.

“Don‘t start,” I said, now making pancakes.

“I don‘t see why she doesn‘t stay, I mean you cook every morning, noon, and night on your days off. Free food! Dude, what chick passes that up?” Zack said as Sadie sat beside the couch as if on his side.

“I said not to start, I don‘t want to talk about it ,man. Just leave it be,” I told him as he shrugged.

“I could hook you up with a steady chick, you know. Get you some fresh air and over this one,” his tone had dropped to a more careful one.

“Zack, please,” I practically begged, “just leave it alone!”

He sighed and turned on the TV as music filled the room. It was pop ,but I didn’t mind. I preferred hard rock though. Then a voice that shredded my nerves came on as Zack clicked the TV off and looked at me.

“So, where‘s the good Cds?” He said before I could even open my mouth.

“Night stand,” I told him.

“By the way, I know how you like Linkin Park so I did some music hunting. I found a song that fits your love life,” he said and I slammed my fist on the cabinet.

Sadie jumped and moved under the coffee table as I brushed passed Zack and shut my door hard. Everything in my life was tearing me apart. No one could quit poking at the open wounds, no one could stop pulling at my heart, no one could stop and let me breathe. They all just seemed to want to hurt me.

Then the song that fit me and Alexis played over the song of my thoughts. In Pieces by Linkin Park. Too bad I was half way through a song that was written for her. Suddenly Zack was pounding on my door.

“Lucas! Lucas, man you won‘t believed this! Justin is coming back!” he shouted and I jerked my door open, staring at him.

“Zack, I swear if you‘re joking I‘ll skin you alive,” I said as he shook his head.

“No man, he‘s back,” he said as I began to get dressed.

“I‘m going for a walk. Sadie, leash!” I shouted and the dog unquestioningly dropped it at my feet.