Status: Work in progress

We'll Carry On

Chapter One

I shot the last Drac and looked down at my side which had been grazed by the ray gun's blast. Ignoring the pain, I bent down to grab the Drac's gun and tore a part of his shirt to tie around my waist to keep the fresh wound from bleeding too much.

I ran away from the building and onto the road, where all the Drac's rides were. I took one of the motorcycles and looked for keys but there wasn't any. So I hot wired it, and yes, before you say anything I am a girl. I just so happened to have a dad and an older brother who were total grease monkeys and instead of going out with my friends to the movies I went with my family to the car shop and worked on cars. I could take out an engine, take it apart, clean it, and then put it back together again.
I got it to turn on and I rode away from the building. But it wasn't long until my head started hurting and my vision got blurry, because before I knew it I felt my arm came into contact with the ground and the motorcycle falling on my leg. Then blackness...

"Hello?...You...Move... Hear me..." I heard as I went in and out of conscience. I murmured and moved my leg and the noise stopped. I slowly opened my eyes, then shut them quickly from the blinding light shining down.
"Can you hear me?" A males voice asked.

I opened my eyes despite of the bright light and pain coming from everywhere, I reached down to get my gun from my holster but it wasn't there.
"Who the hell are you? Where am I? Where's my stuff? How'd-" Then someones hand covered my mouth.

"Chill out, 'kay? I'm a Killyjoy too, just let me explain." he said. My eyes were still hurting and my vision was still a bit blurry so I couldn't see him clearly. So I just nodded, sitting up, getting a jolt of pain from my arm and side. I winced.
"First off, I'm Jet Star, from the Fabulous Killjoys. We were driving down to Dr. D's place and we saw you on the side of the road, you were out cold so we came back here. All your stuff is upstairs, just don't freak out."

"I'm not freaking out, I've been kidnapped before." I moved a bit and more pain. "Ow" I looked at my side and saw it was just more than a shot. It was all cut up from the fall and so was my arm, but that's what I get for wearing a tank top while driving a motorcycle.

"You're pretty beat up. I cleaned up your cuts. Only the visible ones though, don't worry. Cleaned 'em up but you need to rest, eat and hydrate."

"Thanks for the advice, but I can't. I need to get to Battery City."

He chuckled, "Don't we all?"

"Look, I appreciate all the help, but I really-" Then another male entered the room.

"Jet, there's...Oh, she's up..." Said the short male. He had black shoulder length hair and hazel eyes.

"Yeah she is. But she's kinda stubborn." I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, what's happening?"

"There's Drac's half a mile out. Poison, Kobra, and I are going to dust 'em. You gotta stay her with here."

"It's Death Wish."

"We're leaving in 5." He walked out. Then stuck his head back in, "Oh, and no fucking." He laughed and ran up the stairs, and Jet ran after him, "GHOUL!"

I got up slowly looking at the room, it wasn't much. I was probably in their basement. There was a broken down shelf, a bathroom with no door, a small window letting in some light, dust everywhere, the entrance, and the bed I was on. It wasn't comfortable, springs were pushing into my back. I went up the stairs walking down a long hallway passing doors that each had names on them.
All of the names were carved in the doors, first one said 'Kobra Kid' then "Party Poison', 'FUN GHOUL', and 'Jet Star'. And voices kept getting louder and louder towards the end of the hallway. I heard yelling and laughter. I walked up to the edge of the wall and I was able to see what was going on. Jet Star had Fun Ghoul in a head lock while a blond headed man and a redheaded man were laughing.

"You're so immature!" I heard Jet's voice.

"It's not my fault you haven't fucked a girl in years" Said Fun Ghoul.

"Not like any of us have," Said an unfamiliar voice, making all four men laugh. I went to take a step closer, but ended up bumping into the wall and I made a noise. All men stopped what they were doing and got their guns.

"Hey! It's just me!" I put my arms up. Which shot pain through my left arm, causing the gray bandage to start turning red.

"Oh shit. Ray, she's bleeding." The redheaded man said.

"Dude, name." Jet, I mean, Ray said.

"It's ok, I'm not gonna tell anyone." I said in a small voice.

"Way to go, bro." The blond said.

"Hey, temper. I'm Party Poison," He said.

"I'm Fun Ghoul, but you can call me 'Ghoul' and that's Mr. Grouchy-Ass-Butt-Face." He pointed to the blond, who was walking away.

"I'll go get him, but once I do, we're out." Party Poison said, going down into the hallway.

"I'm guessing that's Kobra Kid?" I asked. They gave me a puzzled look. "The doors."

"Oh... Yeah, that's him." Ghoul said. "It's just his time of the month again" Jet rolled his eyes.

My stomach rumbled, "Sorry..."

"It's no problem, I'll get you some food." Jet walked behind the counter, opening a cabinet and grabbing a can of beans.

Fun Ghoul went outside to smoke and Party and Kobra came back, saying bye. Well Party did, Kobra just looked over and walked out. I looked out the window and saw their car; a Trans-am.

"Woah, nice car."

"Yeah, that's Poison's prized possession." Jet said, joining me at the booth. A few minutes of silence passed and I finished my food.

"So... Have any loved ones out there?" He asked.

"Yeah, but I don't know if he's still out there... We were about to start a family." I looked out the window.

"So were me and my girl, I proposed a week before all this started.

"I still have the ring he gave me." I pulled the ring out of my leg pocket. It was a little diamond ring, 24 karat gold, it had a message carved on the inside.

Jet sighed, "I had it special made just for her. To let her know how much she meant to me. It's from her favorite book." His face saddened a bit. He inhaled, then spoke, "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living..."

"My baby you'll be." I looked up from the ring. "Ray?"

♠ ♠ ♠
K, so this is my first ever Killjoy story! Yay!

And if anyone knows the book that Ray is qouting from I'll love you forever and you'll be my favorite person!

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