Decimated Dreams

Fighting, Friends, and Fear of Reliving the Past

-Later in the Day-

Frank's P.O.V.

"Oh, Mikes! It's her!" I squealed excitedly. He just stared at me the same way he had in math. I personally do not find that look very attractive. I'm a guy though. Maybe some girls like a guy that looks like he doesn't let anyone have any fun. You have to admit he looks like a total asshole when he does that.. "I don't think you'll ever be getting any girls if you don't stop with the "Hello. I'm here to ruin all your fun." face," I said to Mikey with a shrug. I imagine it must look weird for me to be talking to Mikey considering he's 5' 10" I'm like 4' 9". Okay, not really. But I'm seriously only 5' 4". "Hurry up already! We gotta go tell her about Ger-"

"Don't just scream it, Frank! Someone might hear!" Mikey yelled, cutting me off and drawing all attention to himself. Of course he's Mikey Way, so he froze. He freaks out when a lot of people pay attention to him. It's kinda like
extreme stage fright. Weirdly enough, he's fine if it's not just him and he's with other people. But in situations like this, he's toast. The kind of toast you get when the lever gets stuck down, lights the toast on fire, and nearly burns the house down. We call that Mikey toast because he nearly burns the house down on a daily basis. Whether it's forks in toasters, heaters in showers, or tea left on overnight, it's done by Mikey. The girl from math had already disappeared into a nearby classroom before I could snap Mikey out of it and catch up to her.

"Okay! Go on about your business people!" I announced to clueless bystanders. It's the easiest way to get attention away from people around here. It didn't take long for everyone to continue conversations and file into their classes.

"What's all this about Gerard? Why do I have to miss everything?" Ray said in confusion. I'd forgotten he was even there. I turned around to face him and his epic 'fro.

"Well, we have a new seating arrangement in math. Mikes and I sit in next to each other and in front of Gerard. This chick we don't even know sits by Gerard and she's pretty awesome and stuff. Well, I think so anyway. Can't tell much 'cause we don't even know her name. But when she was walking back to her seat, Gerard made this weird-ass squeaky noise and when we looked back he was staring at his crotch in horror. If you didn't figure it out already, he got a boner. So then we were laughing and she asked what was so funny and Mikey said we were laughing at what she said about Ms. Steinfuck so Gerard wouldn't go ballistic. Then I tried to tell her the real reason we were laughing, but Mikey wouldn't let me and dragged me out of the room," I replied.

"Frank! I told you not to tell anyone! We promised Gee!" Mikey yelled. I was getting tired of him yelling at me. He's so overprotective of Gerard.

"Oh c'mon Mikes, it's Ray. One of the guys. You're really mad about me telling him?" I complained in disbelief. I can't believe he didn't want Ray to know! We tell each other EVERYTHING. This one time I got a boner in 6th grade when I saw the the preppiest, prissiest girl in the entire school for the first time. I used to crush on that type. Anyway, Mikes told all the guys and everyone who would listen within a day.

"Actually Frank, I am mad at you! We promised Gerard and a promise is a promise!" he said as he started pulling Ray off to class.

Without thinking I said "Oh shut the hell up Mikey! If it was me you would've told everyone in a heartbeat! So what if it's your brother this time? We're all practically brothers and we all have a right to know things like this! It shouldn't be any different with Gerard just because he's your brother by blood! And about telling the girl, she probably won't even care! And what's the worst she could do anyway? She's obviously just a loner chick with no friends and no power in social society! Why are Gerard's emotions such a big fucking deal to you?"

Mikey didn't respond for a while. I started to head to Science class but he stopped me with his words. "It's not- I- Oh fuck you Frank! Did you already forget or does it just not mean anything to you?"

I turned around to face him once again and searched my mind desperately for what he was talking about, but just couldn't find it. Instead I just had to say "What are you talking about?" like a total idiot.

"I can't believe you Frank." is all he said before he turned and walked off to history.

Ray went to math, and I went to science. I never get a good feeling after yelling at anyone like that. Especially when I yell at Mikey. But the feeling didn't stick around long this time. Today is new seating arrangement day in every class. Mr. Elliot pointed out my seat to me and I couldn't help but smile because my empty seat was right next to where that girl from math sat. I was the only one of the guys that had fourth period science so I was all alone with her in this class. I'm not gonna lie, she seems awesome. But, I wouldn't date her and I'm not going to either. Let's face it, I'm not that much of an asshole. I know Gerard's got a thing for her and he never likes anyone so I'm not just gonna steal a girl from him. I do need to find out if she's as much like us as she seems. I think she deserves friends that actually get her and those friends just might be us. I need to make sure she doesn't start liking me though. Mikey's already pissed at me and I don't need Gerard's hate too.

I sat down by her in silence. We were in the back of the classroom so I decided I'd make conversation. "Hey. You remember me from a couple hours or so ago? It's me Frank," I said with a smile. I wanted to slap myself. Why have I been cursed with boyish cuteness? She blushed at me! Okay, so it wasn't THAT bad. She just blushed because she's shy. No need to be over dramatic.

"Oh hey Frank. Yeah I remember you," she said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh good. If you'd already forgotten someone in a few hours, I'd suggest you see a doctor for extreme memory loss," I replied. I was trying to lay off the uncontrollable sense of humor that makes all the preppy little whores go after me. If everything had an on/off switch, life would be so much easier.

"Uh yeah. That's not a good thi- Whoa! Where am I? And who are you? Get away from me!" She said as she tried not to laugh or smile too much for the sake of her act.

"Wow, I'm impressed. You kept that act up for like a whole three seconds without laughing," I said with a fake look of admiration.

"Gasp! I'm offended by your language!" she whined. She was practically a female version of me, which would be really creepy to date or anything so I don't have to worry about that. It's just so weird to think about dating yourself. But I do know one thing: If she's anything like I think she is, she's perfect for Gerard. I think this because of a little thing that went on in the past. During Gerard's time of addiction, he really needed someone to be there for him more than a friend or even a brother could be. Gerard's never actually dated a guy, but he did have a thing with Bert McCracken where they were like make-out buddies I guess. So Gerard and I had a similar thing back then. After he wasn't so needy we went back to just being best friends. It was nothing but a weird phase and result of social rejection and depression. Anyway, since it worked fine for Gerard and I, it should work for Gerard and a girl just like me, right? So if she really is just like me, it'll work perfectly.

"Oh why thank you, Ms... You know? I don't even know your name. And just so you know I'm not a stalker, I'll give you mine. I am Frank Iero. Congratulations, you've just met me," I stated with a smile.

"Savannah Gates. But I prefer you call me Savage. It's what I call myself," She said with a scoff at her own words. Savage Gates. Sounds like she would fit in with us.

"Ah I see Ms. Gates. Or is it Mrs. Gates? I know you're not old enough to be legally married to a guy, but you could still be married to something else." I scratched my chin as if in deep thought about what else she could marry.

"Like what? A banana?" She laughed.

"Well, duh. What other fruit would you marry? I said with a "I know these things. Why don't you?" look on my face.

"Frank Iero, you are officially super weird," she declared through her face-palming.

"Yes! High-five! I said excitedly, holding up my hand. She giggled and high-fived me. With that, class started and we stared ahead. The hour of science went by pretty fast. It wasn't long before I heard the familiar bell noise that marked the end of the period. We said our goodbyes and departed from the classroom side-by-side.

"Oh one more thing Frank," she said quickly before we started our separate ways. "What was it you were going to say to me in math?"

Thoughts of yelling at Mikey flooded into my head. I thought about how horrible of a friend I was for almost telling her about what happened with Gerard. I suddenly remembered exactly what Mikey was talking about earlier. We can't do those types of things to Gerard because of his becoming sober but still being on the verge of going back to a past addiction. That's why Mikey's so afraid of hurting Gerard's feelings. He's afraid he'll go back to drugs and alcohol if we push him to far. Mikey is so afraid for Gerard it makes him overprotective. I felt like such an asshole. And to top it off, she just put knocking Gerard right back to addiction on the line. I tried to think of a lie. A bunch of them ran through my head and straight into the imaginary box of crap in the back of my mind. The only way out of the situation left was to play dumb like I don't know what she's talking about and hope she gives up on it. I thought everything through, but I still crashed and burned.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I said, trying my best to follow my mental plan.

"At the end of math class you said "We were laughing because Gerard" and Mikey cut you off and dragged you out of the room. What were you gonna say? she said while nearly bursting with a craving for knowledge.

"Oh yeah! I know what you're talking about, but I don't remember what we were laughing about," I said with a mask of deep thought.

"You totally do remember, but I'm gonna save myself the effort and pretend to buy it." She said grinning to herself. Wow. I am SO not that transparent. She's just good, meaning she's an impressive liar herself. That could be dangerous. Oh hey, here comes Ray, Gee, and Mikey to either save me from awkwardness or leave it all to me. Unpredictability is one of many characteristics we share.

I thought about running away before they saw it coming. I did NOT want to be part of this conversation. Mikey's super pissed at me. Ray and Savage both want to know what I know about Gerard that they don't. And no one even knows what's going on in Gee's head. I know I'll regret staying to chat, but I'm not just gonna walk away from everyone. Besides, Mikey will probably think it's because of him and that I'm just being childish and avoiding him. I'm childish a lot, but not when it comes to stuff like this. Fights between the guys hit hard and are taken very seriously. I got myself into this shit and I'm gonna have to get myself out on my own this time. I was an asshole and I have to take responsibility for that.
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This took A LOT of editing. Yes, there were mentions of past Frerard and relationships with Bert McCracken. It doesn't have a lot to do with the story, but it does have a lot to do with this chapter because of Frank's evaluation strategies. Gerard's addiction is kind of a recurring memory throughout the story. I'm hoping to have Chapter 3 posted by the end of the week. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated. :3 Buh-Bye