How Long has It Been?

In reality

"Her levels spiked."

"Could she be slipping out finally?"

"Katie, can you hear me?"

I opened my eyes. It took a minuet or two for everything to unblur, but when it did i looked at the bypass macines.

"Yea, I can hear you, where am I." I finally asked looking around the pretty much white room.

No one answered me.

There were three doctors in the room, two females, and one male. All looked like they just got out of med school.

Finally the male answered.

"Katie." That voice, I knewtht voice well, i have learned to love that voice


"Actually I'm doctor Markas Myers."

I went from smiling to frowning.

"What's going on?" I loked down at my arms. They were cut and brused massivly.

"What do you remember?"

My mind stated to flash back. I saw the car, the flames, the dark.

"The accident." My eyes filled with tears.

Mark handed me the papaer of the day the acident happened. I read the artile.

"They are bothe dead?, That's impossible, I talked to my mother this morning, before i left for the graveyard, before I spoke to." my voice faded.

"Before you talked to who Katlyn?"

"Before I talked to you, or the voice that sounded like you. Someone who was a voice in my head.

"Katie, youv'e been in a coma for two years, you were pratically dead, you were pulled between here and the after life."

"But he loved me, he sounded s though he did, he would ask me how i was doing, and said my name softly."

He stared at me seriously.

"That voice was mine, but I don't understand how a coma patient. I don't get it."

He seemed as confused as I was.

He looked at my charts.

"The good news, you can leave." He seemed a little upset.

"To where, wheres my stuff?"

He slowly pointed towards a bag of my personal items from home.

"Who brought those?"

"It was a brother or a boyfriend. Jamie?"

"My brother. Thanks Markas."

The doctor walked me to the door and I left the hospital.