Status: I just put up the last chapter! I'm working on a sequel though :)

Cross my heart...

The Boy Next Door

I sat in shocked silence on the drive home. Staring out the window in a daze’ not really seeing anything but the blur of trees and house as they passed by. Those blood red eyes were all I could see; they were burning a fine whole in my memory forever. That voice that spoke to me through a child’s lips; Tracy’s lips.
I shuddered at the thought.
When we finally got back to the house, I was the first one out of the car and waited by the front door for someone to unlock it.
James was the first at the door. I could feel is sympathetic eyes gaze down on me as I just stared down at my feet with my arms folded across my chest, digging my nails impatiently into my arms to keep from crying. Once the door swung open I bolted to my room without a word to James or Raquelle.
I don’t know how long it was but it seemed I’ve cried myself to sleep. I heard a gentle knock on my door.
I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see the sun high in the sky. It must’ve been on o two. “Come in.” I said as loud as I could with a scratchy voice and an irritated throat.
“Haley, sweetie, James and I need to run some errands. We decided to take Mason and Nevaeh with us so you can get some rest.” She told me quietly.
I sighed thankfully as I turned from the window to face her, “Okay. Thank you very much Raquelle.”
She walked over to me and gave me a hug and a kiss on my forehead. She held my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes, “Everything is going to be okay. Tracy is going to be just fine. I promise.” She wrapped her slender arms around me tightly.
“You did see that, right? At the hospital?” She went stiff then pulled back to look at me. The look she gave me was that of confusion, “What do you mean dear?”
“The blood red eyes, the scary man-voice coming from Tracy’s mouth. The fast reflexes. Any of it?”
Her expression turned from utter confusion to pure worry in not oven five seconds.
“Sweetie, James and I were waiting outside the room. We figured you would want some time alone with Tracy. All we saw were the doctors and nurses rushing down the hallway. That’s how we knew something was even wrong. So we rushed in after you. Poor thing never saw it coming.” She shook her head in pity.
I just looked at her in horror. Was I going crazy?
“Sweetie, you sure you want to stay home alone? I can have James go run the errands and I can-”
“No, no. I’ll be fine. Go run your errands. I’ll just chill out here.” I interrupted.
She sighed and got up, walking towards my door, “Okay, just remember the attic is off limits.”
“Alright. I’ll just stay away from the attic.”
She smiled slightly, more like an up-turn on the corner of her lips, and left.
I’m home. Alone. In a huge house. For who knows how long. What am I going to do? Hmm…
I walked downstairs and sat myself down on the tan leather sofa. I flicked on the T.V. and put on the first scary movie I saw on the shelves of movies on either side of the T.V.
I turned on “The Ring” on the plasma screen. I had an odd feeling these people were loaded with cash.
When the scary dead girl was crawling out of the T.V., about to kill the guy who was just sitting there, the doorbell rang. I nearly jumped 10 feet in the air and made me squeal so high only dogs could hear.
I had no idea what to do so I just looked through the little peephole that I had to stand on my tip-toes to even see through.
I literally gasped out loud when I saw a boy on my doorstep; a really cute boy at that.
His hair was a dark brown shade that hung just above his ears; bangs swooped across his right eye. His eyes were a hazel green with tiny specks of brown in them. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt that was a little too tight over his biceps and chest muscles. He wore a pair of faced blue jeans with worn out tennis shoes. His skin color was between the perfect shade of tan and peach.
Oh my God! What do I do?! Do I open the door? Or do I pretend like I’m not here?
He rang the doorbell again while I stood there dumbstruck on what to do.
Oh Crap! I’m sure he already knows I’m here. He can probably hear the T.V. for how loud it is.
I took a deep breath in and decided to finally open the door.
First I kind of pulled my hair in front of my face. I ran my index finger under my eyes to get any smudges of my eyeliner and mascara as I straightened my clothes as best as I could with one hand.
I took a couple deep breaths to calm my nerves then I, at last, opened the wooden door.
He looked up at me under a cast of hair and gave me a flirty smile as he looked me over.
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks already.
“Is Mrs. Tincher in? I need to ask her for something.” He asked in a voice like silk to my ears.
“Umm… no. She, James, and the kids went to run some errands.” I stumbled for the right words as I stood there like a deer caught in the head lights.
He smiled, “Okay,” He turned away to leave then stopped and turned gracefully on his heels. He glanced at me thoughtfully with those peculiar green eyes, “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before. Who are you? If you don’t mind me asking,” He flashed me a crooked smile.
“Uh… Haley Summerz.” I said stupidly.
“Uh-huh. Well why are you in their house Haley Summerz?” He asked innocently with a smile playing on the edge of his lips. It slowly turned into a flirty grin once he said my name.
“I’m here because they adopted me yesterday… Wednesday.” I thought out loud.
His grin flattened ever so slightly then returned to the way it was like it never happened, “Ah, I see. That makes sense. Well, since neither Raquelle nor James is home, I’m gonna have to ask you for something I need.” He mentioned subtly.
I glared at him suspiciously, “Yes?”
His grin widened slightly, “May I have half a cup of salt?”
I smiled and tried to hold back a laugh, “Oh, uh, yeah. I guess. I don’t think Raquelle would mind.” I answered as I opened the door a little wider and slightly stepping back.
“Great-” He stepped into the doorway, so close to touching me, “- I’m Isaac Emerson, by the way.” He whispered lightly as he looked down at me. I refused to look into his eyes so I just stared at his chest; his very muscular, well sculpted chest. I turned away almost immediately.
When I turned back and finally had the nerve to look up at him, I noticed he was more than a head taller than me. Let’s just say, compared to him, I looked like a midget.
I slowly backed out of his way to let him through.
He glided past me and went straight to the kitchen. I watched him walk away from me then decided I should probably follow.
“So…” He turned to look at me once I entered through the door way, “Where’s the salt?”
I hesitated. I didn’t want to look stupid so I guessed and went over to a jar and picked it up. When I handed it to him, our fingers brushed for but a moment. Little butterflies started to form in the pit of my tummy as hot tingles went down my spine.
He smiled and looked away bashfully as if he were felling the same thing. I smiled back.
He got a mine cup/spoon thing out of his pocket and felled it with salt, “Well, I guess I better get home before they come home and catch me here with you,” He began walking out of the kitchen and into the slim hallway between the leather sofa and the wall. He turned to face me and started walking backwards to look at me, “I hope I will see you again,” He opened the door behind his back “Soon.”
He gave me one last half smile and a wink. Then he left me to myself.
I just stood there, watching the door even after he was gone. A few minutes later, I recovered from my stillness and started jumping around and squealing like a crazy woman.
I finally calmed myself down enough to watch the rest of “The Ring” and start “The Ring 2”.
I sighed once the movie ended. As if on cue, Raquelle walked through the front door with James right behind her with the kids.
“Hey Haley, are you feeling any better?” James asked carrying in a couple of plastic grocery bags.

Yeah, a little I guess. Oh and by the way, Isaac stopped by to get a cup of salt. Hope you don’t mind but I gave him some.” I told them.
Raquelle looked over at me, “Oh, Isaac stopped by? He’s such a nice boy. He’s quarterback on his school’s football team. You would really like him…” She started to unload the grocery bags then stopped and slowly looked back at me suspiciously, “or do you already?”
I looked away from her knowing glare shyly, “Maybe…”
She grinned wildly, “You know, now that I think about it,” She lifted her hand to her face to stroke an invisible goatee and looking at me quizzically, “you and Isaac would make a cute couple. He recently just broke up with his girlfriend. Such a shame. He found out she was cheating on him with his best friend. Ugh. Your generation these days.” She gave a little tweak at the corner of her mouth then patted me on the shoulder.
This tidbit of news made me upset but a little happy at the same time. At least I know he’s single. Maybe I have a chance with him after all.
I smiled a quiet smile to myself as I turned away.
I ran up to my room and pulled out a book I bought a while back but I never got the time to read it along with all the noise at the orphanage.
I opened “Poison Study” and began to read it.
I was fifteen pages into it when Raquelle knocked on my door and told me dinner was ready.
I walked downstairs and skipped into the kitchen where a full plate of my very own consisting of chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and green beans waited to be devoured by my growling stomach.
I licked my lips at the thought. Mm, I was so starving!
I sat down in my place between James and Raquelle on the bottom end of the table.
“So, Haley, what do you say you and I go school shopping for you so you’re ready when Monday rolls around?” She asked after swallowing a mouthful of chicken.
I finished swallowing the food in my mouth before I could choke let alone speak, then I answered enthusiastically, “Yeah! Definitely! Of course!”
She smiled at my enthusiasm then finished her delicious dinner, as did I.
After dinner, I realized how exhausted I really was and decided I should probably get to bed.
I said goodnight to Raquelle and James and kissed Nevaeh and Mason on the forehead.
I trudged up the stairs. When I finally got to my cozy room, I changed out of my pajamas and crawled under the sheets of my warm bed. I sighed once my head hit the pillow and I almost instantly fell asleep.
It was strange. My dream was almost exactly like the old-fashioned dream I had the other night except, this time, the Harmony girl was laying on the sidewalk under an old street light. Her face was turned to the side so I still couldn’t see her features. All I saw was her blonde hair spread out like a fan under her head. Then I noticed something off. There was a growing puddle of blood under her body.
I was about to walk closer to her, to help her, but then I heard the husky voice of a man, “Harmony? My God! What has that monster done to you?!” Then I saw a man run out of the dark shadows of the streets. He ran to her side and immediately pulled her into his arms.
I gasped. He looked exactly like Isaac. His hair was longer and he was wearing older clothes; but the facial features were identical to a T.
I didn’t dare get any closer.
I backed away on the other side of the street so he wouldn’t see me and just observed from the shadows.
She opened her eyes and whispered in a hoarse voice barely audible and loud enough for me to hear, “He found out about us. He was enraged and ripped my ring off my finger. Without it, I can’t keep her or her power inside me. I’m weak without her. He knew I’d be vulnerable. He took advantage of it and stabbed me through the heart with a wooden steak. Please. You have to get out of here. Before he gets you to.”
She lifted her bloodstained hand to gently stroke his face. A flash of various emotions crossed through his handsome features; pain, love, heartbreak.
Hope? Why hope?
“I will protect you. No matter the costs. I vow to it,” He stared down at her as tears rolled over his cheeks. Then, he pulled her up into a passionate last kiss.
He pulled her away then held her in his arms as her body went limp in his arms.
He let loose a heart-wrenching sob.
“Seems my suspicions were right,” Alexander said from within the darkened shadows of the streets.
The Isaac look-a-like laid Harmony down gently on the concrete. He turned toward Alexander in hatred.
“She was forced to love you Alexander! She finally chose of her own free will! You had no right to punish her for it!” He screamed at the top of his lungs.
A shot fired. Isaac look-a-like just stood there for but a moment. He looked down at his body and saw blood trickling down his clothes from a small hold in his chest. He grunted in pain as he dropped to his knees, “I will come back to protect the next girl from you. I swear it.”
Another shot fired and his body fell to the ground. He lay silent next to Harmony’s corpse.
Alexander stepped out of the shadows.
“What a pity I had to do this. She’s min-” He put the ruby ring on his pinky finger and bent down next to him. Alexander snatched his full head of hair and cocked his head back to look into his cold eyes. “-always will be, no matter what you say boy.” He spat the words at him. He twisted his head until his neck was fully exposed to his view. His eyes glimmered with hatred and hunger. He opened his mouth as his sharp canines grew to a pointed curve. He growled ferociously at the sky then sank his teeth into the fresh corpse. It didn’t take him long to be done. He wiped his mouth clean from the dripping blood. He looked at Harmony’s body. The hatred in his eyes faded as they saddened. He stroked her cheek then sighed as he got to his feet. He turned and walked back into the shadows. He left their bodies in the street to be found by civilians the next day.
I opened my eyes to find I was back in my room… and it was still dark. I turned over and glared at the bright blue letters on the digital clock as it read 2:10. Again. I groaned and turned over on my other side. I sighed and went back to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Haley, sweetie, its 10:30. If we’re going to go school shopping, we’ve got to go now.” I heard Raquelle’s sweet voice through my drowsy fog.
“Okay. I’m up, I’m up.” I reassured her, trying to fully open my eyes
Once I did, I almost regretted it. I didn’t see Raquelle sitting on the edge of my bed. I saw my biological mother the way I always remembered her with her long, wavy blonde hair. Those gorgeous green-blue eyes framed by her thick, black eyelashes. Oh, how they would always sine with pure happiness. She even had those tiny freckles crossing the bridge of her nose.
I absolutely could not believe my eyes, “Mom?” I asked slowly as my voice cracked and my eyes began to well up with unshed tears. I didn’t blink; afraid I will lose this precious image of my mother at any moment.
She smiled that smile that could always light up the darkest room.
My eyes began to hurt and become blurry; I had to blink.
I quickly opened my eyes again to see Raquelle sitting where I thought my mother was. It was impossible. I must not be fully awake then.
I sighed; full of pain at the image of my mother that I didn’t notice I let the tears welling up in my eyes loose. I quickly wiped them away, “I’m definitely awake now. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.”
“Okay. Hurry please, we don’t have much time.” She said with a cheery smile on her face as she glided out the door.
I got up and raided through my closet for something to wear.
Since it didn’t seem too cold out today, I settle on a violet, spaghetti strap tank-top, black jean shorts, and my old not-so-white-anymore tennis shoes.
I dragged m tired butt to the bathroom to brush my hair. I parted my hair down the middle and tied it in loose pigtails with black hair ties, the tips of my curls just barely passing under my breasts.
I placed my three, thin layers of Chap Stick, pink lip gloss that matches the shade of my lips, and a clear, shiny overcoat. I snatched my eyeliner out of my make-up bag and was about to put it on when I noticed something different about me.
My eyes were a brighter, sharper green.
I stared at the strange eyes in my reflection I didn’t blink once for what seemed like hours but only for a few minor seconds.
I don’t understand what’s going on. My eyes began to well with tears again. Why me?
I realized then that I had to hurry so I blotted my eyes dry before putting on my eyeliner and mascara. When I was done, I put everything away then half ran down the stairs. When I got to the bottom step I said loudly, “Okay, Raquelle, I’m ready!” I looked around but she wasn’t in plain sight, nor did she answer.
“She’s in the car!” I heard James scream from the other room.
I turned around and walked into the other room, “thanks Ja-” When I set my eyes on him, it wasn’t James, but in his place was Rob; my biological father. Instead of seeing Mason and Nevaeh crowded round him at the table, seated in their places were Cayden and Emily, eating and mostly playing with their breakfast.
I started to get a little light-headed and woozy so I had to close my eyes. Something is very wrong with me today. I’m going out of my mind!
Before opening my eyes again, I turned around so I wouldn’t see what I knew what I was bound to see. I took a deep breath and walked through the living room. I ran out of the house so fast, I almost forgot to close the door behind me.
Raquelle was already waiting in the car like James had said.
“Ready?” She asked as I climbed into the passenger seat.
I sighed and settled back into the comfortable leather seat, “Ready.”
It really didn’t take us that long to get to Wal-Mart. Maybe about fifteen minutes at the most.
We had to buy the necessities first. Such us: pencils, notebooks, folders, binders, the works! Then we went to Shopko, Old Navy’s, Macey’s, anywhere clothes were sold.
Raquelle decided to stop at Sears to see what they had there.
When Raquelle went to the babies and toddlers section for Mason and Nevaeh, she told me to go to the teens and pick out some clothes to try on. I felt a chill go up and down my arms. It felt like someone was watching me. I could feel his eyes burning against my skin. Right then I knew it was Alexander.
And he was coming towards me. I could feel him coming at me like a leopard preying after a zebra.
Not to be too suspicious, I slowly backed into a different isle of clothes. I could still feel his gaze. His stride was getting faster.
I gave up on the whole not-too-suspicious theory and dashed into a different isle. I could see him from the corner of my eye. He was coming faster now. Oh, crap! What am I going to do? How do I lose this guy?
I took a left into a different clothes isle with little skirts and a clearance rack on bathing suits. I looked around, I didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he didn’t see me come down this way. I began to relax a bit, and then I saw a dark hooded figure standing directly at the end of the isle, glaring at me from the shadow of the hood. I barely moved a quarter of an inch and her changed his stance, like he was about to take off after me if I moved. I could see a hint of a smile on the edge of his lips, daring me to run.
I could tell what this was. He was playing the sick game of Cat and Mouse; and I was the mouse. He was chasing me for the fun of it. He could’ve had me by now if he wanted. I gave him a smile of my own. I’m not going to let him win.
Almost as fast as he, I ducked under a couple holding hands into to a whole bunch of tall shelves. I climbed in the bottom one and pulled a bag in front of me so he wouldn’t notice. There’s no chance he’ll find me here.
I waited it out. I could hear my pulse beating faster than the speed of light and louder than thunder itself.
When I thought the coast was clear, I climbed out of my little hiding place. I stared down the aisle from where I came as I backed away in the other direction. I sighed and slumped my shoulders when I didn’t see him randomly appear. I turned around. I stopped and froze in mid-turn. I could hear my heart beat thundering louder. I looked down at the ring, it was pulsing with my wild hear. There he was, at the end of the isle, smirking a malicious grin my way.
I bolted in the opposite direction.
Faster, faster. He’s catching up. FASTER!
I LOOKED OVER MY SHOULDER AS I RAN. He wasn’t anywhere to be seen. So I made a quick decision and ducked into a random clothes rack and waited.
It didn’t take too long to see footsteps pass by the rack I was hiding in. I looked up to see part of a black hood I knew it was him instantly.
I heard the footsteps face away along with the black hood. I waited until I couldn’t hear his footsteps anymore to let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding and climbed out of my cramped hiding space. I straightened my hair and clothes, acting as if it were completely natural for me to randomly walk out of a clothes rack. I was just about to go find Raquelle to tell her I really wanted to go when I spotted the familiar black hoodie. I watched him as I backed away slowly so he wouldn’t notice me. Right when I was about to run for it, he turned and saw me.
I ran anyway even though I knew he would follow.
I took every possible turn I could and he was still catching up to me.
I ran into a random sports isle with football, baseball, and volleyball equipment. I glanced back to see if her were still following me. I didn’t see him but that didn’t mean he wasn’t there. I didn’t stop running until I ran right smack into Isaac. I fell on top of him and we both slid all the way down the aisle.
His hands were laying on my hips and the small of my back while my hands were on his gigantic chest. I felt so tiny compared to him. We stayed like that for several seconds.
“Have you ever thought about trying out for football?” He grunted as he rubbed the back of his head where he hit the floor.
“Yeah, but I figured a whole bunch of teenage boys wouldn’t want little old me on their team.” I explained as I got up off of him. He just laughed as I secretly hoped he would.
I brushed myself off quickly then extended my hand to help him up, “Sorry. I guess I don’t know my own strength,” I apologized with a slight playful smirk.
He grabbed my hand and let me pull him up, “It’s cool. Why were you running in the first place?” He asked, running his hand through his shaggy brown hair. Oh, how I long to run my own fingers through his gorgeous hair.
I quickly snapped out of it before my thoughts got any further. I decided I probably shouldn’t tell him the real reason why I was running. So, instead, I plastered on a fake smile and lied, “’Cause I saw you! I was just so excited to see someone I actually knew. I just couldn’t contain myself!” Okay. I might’ve over exaggerated my excuse a little too much.
Besides, by the expression on his face, I could tell he didn’t believe a word that just came out of my mouth, “Uh-huh, right. So are you here with anyone?” His mocking expression quickly faded into a half grin.
“Raquelle. I’m here with Raquelle. We’re supposed to be school shopping, but she wanted to get something for the kids and, since this just so happens to be our last stop of the day, groceries. She told me to wait for her in the clothes but since we pretty much bought me like an entire wardrobe for me today, I figured I’d go wandering around a bit and go looking for her. Then I saw you, so I thought I’d come over and say hi. I’m talking too much aren’t I?” I explained all in one breath
His grin spread wide from ear to ear, and his laugh was honey sweet; like music to my ears, “No, no. You’re perfectly fine.” When he looked at me, he gave me this odd look. Like he hasn’t seen me in years. Huh. Weird.
“So are you here with anyone?” I asked to change the subject and make conversation.
“Nope. Just me, myself, and I.” He smiled.
“Okay,” I smiled back, “Good,” I looked over my shoulder to see if Alexander was watching. I’m sure he was. Just from a safe distance. I looked back up into those intense, golden green eyes of his. I almost lost my breath, “Hey, do you think you can help me find Raquelle in the baby section:” I asked innocently.
“Umm,” He hesitated, “yeah. Definitely.” He finally answered, a little caught off guard by my bluntness.
We started walking at a safe distance and a slow pace, “So, how do you like your new home?” He hesitated, trying to think of something to say to break the silence.
I smiled a quiet smile to myself, “I love it. But something it makes me sad.” I explained, looking down at my tennis shoes.
“Why?” he asked, sounding a little confused.
“Well, being with a different family reminds me I can’t ever be with my biological family ever again. You know?”
He looked at me sadly, “Yeah. I don’t personally understand what you’re feeling and going through. Well, just so you know, you have the best family anyone can have. I sometimes even wish I were related to them,” H explained looking down at the ground.
I smile. He was acting like a shy ten-year-old. It was so adorable.
“Sometimes they remind me of my biological family. It scares me a little to be honest. My smile faded as I remembered the incident his morning.
He made a slight chuckle-like noise, “Yeah, I bet.”
He randomly stopped. I looked up at him when I noticed he did. When I looked into his eyes, I saw they were filled with pain. He looked down at me and into mind. Once we locked gazes, the pain in them only deepened.
He grabbed my hand without breaking eye contact to pull me closer. He whispered softly, “Haley-”
“Haley! There you are! I couldn’t find you anywhere!”
Once her hear Raquelle call out my name, he sighed longingly and let loose of my hand then said the complete obvious, “There’s Raquelle.”
Raquelle glided up to me in her normal angelic fashion and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a great big bear hug.
Once Raquelle reluctantly let go, Isaac cleared his throat, “Well, I guess I better get going. Nice seeing you again Mrs. T. Haley.” He said, flashing another one of his magnificent flirty smiles toward e.
He kissed me on the cheek and walked away. Not looking back at us once, leaving me wanting more. I could just feel the ruby glowing bright red on my finger.
♠ ♠ ♠
please comment and subscribe. let me know if i should continue? and thanks for the comments and feedback already. :]