Status: I just put up the last chapter! I'm working on a sequel though :)

Cross my heart...

The Pictures

“Easy. I came in through the window. But we really do need to talk.” She explained as she stood up off my bed and walked towards me slowly.
I glared at her suspiciously, “About what? How did you even know where I lived now?” I asked a little overwhelmed.
She sighed, getting slightly impatient with me, “There are records on all orphans, you know. But we really need to talk about Isaac. You shouldn’t trust him.” She warned, placing her slender hand on my shoulder for comfort. All I felt was the tingling sensation in my fist to collide with her perfect little nose of hers.
I slowly looked up into her cold eyes, “What are you trying to do to me, Tami? You show up here, and randomly lecture me about how I shouldn’t trust this guy you don’t even know. Who the hell do you think you are? Maybe it’s YOU I shouldn’t trust. I’m already suspecting you have something to do with all this stuff I’m going through. For all I know, you could be the one who’s causing it!” I yelled at her as I harshly but lightly pushed her hand off my shoulder and shoved her out of my way’ but instead pushed her clear across the room.
I would’ve felt terribly bad about it if I wasn’t so angry.
When I finally mustered up the strength to look her in the eyes, she was staring at me in complete horror, “How… how did you do that?
I glared at her as she stood up, “I don’t know. Strange things have been happening to me lately. I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I know you have something to do with it. I don’t know why. I don’t know how. All I know is I want you out. Now.”
She just stared at me blankly like a glass doll for an impeccably long time.
I glared at her with fury burning through my green eyes sharply, “Out!” I screamed with a booming voice through tight lips.
She jumped at the sound of my roaring voice and finally got the hint that I was kicking her out of my room and she quickly tried to stop me from doing so, “Haley, look, we’ve gotta talk. Like, right now. I don’t have a lot of time before-“
“I really don’t give a crap what you have to say or what we have to talk about. I really don’t want to talk right now, especially to you. Just leave me alone. I just really want to stay as far away from you as possible. Just go.” I said, pushing her to the window from which she entered from, “just go. I had a good day and I really don’t need you ruining it.”
She sighed and finally went willingly, “Haley,” She grabbed a pen and paper from my nightstand and wrote something down quickly, “Just call me when you’ve calmed down and are ready to talk. It has to be soon. Before it’s too late to try and help you.” She explained before gracefully putting her right leg through the window then fully climbing out onto the low-rising tree branch.
She hesitated before looking up at me sadly, her cold eyes seemed to soften a little, “There is something you really need to know, Haley,” She whispered up at me quietly
I closed my eyes for but a second to try and calm my temper. I opened my eyes and leaned over the edge of the windowsill and whispered aggressively through tight lips, “What in this world is so important you can’t tell me later, Tami?”
She sighed, “I can’t tell you. You have to figure it out for yourself.”
I glared at her coldly, “Forget it. This is all bull shit. You can’t help me. You’re not even trying.” I was about to slam the window shut when she blurted, “Wait! You need to sneak up to the attic again. What’s up there will tell you how I’m related to this mess you’re in. I promise.” She looked up at me thoughtfully then started to climb the rest of the way down.
I watched her climb down. Maybe she is trying to help me. I had the sudden instinct to look up at Isaac’s window. He was standing there at his window, watching silently as Tami scaled the try outside my own window. Only God knows what’s going through his mind right now.
Once she disappeared from view, I ducked my head from under the open window and closed it without looking at Isaac; I closed the blinds without another glance outside.
There is something very wrong with this world. Either that or there’s another world I don’t know about.
I sighed and turned away from the widow to get my pajamas on. I better get to bed. I have school tomorrow. My stomach churned and flipped at the thought of an actual school. I also groaned at the thought of walking through crowded hallways filled with strangers my age. Icy chills went up my spine. Well, at least Isaac is going to be there.
But as I lay in bed and wished so badly I couldn’t see in the dark, thoughts of what Tami said ran endlessly through my overwhelmed head.
When my brain refused to shut down and allow me some rest, I sighed and crawled out of bed, slipped on my slippers and slinked out my bedroom door without so much as a creak of the floorboards.
I stepped out into the hallway and hesitated when an enormously loud creak from a loose floorboard sounded throughout the hall.
I sucked in a breath and held it, expecting James or Raquelle to come rushing out into the hallway and catch me out of bed.
I slowly let out the breath I was holding what seemed like an eternity and relaxed a little bit. I closed my eyes and thought hard of the attic door and took a small step forward.
With a gush of wind and a light-headed, dizzy feeling, I opened my eyes to see I was standing directly in front of the attic door. Not a noise to be made in the process.
I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I peeked in and everything was as I left it when I was first here days ago. I took in a deep sigh of relief when I spotted the box with the photo album in it was still there. Raquelle didn’t take it.
I swiftly glided to the box and carefully took it out of the box and started to look through it again. There were only baby pictures to begin with. The baby surprisingly looked kind of familiar. Then it showed the baby girl growing up in the stages of life from being a baby and growing into a small toddler.
Then it showed the girl holding another small child to her gently. Judging by the colors it was wearing, it was a girl. The toddler was smiling a spacious grin at the camera. I touched the photo softly with my fingertips.
They must be the daughters Raquelle lost. I sighed sadly, feeling a sense of sorrow for Raquelle and James. I flipped the pages to find the younger of the two growing up without the older one and strangely looking identical to the first.
I just sat there and stared at the pictures colorfully displayed with construction paper and markers, puzzled. That must’ve been the last picture of her girls together; how terribly sad.
I flipped the page and what I saw shocked me right down to the core.
In the picture stood a blonde little girl with bright green eyes staring up at the camera. She was wearing a white Cinderella nightgown and holding a white and lavender bunny.
The realization hit me like a punch to the chest. That’s me.
In pure, astonishing horror, I ripped it off the page and carefully studied it.
That was most definitely me.
I flipped the picture to see my mother’s cursive etched onto the back of the picture in green ink: Haley’s 5th birthday.
All I could do was just stare at the picture. Then something occurred to me. I flipped back to the one of the toddler holding the little baby close. I tore it out as well and saw what was scribbled on the back. It read: Haley and Tamara, first and last picture together as sisters.
I was expecting shock to run through me like the reaction to the other picture; but anger took its course instead. How could they keep this big of a secret from me? And Tami knew she was my biological sister this entire time and never said a word about it. How did Raquelle even get ahold of these pictures? Something is very not right here… and I’m going to find out what.
A spontaneous noise from downstairs derailed my train of thought instantly. My head snapped up to the open attic door. I hope no one’s coming. I would most likely be dead if I was caught up here.
When I didn’t hear anything, I finally got up the nerve to quickly and quietly tip-toe to the door and poke my head out. When I didn’t see anything, I carefully shoved the pictures into the pocked of my pajama pants and imagined my bedroom door. I took one simple step forward. Once again, with a gush of wind and a light-headed feeling, I was standing before my large, white door that opens to reveal my bedroom.
I relaxed a little and entered into the domain of my room, careful not to make a single sound. I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and crawled under my sheets, laying my head down in hopes Isaac would again come to me in my dreams.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I opened the window as silently as possible, hoping strongly she couldn’t hear. Her powers are strengthening quickly. It’s almost time. I can feel it.
I crawled in through the windowsill and slipped inside without a sound to be made.
I straightened my jacket then glided to where she lay sleeping. Her breathing slow and even, her chest rising and falling in time with every breath she took in her frail body. Soon it won’t be so fragile anymore.
Her light hand lay elegantly across the pillow next to her head. The ring is strengthening. By the brightness of its gem, it can feel it’s almost time also.
I lift her hand gently off the pillow and lightly kiss the ring I gave to her oh so long ago, “Soon, my love. Soon we shall be together for all eternity like destiny has so planned for our fate.”
I wrapped one arm around her waist and slide my other hand behind her neck, grasping her gently, slowly bringing her up to me.
I’ve waited for this moment since I devoted my life to finding her over and over again, no matter where the centuries take us. I lift her up to take her into a light kiss that would bind me to the ring as well. To complete the transformation of what she was always meant to be from the beginning.
Once my cold, dead lips touched hers, I could feel her struggle beneath my grasp. I could feel her eyelashes flutter against my cheek as that of butterfly wings, signaling me it was time to leave immediately.
I laid her down gently and lightly pressed my finger to the pressure point on her neck to buy me some time to get out the window and escape before she realizes this isn’t a dream.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My eyes flew open as I bolted upright in bed in a cold sweat. I hesitantly looked around to room. Thankfully, no one was there lurking in the dark. It was just a dream; like it always has been. I didn’t even need to look at the clock to know it was 2:10 in the morning.
I just laid my head back down on the pillow and tried to go back to sleep.
When I couldn’t, I finally realized why. It was freezing! I looked around the room again. I know for a fact the air conditioning doesn’t come on at night. I was too nervous to look at the window for I already knew it would contain a fear that was only hidden in the darkest part of my nightmares.
I at last got the courage to look.
I took in a sharp breath to see my window wide open when I clearly shut it before I went to bed.
Oh, god. I hung my head in my hands. What did he do to me?
I stayed up in bed until I knew for sure nothing would jump in through my bedroom window.
I got out of bed and slowly walked over to shut it.
Before I did, I mustered up my courage and took a chance and looked down at the ground to see if anyone was below. I saw no one. That I know of anyway.
I quickly shut the window, locked it and ran to my bed as fast as I could. I hid under the blankets like a coward until my eyes grew droopy and closed without a moment’s hesitation.

I was up and running when Raquelle walked in to wake me up the next morning.
I was thinking about confronting her about the photos. But, before I could even say a word, she blurted, “Oh, Haley, you’re up already? Did you set your alarm clock?” She asked as she waltzes into my room and sat down on my bed. Acting like everything is completely fine and dandy. Like she just hasn’t been lying to me the whole time I’ve been her. She watched me run around my room for a minute or two then looked down at the dress I laid out on my bed. She rubbed her hand down the soft cotton and smiled.
“Um, no. I just woke up like twenty minutes ago. I just kinda figured why not get up now?” I told her as I rushed nervously about my room, trying to avoid the subject I was craving to bring up.
I snatched up my dress and hurried along to my bathroom to change. I did the stuff I had to do: I parted my hair neatly to the side and applied the necessary amount of makeup. When I was putting on my eyeliner, I noticed there was something different about the ring. Right in the middle, deep inside the gem, was a deep burgundy swirl churning inside it. Huh. I’ve never seen it like this before.
I just shrugged it off like it was nothing and brushed it off for I was too scared to even think of what it could mean. I shivered and gave myself a good once-over in the mirror. Here goes nothing.
I stepped out of the bathroom so Raquelle could see.
When she heard the bathroom door open, she quickly stood up and took in an exasperated breath and smiled.
“You look so beautiful Haley. You’re going to sweep everyone off their feet.” She complimented before wrapping her slender arms around my small waist. She suddenly pulled back to look at me once more.
“You got your license right? When you were with Lara?” She asked, out of the clear blue.
“Uh… yeah, I did. Why?” I asked, raising one eyebrow in suspicion and pursing my lips.
“James and I decided you wouldn’t want your parents driving you to school every morning. So… we went all out and bought you a brand new car!” she exclaimed with a look of pure excitement and joy on her face.
My jaw dropped wide open, “Oh my god! Are you serious?!” I screamed.
She nodded happily, “Get your shoes on and get your backpack and you can see it.” She practically sang as she walked out my bedroom door. I hurried and slipped into a pair of white flats. Like the ones I wore yesterday but just plain white. I hurried and put on some gold dangle earrings that Raquelle bought me and grabbed my backpack. I slipped out my bedroom door and down the hallway. I ran down the stairs and immediately out the front door.
Once I did, I stopped dead in my tracks as my backpack slid off my shoulder. I screamed so loud with excitement, I thought for sure the neighbors could hear me.
Parked on the gutter was new, shiny, white Camaro.
I ran to Raquelle and James and pulled them both into a bear hug, “This is the best car in the history of best cars! This is so freaking amazing!” I exclaimed, circling around the car in amazement, “Thank you so much guys!” I opened the driver’s side door, “I better get to school before I’m late for my first day. I love you guys so much! Bye!”
I yelled over my shoulder. Raquelle screamed my name and tossed me the keys before I could get in. I chucked my bag in the passenger seat before I put my new keys in the ignition. I waved out the passenger side window as I drove away to my first day of school.
When I got there, I noticed there were hardly any good parking spaces left. Then, just my luck, Isaac had an amazing, front row parking space. To my surprise, right next to his car was empty space. I had a hunch that he was saving it for me.
I pulled into the space perfectly. When I got out of the car, almost every eye was on me immediately. With my extraordinary hearing, I could hear the little whispers that were already going around about me. I reached in and grabbed my gray and blue backpack that had white skulls all over it.
I stepped out and locked up my car before I walked toward the school.
When I got to the front doors, Isaac was standing there, waiting for me.
He looked up at me as I walked up. He looked over my appearance once and his jaw dropped nearly to the floor. He quickly closed it before he thought I notices, “Wow, Haley. You sure went all out for your first day of school, can’t wait to see you every other day.” He complimented then gave me a big hug.
We walked into the school together, “So what’s your schedule look like? Maybe we have some classes together.” He stated.
I took my backpack and started gigging through my folders and notebooks to get my schedule.
The Isaac said nervously, “Uh… we better get moving. We’re keeping up the crowd.” He said as he clasped his hand around my shoulder. When I looked up at him, his expression was worried and annoyed. He was looking straight ahead as he tried to pull me aside down a different hallway.
“Yo’ Isaac! What’s going-” The guy behind me cut his sentence short as I turned around to see who was calling Isaac’s name, “OH, who’s this lil’ hottie? Have you been hiding her from me Emerson?” said a boy with cropped reddish-brown hair, bright blue eyes and slight freckles across the bridge of his nose.
“Just go away Joe.” Isaac told him while steeping in front of me to hide me from Joe’s predatory gaze.
“Not until you introduce us. It’s rude not to make an introduction to such a pretty girl.” He said as he looked over Isaac’s shoulder at me and winked.
Isaac sighed, frustrated, “Fine. Joe, this is Haley. Haley, this is Joe. He’s the kicker on m football team.” Isaac explained to me, “Okay, now that’s over with, I’m gonna take Haley to her first class. See ya at practice.” Isaac said calling over his shoulder to Joe as he quickly pulled me away from him.
Joe didn’t say a word as we left him standing there. I looked back over my shoulder at him and he was watching me the whole way down the hallway until we finally turned the corner and we were out of his sight.
I handed Isaac my schedule. He looked over it and smiled satisfactorily, “We have second and third together today and sixth together tomorrow. Which would technically just me second again,” He explained with a chuckle.
“Okay. I guess I’ll see you I second then?” I asked, smiling sweetly up at him.
He smiled back, “Count on it.”
He walked me to my first class, “Have a good first period. See ya in the next one.” He gave me a big, quick hug and zoomed off to his before the bell could ring.
I took a deep breath and walked inside.
Most everyone was already in their seats.
I walked up to what I assumed was the teacher’s desk and handed a teacher that looked to be about in her sixties or seventies a note from the principal.
She raised the glasses that were hanging on a brass chain from her neck to her eyes and studies the note with shaky hands. She stood and surprised me to see she looked to be about 6 inches shorter than me. She straightened her back as much as possible then gave up when she heard a crack. She looked over the students with a legitimate smile plastered to her face, “Class! This is Haley Summerz. She’s new to our school so make her feel welcome. There’s a seat back there behind Betsy Jan. Betsy, raise your hand so she knew who you are.”
I looked around the classroom aimlessly but no one raised their hand.
“Betsy, raise your hand,” I heard Mrs. Thatcher say with an annoyed hitch in here voice.
Reluctantly, a girl with long black hair, nearly pale white skin and wearing many shades of black, white and gray rolled her eyes and lazily lifted her hand into the air.
Once I saw who she was, I immediately looked down at the floor as I passed through the isle to get to the empty desk behind Betsy, too shy to look at anyone in particular, and walked between two neat rows of seats and sat behind her.
There was empty seat next to mine. Hmm. It kinda makes me wonder who sits there.
Just then, a boy walked through Mrs. Thatcher’s classroom door.
Right when I laid my eyes on him, it was like something hit me so hard in the chest, it took my breath away.
It was like in those cheesy movies where it goes all slow motion when someone absurdly attractive walks in. He flipped his shoulder length black shaggy hair out of his eyes as he walked down the aisle way next to me, but his bangs just fell right back into his eye, nearly covering his whole face except for his mouth. He had a hint of a smirk on his lips and that’s when I noticed little rings sticking out of each side of his bottom lip. When he got closer, he moved his bangs from his eyes as he looked down at his desk, I couldn’t help but notice his eyebrow was pierced and his ears were gaged with small white spikes. He was wearing a black misfits t-shirt with gray skinny jeans as he sat down in the desk right next to me.
My little fantasy was caught off guard when I saw Betsy hold out her hand, palm up to him. He reached over and gave her hand a light slap.
So I wouldn’t be caught staring, I turned my attention immediately to the front at the teacher who was droning on and on about stories of her grandchildren; overcoming the insatiable urge to look at him.
As class went on, I would sneak small glimpses at him through the corner of my eye.
When I looked away, I noticed he was looking at me to whenever neither the teacher nor I was looking at him.
“Okay class! Partner up!” Mrs. Thatcher announced.
Almost immediately the cute boy next to me turned in his seat, “Wanna be my partner?”
Oh dear lord, he almost sounds better than he looks! His voice wasn’t deep but it was smooth as silk and as sweet as honey. I looked down at my notebook I had in front of me to get a piece of paper, silently hoping he was asking as I waited for Betsy to answer, “Yo, new girl. He’s talking to you.” I looked up at Betsy, then at the boy next to me like a total idiot. When our eyes met, I was completely dumbfounded. His eyes were so unique. They looked to be a teal blue. They absolutely took my breath away. He smiled to show perfect, white teeth, “Do you possibly want to be my partner?” He repeated softly.
I smiled, “Uh… yeah. Sure.” I told him calmly when on the inside I was jumping for joy.
His smile grew wider as he stuck out his hand to me, “I’m Will.”
I hesitantly took his hand then smiled back, “I’m Haley.”
He slightly blushed. As did I, I’m sure, “Well, I guess we better get started.” He said.
“Um… okay. Remind me again what we’re supposed to be doing?” I asked, embarrassed I didn’t pay any attention whatsoever to Mrs. Thatcher when she actually explained the assignment not even five minutes ago.
He gave a slight chuckle, “We’re supposed to try to have a full conversation in Spanish,” He explained, “Como estas?” He asked.
I just stared at him blankly. He laughed, “I said ‘how are you?’ in Spanish.”
“Oh! I know how to answer this. Muy bien, y tu?” I answered like a pro. He just choked back a laugh at my lame attempt. So did Betsy. He looked at the teacher just as she looked away, “Okay, she’s not looking anymore. I’m guessing you’re new?” He asked with a hint of a smile playing on the edge of his lip.
“Yeah. I guess Betsy kinda gave it away, huh?” I answered jokingly as I looked over at Betsy. She gave us both a shrug and a playful smirk.
Will laughed, “That’s what I thought. You don’t really look like you’re from around here. Speaking of which, where are you from?”
“I moved here from West Jordan.” I answered.
“That’s not too far away. Why in the world would did your parents move you out here in the first place? This isn’t the most exciting town. If I had to choose where to move, I would have picked L.A or some other fun place.” Betsy exclaimed.
Will smiled at Betsy then looked away from her and on to me, “Yeah. Why did you move here anyway?” Will asked.
“Um… Uh… this is where my foster family lives. So technically I didn’t really have a choice on where to move.” I said nonchalantly like it was no big deal.
Betsy just stared at me with a funny look, “Foster family?” Will got up the nerve to ask and break the silence that seemed to have lasted a century.
“Yup. I was adopted a couple days ago.”
He just looked down at the floor shyly.
I looked between him and Betsy, “What?”
They just stared for a minute longer, and then they laughed in unison. They must be related or something, I thought to myself.
The teacher looked over at us just then. Will noticed and leaned over my desk and pretended like he was explaining something to me. Betsy turned around to face her supposed partner.
When Will looked over his shoulder and realized Mrs. Thatcher was going to continue to watch us probably the rest of the class period, he turned his back to me, eyes on paper, he whispered, “Do you think we could hang out sometime?” H asked, looking straight into my eyes.
At first, I couldn’t really find an answer for his teal eyes never looked away from my green ones. He only focused on me and nothing else it seemed like, “As friends, of course. I just wanna get to know you a bit better.” He smiled
“Uh… sure, okay.” I finally answered, finding myself, once again, dumbfounded.
“Great.” He whispered. He was so close to my face, I was scared to even breathe in case my breath was gross.
For the rest of class, we surprisingly actually did the assignment we were told to do in the first place.
Right when Mrs. Thatcher told us to stop and practice the worksheet at home with a parent, the bell rang loud and clear, echoing off the walls. Thankfully signaling class was over.
Will and Betsy zoomed out without as much as a goodbye. They were out of there so quickly; all I saw were blurs as they passed.
When I walked out the door, Isaac was leaning against a couple lockers next to the door, waiting for me.
When he looked up and saw me, a wide grin spread on his face, “How was your first class?” He asked thoughtfully as he took my books out of my hands and carried them for me to our next class. I couldn’t help but notice all the envious stares I got from all the girls walking past us in the hallway.
“It was good I met two new people.” I smiled.
He beamed at what I said, “Already? It’s only first period. Who are they? Maybe I know them.” He stated.
“Betsy Jan and Will… something. I don’t know his last name.” I told him as we tried to maneuver through the crowd of babbling teens
When I looked back, he wasn’t there.
When I was about to go in and rescue him, he parted through a wave of people to get to me.
When I saw him come closer, I expected to see happy, cheerful Isaac. But who I saw come out of that crowd was not what I was expecting. The expression on his face showed he was worried and slightly jealous. I don’t think I like this Isaac just by the look on his face.
“I want you to stay away from Will,” He told me softly, “And Betsy. They’re bad news, Haley.”
I stopped dead in my tracks. I turned around to look at him. He almost ran into me, “What? Why?” I asked innocently.
He stared down at me, not phased at all, “They’re bad news,” He repeated, “I’ve never liked them. They are known around school to do stupid stuff. And I don’t want you getting into that kind of stuff with them.”
I stared up at him angrily. My second and third friends I’ve met on my own in my entire life and this big jerk thinks he can tell me I can’t be friends with them. No, I don’t’ think so, “I think I should choose my own friends, Isaac, not you. If I want to be friends with Betsy and Will, I’m going to. Not even you can stop me from doing so.” I explained to him fiercely, giving him the best intimidating glare I could muster.
He sighed then looked away for a moment then looked back down at me, slightly frustrated, “But you don’t know them like I do. Just promise me you don’t hang around them too often. Promise me, Haley.” He demanded as we finally got to my locker.
I was about to reply with a sarcastic retort when Will decided to butt into our little conversation, “Why don’t you let Haley decide who she wants to be friends with. You’re most definitely not the boss of her.” I heard Will say from behind Isaac.
Isaac rolled his eyes, “Stay out of this, Will. It doesn’t concern you.” Isaac said to him, turning away from me sharply.
“OH, I think it does. It involves me and Betsy. So I think I have a right to know. Why don’t you want her to hang out with us? Huh, Isaac? You scared of a little competition?” He said, getting up in Isaac’s face, puffing out his chest like a badass.
“You know that’s not why Will.” He said, surprisingly calm and under control.
Will smiled wickedly, “Is she your girlfriend?”
Isaac clenched his fists and looked away, not looking back at me or at Will. He nearly refused to look anywhere else but the ground itself, “That’s what I thought. She can hang out with who she wants, when she wants,” He told him as he made his way around Isaac’s stunned body to get to me, “I’ll walk you to your next class.” He smiled down at me as he took my hand and started walking in the supposed direction of my next class. I almost didn’t want to walk. I held my ground for about five seconds. When he realized I wasn’t going to move, he looked at me with the most mesmerizing, pleading eyes. I instantly gave in and walked with him willingly.
Almost as instantly as I gave up the fight, I regretted it. I looked back to see Isaac’s hurt eyes watching me as I went. I mouthed I was sorry but he turned away before he could see my apology.
“Why in the world did you say all that to Isaac?”
“Cause you shouldn’t let guys like Isaac push you around like that,” He replied thoughtfully, “Let me see your schedule,” He demanded kindly.
He held out his free hand and waited patiently before I handed it to him. He studied it carefully, “Damn it. We don’t have second period together. It’s all right though. Our classes are right next to each other,” He said looking down at me with a beautiful smile. He was just about as tall as Isaac.
I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him as bitterly as I could with how nice he was being to me and regrettably ripped my hand out of his grasp, “You probably just ruined our friendship and all you can think about is if we have the same second period?” I asked as I pushed past him, “I can find my own way to class,” I tore my class schedule out of his hand and stormed off without another look in his direction.
Thank god I caught on to the order of things or I never would have made it on time.
Right before I walked into class, I remembered this is one of the periods Isaac and I share,” OH good. We have a new student.” Mr. Maenner announced to the class.
I looked around the class for an empty seat.
How completely ironic is it that the only seat still open is the one next to Isaac? He probably hates me, “Okay. Good. There’s an empty seat back there next to Mr. Emerson. You can take that one.” He told me with a toothy smile on his face.
Isaac was doodling on his notebook. He didn’t even look up at me as I passed everyone else in the room had done. When I looked over his shoulder as I sat down to see what he was drawing, I saw cross bones and such.
I looked away quickly as he threw his arm over his paper.
While Mr. Maenner was teaching his Algebra 2 lessons for the day, I opened my notebook to a blank page and wrote:

Do you hate me?

I ripped it out and quickly folded the piece of paper into a neat square and tossed it onto his desk. At first he didn’t even look at it and just brushed it aside and continued doodling. Then he finally gave in to the temptation and carefully opened it, occasionally glancing up at Mr. Maenner to see if he was looking in our direction so he wouldn’t get in trouble for passing notes.
He picked up his pencil and scribbled something down ant tossed it back to me.
Right as it landed on my desk, Mr. Maenner looked back at us. I waited impatiently until he looked away and focused on his lesson again.
I finally got the chance to open it:

Maybe… What does it matter to you if I do or not?

I shot him a dirt look that he didn’t bother to see before writing back:

Because, believe it or not, I care. I don’t
know what came over me.
I’m sorry.

I waited before the teacher turned back to the white board.
He looked up at me after he read it. He whispered so quietly, the only possible way you could really hear him is if your ear was right next to his mouth, “I forgive you.”
I smiled to show I heard and started actually paying attention to Mr. Maenner and his pointless lesson.
The bell rang finally. Class was over at last! The torture of Algebra 2 was over for now.
Mr. Maenner came up to me, “You did well on your first day of school, Haley. If the rest of the year is as good as today, you just might become my star pupil.” He explained in a low gruff voice. I wasn’t exactly sure if he was just offering me something or threatening me. But I’m gonna go with threatening.
“Thanks Mr. Maenner. I’ll keep up the good work then,” I told him, flashing him one of my famous fake teachers-pet smiles, “Well… I better get to lunch before I’m late and all the good stuff is gone.” I lied, trying to escape his creepy, antagonizing stare.
I half ran out of the classroom and right into Isaac.
“You okay?” He asked in a gentle, amused voice with a smile firmly placed upon his lips.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Mr. Maenner just kinda creeps me out, you know?” I told him, moving a strand of hair out of my face.
He smiles, “Yeah, I know. It’s kinda like a game to him to freak out all the new students. If you haven’t noticed already, he’s really good at hit,” He explained as we walked to the cafeteria, “We better hurry or we’re going to be late.” H snatched up my free hand and ran. Thank god I didn’t have to go to my locker after this period.
We walked into a massive room filled with chatter and aromas of various foods.
He confidently walked me over to a food line that was pretty short, “What’s in this line?” I asked cautiously.
He glanced down at me for but a second, “Pizza, fries, burritos, etc., pretty much just junk food.” He explained excitedly, like there was absolutely nothing wrong with teenagers eating greasy, nasty junk food.
“Oh, I see. Why not get something, you know, healthy?” I asked innocently, not sounding my own age whatsoever at the moment.
He stared down at me in mock shock, “You did not just say that,”
At first I thought he was serious. Then he broke out in laughter with a wide grin from ear to ear.
I looked around and noticed his laughter and smile were extremely infectious. When I looked all around us, I saw the kids who were looking at us were also laughing and smiling as well. When I looked back up at him, I noticed I was smiling to.
We finally got through the line and where all the food was, “So what do you want to eat?” He asked with a smile.
I forced myself to look away from his gorgeous smile and down on all the greasy, disgustingly gooey foods that were displayed before me, “I guess I’ll just have a piece of pizza.” I answered, trying to hide the disgust in my voice.
He nodded and grabbed a small, pepperoni slice of pizza for me, “Nothing else?” He asked thoughtfully.
“Nope. Nothing else. I’m good to go.” I answered as I stared down at my very greasy, revolting pizza. I think… it just moved in my hands. Gross!
We got to the cashier lady\person. I checked my bag and realized just then I had absolutely no money. I looked down at my pizza again. Oh well. It wouldn’t be that big of a loss in skipping this meal. In fact, with this pizza I’m holding, skipping out just might actually save my life. I silently giggled at my horrid thought.
I looked up at Isaac, “I have no money. Oh well. Guess I’m just gonna have to skip this lunch,” I smiled, trying to look disappointed as I started to head back into the cramped line of people to put the mutated pizza back under the oily heat lamp when Isaac pulled out a thick wad of cash and handed a ten to the lady, “I’m paying for both of us.” He told her with a sweet smile.
Dangit! I almost got out of it. Ugh.
He walked me over to an empty table and sat down. He pretty much just scarfed down his pizza like a rabid dog with table manners. I mean he practically INHALED it. I watched, kind of repulsed. Not by the way he was eating it but WHAT he was eating. Ugh, the sound it made when he bit into it was grotesque. Sounded more like he was biting into a juicy slug than a slice of pizza. I seriously wanted to vomit right then and there.
When he finally looked up at me, he at last noticed I was looking at him weird, “What? Do I have food in my teeth?” He asked, rolling his tongue over his perfect teeth.
I smiled, “No, I just can’t believe you actually ate that.”
He laughed musically, “So I take it that means you’re not gonna eat your slice?”
I took a quick glance down at my pizza and almost immediately shook my head no and promptly passed my pizza across the table over to him.
He ate this piece much more slowly. Cautious of the way he was eating and knowing I was watching him eat it to.
The torture they call lunch is finally over! From now on, I’m bringing a home lunch.
He led me to the doorway of our next class. He hugged me then turned away to go get something he forgot out of his locker.
I walked in and the first person I noticed is Will sitting behind a wooden easel in the front row of the class. He looked up just was I walked in with an apologetic smile strewn across his lips. He got up and swiftly walked to me, apology written clearly in his teal eyes.
“I’m really sorry. I admit, I overreacted to what he said to you. I don’t like it when guys like him try to tell girls to do stuff when they have their own free will and opinion, especially when it kinda involves me. Can we still be friends?” He apologized and held out his hand for a truce shake. I just looked at it before I hesitantly reached out to shake it.
I looked up into his smiling face as his eyes brightened. I couldn’t help a sheepish grin in return.
Isaac made it just on time for class.
When I looked about the class, I noticed there weren’t any seats open next to neither Will nor Isaac. I cursed silently under my breath. So, instead, I sat by a sweet-looking young girl. As I walked up, her head turned to look up at me. She immediately had a smile on her face and her pretty brown eyes seemed friendly enough. She turned in her seat and I immediately noticed she had the body and facial features of a twelve-year-old girl when in reality I’m sure she was around sixteen or seventeen years of age, unless she’s skipped a couple grades.
I smiled back as I sat in the stool next to her. Not even the second my butt hit the stool did she start babbling to me about something very unimportant that I really didn’t care for. Her short hair bobbing whichever she moved her head to her words. I just nodded with what she said.
I just barely got the girl’s name, Michelle, when an average-looking man walked from a room that I didn’t even notice at the front of the class. He stood at least an inch taller than me for he didn’t have to stand on his tip-toes to write his name at the top of the board. Mr. Lundin turned around confidently and called the class to attention, “Okay guys! We are starting anew project today. We are actually going to sketch someone, but our model would not come in today so we are just gonna do warm-ups for the time being with one of our very own. So would anyone like to volunteer to be the subject of the class this fine afternoon?” Mr. Lundin asked the class. I looked around the classroom at everyone. No one was particularly eager to be drawn.
“Anyone? Anyone at all?” Mr. Lundin asked patiently.
When no one came up to bat, he sighed, “Okay. Guess I’m going to have to randomly choose,” he silently looked around the room a couple times then his eyes came to lay upon me, “You, in the back, next to Michelle. What your name?”
I looked up at Mr. Lundin and he was staring straight at me, “Haley Summerz,” I managed to stutter.
He gave a small smile, “You’re new here aren’t you?”
“Yes sir, I am.” I said with a half-smile.
He just smiled back. Somehow, it didn’t seem like a good smile, “Congratulations Ms. Summerz. You get to be our guinea pig for today. Why don’t you come on up here and strike a comfortable pose, you’re gonna be sitting like it for a while.”
I sighed and silently cursed him in my head as I got up and walked to the front of the class and sat down in a stool the most comfortable way possible.
The smile on Mr. Lundin’s face broadened, “Ah now that is true art spirit here class. It would’ve been better if it were willing,” He commented with a silent giggle as he looked about the class intimidatingly.
“Can we just have the instructions on how to do the assignment now?” Someone from the back of the room asked rudely.
“Yes. Of course,” Mr. Lundin answered quickly as he turned around to get something.
He got out his easel, paper, and pencils of all shades and shapes, “Now, hold very still, Haley.” He demanded kindly, “Or it won’t turn out just right.”
I posed and held perfectly still for him as his pencil stroked lightly and gracefully across the page, “Now, class, I want you to put some creativity into this. Make her somewhere else. Like next to a riverbed surrounded by flowers or in a meadow deep in the mountains, something that puts a little bit of ‘you’ in it. I don’t wanna see my classroom in any way, shape or form.”
I held as still as a statue for almost an hour. Until the five minute bell ran for them to clean up, I let out a breath I was holding and slumped in the stool slightly, “Don’t completely clean up just yet. I want to see all your wonderful art work.
He walked around the classroom to each individual art piece and examines them carefully. I noticed he gave a clap on the back to those who did well and a comment on those who did proficiently great.
When class was finally over, I walked over to Isaac excitedly, “I want to see your sketch of me,” I squealed as I bounced up and down anxiously.
He smile and unfolded the paper before handing it over to me hesitantly.
I was sitting in a meadow filled with all sorts of flowers like daisies and lilacs in my yellow sundress I wore to church yesterday. My eyes were downcast as I took in the scent of a daisy, smiling sweetly. The sun shone deeply on my golden blond hair.
My jaw dropped in awe, “It’s… it’s… so beautiful. You made me look like a goddess.” I stood on my toes and kissed him lightly on his cheek.
He blushed slightly, “thanks,” He smiled down at me, “I hate to leave you but I got to get going to my next class. Mr. Johnson is gonna have my butt on a silver platter if I’m late to his class again. I’ll see you after school!” He shouted over his shoulder as he ran out the door.
I was picking up my stuff from underneath the table when I noticed another pair of feet besides Mr. Lundin’s and my own.
I put my stuff on the stool behind me and realized Will was still cleaning up his area.
“Wait. Don’t put away your sketch yet. I want to see what I look like through your eyes.” I told him, smiling.
He looked at me over his shoulder and gave me a slowly, deliberate smile that made my skin tingle and make butterflies bounce off the walls of my stomach.
He moved to the side slightly to let me see what wonderful drawing he has done of me. I walked away from my easel to stand by him and get a closer look.
I was standing on a deserted dirt road. I was wearing a black dress that flowed in the wind like silk, along with my hair that was darkened by the shadows. I was gazing longingly up at the full moon. I held my hand up towards it, as if to try to steal it from the sky.
As I leaned in closer, I noticed something out of the ordinary about my face. When I leaned in even closer, I realized my canine teeth curved over my bottom lip slightly.
They were fangs.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry it took so long. been busy. but tell me what you think :] comments and subscriptions are greatly appreciated. :]