Perfectly Dysfunctional


"Don't be dim, if he hated you he'd have broken it off by now, and somehow I don't think that's what he's about to do." I explained.

"What makes you say that?"

"Earlier on, in the dressing room, he was talking to Max..." She glanced at me, the tears gone from her eyes for a moment, "I couldn't help it, they were pretty loud and I was sitting right next to them!"

She sniggered, "Don't sweat it, I do it too."

"Right, well, he was saying how much he loved you and that if you broke up with him he doesn't know what he'd do, cos he thinks you want to break up with him. He said uh... he said that you hadn't kissed him in about a month now, and he's really worried. He said all he wants to do is know what's going on in your head so that he can do everything in his power to help you - and I quote, by the way,"

She looked dead for a moment. Her skin was sheet white and I literally took a step back because I thought she might throw up. "He thinks I want to leave him..." She stated more so than asked, but I nodded anyway. "That's the most logical explanation for the way I've treated him yet it still hurts to hear."

"You can fix it, though..." I said. What a bold move.

"He'll hate me."

"I highly doubt it. Besides, he's going to start noticing soon anyway... How far along are you?"

"About six to eight weeks now," Two whole months - or thereabouts - and she hadn't said a word. In that moment my heart nearly broke for her.

"Well if he doesn't notice, someone else is going to, they're gonna know who you are, and piece it together. Would you rather he heard from you or some teenie fan-girl?"

"I know, I know, he should hear it from me and that I should do it soon, but I can't find the courage to tell him."

"I'm not saying tell him right now, y'know? Just let him know that you do love him and that you do need him - cos you really do need him."

By this point we'd wandered back to the side of the stage and had a proper full view of everyone. She stared at Siva for a few long moments and nodded, smiling slightly. "Y'know what, you're totally right. I'm so glad you're here!" She laughed and hugged me tightly. "Thank you so much."

We spent the next twenty minutes chatting and joking around, sometimes even slagging the boys on stage until it was their 'last song'; wink, wink. They jogged off stage with huge grins plastered onto their sweaty little faces. Nathan was second last off and he hung back to wait on Siva. I saw the look on Nareesha's face so tugged on Nathan's arm just in time for Siva to come off.

"You were great," I said, not really looking at him but looking over his shoulder. Siva had walked off stage, dragging his feet a little but still trying to smile at everything, and Nareesha had took a couple of steps towards him. He glanced up then faltered. She smiled at him then threw her arms around him and kissed him so passionately. He paused, totally befuddled by the situation before throwing his arms around her waist, merging his body into hers and kissing back with as much force as if they'd been separated for years on end. I'm telling you, it was even better than what you see in the movies or what you read about in stories. Nathan had caught on to what I was looking at and turned back to face me, grinning away.

"You are some sort of good luck charm." He beamed and ruffled my hair, "You little genius, you."

"I don't know about good luck charm, but I'm some sort of charm," I said, pointing to my shoulder.

"What did you say to her anyway?"

"I said that if she kissed Siva I'd go home..." I tried to keep a straight face but burst out laughing, "I'm joking, jeez. Dinnae be nosey, we were just talking."

"You're cruel-" He was cut off by Jayne who was shouting at everyone to get back on stage. Max, Tom and Jay went back out and Nathan grabbed on Siva's arm, shouting his apology over his shoulder, but it was nearly drowned out by the screams from the audience.

I stood my ground for a second before slinking back over to Nareesha who had her fingers lightly tracing her slightly swollen lips. "So..." I grinned when she grinned at me just as the opening for All Time Low started to play. We faced the stage and watched as Siva sang with a brand new zest. He was screaming, running around the stage with Jay, jumping into the bar that held back the audience; and I was happy.

I assumed Nareesha's heart would be swelling right now.
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Ta-da! No cliffhangers or anything (YET) for people to get stressed over ;) Enjoy Manchester, Beks :)