Status: working on it...


Ch 2: New School, Oh Boy.

Roman spent most of the night tossing and turning due to the fact that he was still trying to get used to living in a new home, in a new bed, with a torn family. He was also having trouble because he kept hearing movement and whispers downstairs. He didn't exactly want to be a snoop and see what all the commotion was downstairs, because it wasn't usually in his nature to be nosey. Although after hearing Cassie yell 'No' to his mother, he figured he had to investigate.
He eased his way out of the bed and felt the cold, hardwood floor beneath his feet. The moon was shining in through his window as he stealthily walked towards the door.
He felt the floor give way and there was a small creak, but the two downstairs didn't seem to notice.

He made sure to turn the door knob all the way to the right before opening the door slowly so that it didn't make any noise. That short moment was intense, because he could tell that they were in the den right below the staircase. The whispers became angry as if they were arguing about something.
He got close enough to hear Cassie tell his mother, "Well, I still think we should have told Roman ahead of time... Before it was too late."
He thought to himself what is it that they could be hiding from him.
His mother chimed in, "Well, its too late now. He's gone and there is no coming back. Now, I'm sorry if that sounds heartless but it is just a truth that we have to face. Now, Rome will find out when the time is right... What was that?"
It became silent as Roman made his way to the staircase, but hearing their silence made him scared so he half tip-toed, half ran back into his bedroom and got into bed.

He wasn't exactly sure what his sister and mother were talking about, but he planned on finding out. Sooner than later.

The next day, Roman got out of bed to find an empty house. He guessed that his sister was on her way to class and that his mother was gone to work by now. He sighed and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
After drying off and getting ready for school, he checked himself off in the bathroom mirror.
He was a handsome young man, standing at about 5'9", light skinned with dark green, almost hazel eyes, and dreadlocks that came down to his back. His mother used to say that he looked a lot like his father, but he never liked to talk about him. He didn't understand how his mother could speak so kindly about a man who had abandoned his child, even if she was already married. It still just wasn't fair.
He looked almost nothing like his older sister who had dark brown eyes, a somewhat lighter complexion, and long curly hair that hung over her shoulders. The main thing they shared was their smile. They were told many times that their smile could light up any room when someone was feeling down.
He gathered his things and headed out of the door into a cold, foggy morning.
He almost forgot that it was just barely the end of January and this Louisiana weather would just not let up.
He sighed as he headed down the road to catch the school bus.

The ride to the school was uneventful, he just sat in the back with his hood on and his head down. No one really paid much attention to him. On the way there he saw a new building being built, someone on the bus said that the town was building a new school. Something about the old one becoming too old and partially hazardous. It didn't matter to him, he would be out of school soon anyway. This was his last year and as long as he got out he was fine.

Once the bus stopped in the bus area, Roman, along with the rest of his peers, stepped out and walked into the school. The moment he looked up he caught a vague sense of deja vu, but he figured it was nothing. Just another high school filled with students, teachers, rats, and probably more.
He barely made his first stepped out of the front door when some jerk ran into him, "Hey watch it assho-..." The guy cut off his sentence and stared at Roman in disbelief, Rome snapped back, "What? You've never seen a new kid before? Get the fuck out my way." Then he sauntered into the school and down the hall to the office to discuss his school schedule with the counselor.
His first day at a new school and he already made a statement, and rumors were already probably floating around about the new kid being gay. But who cares, right? Its just high school. Although, the truth never hurt anyone and the guy that bumped into him earlier was kind of cute..