Not Quite the World as We Know It!


Martin Bellweck sat with the knife in his hand. It was the knife he had used to cut her throat yet it seemed to have a lack of blood on it. Actually it had no blood at all on it.

Martin found this very strange.

"How could this be?" He though to himself. I can feel the blood between my toes.

Martin stood up and looked around.

“Where the hell am I?”

Not until know had he noticed his surroundings. He was standing in a wooden cabin in the middle of a forest. He took a large step over the dead woman and looked out the window. Thick was the fog outside, but he could see a lake further down the hill.

“Where the hell am I?” He said again, but louder this time.

Martin had no memory of neither going to this place nor what he had been doing before this event. He didn’t even remember why he had cold heartedly killed that woman.

He hadn’t even seen her face.

He stepped back and turned the woman around. She had long blond hair, although it now was colored red from her blood, blue eyes and a very beautiful face.

Why had he killed her? Who was she?

The questions were running thru Martins head as he tried not to puke from the stench from the corpse.

“Where the hell am I?” He yelled to the dead women. “Where am I?”

Martin began to panic. He dropped the knife on the floor as he ran towards the door.

“The door is open?” He thought to himself almost sure it would be locked.

He ran down the hill towards the place where he had seen the lake before, only now the fog were even thicker so he could no longer see it.

He ran for what felt like an hour before he stopped. He couldn’t see anything. The fog was now so thick that he could barely see his hands in front of him. He closed his eyes and tried to focus his mind on remembering where he had been before he killed that woman. He couldn’t even remember killing her; he just knew he had done it.

He opened his eyes and yelled, terrified. He stood on the porch to the wooden cabin. He stumbled backwards and fell. How the hell could he be back here, he must have been running miles away from it. It couldn’t be.

He gathered himself and stepped onto to porch again. He slowly opened the door and looked inside, the woman was gone.

He slammed the door open and looked around terrified.

“She can’t be gone,” he said to himself in panic. “She is dead. I saw her dead.”

He walked slowly into the room were the women had been lying the last time he had been there. He saw the knife that he had dropped. There was still no blood on it and yet it was lying in the middle of a pool of blood.

“How can that be?” Martin thought to himself. “How can’t there be any blood on the knife. The knife I used to cut her throat, the knife that is lying in a pool of blood. It should be drenched.”

Just as these words had spun around in his mind he heard a sound that was very alike a gargle but thicker and more unpleasant.

He turned around slowly and just when he had done this the women ran towards him from the other side of the room.

The gargle became louder and blood was streaming out of her open wound. Her eyes were blank and her hands were stretched out in a strangling motion towards Martins throat.
In a second she grabbed his throat and Martin fell to the floor and felt the cold blood on the floor soak his shirt. He looked straight into her blank eyes just before everything went black.