Not Quite the World as We Know It!


When Martin stepped into the room he felt a chill go down his spine

”God, I hate this room,” Martin thought to himself

“Well then Martin,” Dr. Shellard said, making Martin snap out of his thoughts. “Are you ready?”

“Yes of course,” Martin replied, even though he never really were. Ever.

“Well then, just lay down and I will go to the monitor room and start things up,” Dr. Shellard replied.

Martin nodded as he took of his shirt and laid down on the bunk. The surface was as cold as a dead animal.

It made him shiver.

Marc stood at the door looking around like a kid lost in a maze. He had been here several times before, yet it still seamed like he had never seen it every time he came back.

“How are you doing Marc?” Martin asked to get him to get his attention.

“I’m just fine mate,” Marc replied now looking at Martin smiling wide. “I only wonder why such a small machine needs such a large room.”

Martin turned around and looked behind the machine. He had never though about it before. Behind the small machine, in which he was lying, there was a fifty meter gap with nothing else but clean floor.

“You’re right Marc,” Martin said still staring on the empty spot. “There is noting there, no reason for the space to be there either.”

“Well then. Are we ready Martin?” Dr. Shellards voice echoed thru the speakers in almost empty room.

Martin looked up towards the camera, which was in one of the corners and nodded.

The machine started to move very silently. Martin was pulled into the machine a little and then a needle was inserted in his arm. Slowly the room started so spin and the last thing Martin heard was Marc voice screaming

“There's something wrong!”