Status: Complete

Our Story

Chapter One

When you’re young you think you have everything planned out. You swear that you know everything and you are sure exactly the way your life will turn out. Life has its own plans though, some people call it fate or destiny. I never imagined that this is where I would be today and I have mixed feelings about that. Life doesn’t wait, it happens fast. Years can go by in the blink of an eye. One day you’re an awkward teenager in glasses singing to the radio and the next you’re a married woman. It seems almost impossible to believe that this is where I ended up today but the question is…is that a good or a bad thing?

“Are you okay in there?” my husband asks from outside the bathroom. “You don’t usually take this long to get ready.”

We are supposed to be going out for dinner but I can’t bring myself to leave our bathroom. I can hear the beginning hint of worry in his voice. We’ve been married for a year and he has been the best husband I could ever ask for. He’s given me his whole heart and I have no doubt that he always will.

I listened to Panic at the disco on the radio for years. I was such an awkward lonely teenager and music was my escape. Who would have ever thought that I’d grow up to marry the famous singer Brendon Urie? It seems impossible but somehow it really happened.

My attraction to Brendon wasn’t immediate at all. It was only after years of hearing his music and watching him on my computer screen that I really was able to open my eyes. I learned all about who he really is as a person and I fell head over heels in love.

I was going through a rough patch but as long as I still had him and his music I could get through anything. At this point we were pretty much opposites but I knew that he could be the one who could complete me.

I made it through all of my troubles. I became a stronger, happier, more confident person. Fate led me to a new best friend called Bella. She lived in Sweden at the time but distance couldn’t stop a bond from forming. She would tell me all the time how one day Brendon Urie would fall madly in love with me but I never really believed her.

Eventually I was finally able to see him in concert. I didn’t notice anyone around me the whole night, all my focus was on him. I jumped up and down and shouted out the words to his songs. I brought a flower for him and when I threw it on stage he smiled that gorgeous smile of his at me.

He was signing autographs after the concert so I waited in line patiently, my heart racing. It was finally my turn. We posed for a picture and I broke out into a huge goofy grin as soon as he put his arm around me. “You gave me that flower, didn’t you?” he said.

“Yeah, I know it was kind of lame,” I shrugged.

“No, it was really nice. I could see you in the audience singing every word.”


“Yeah, you’re the one with the sparkly hazel eyes and pretty bow in your hair. It’s really nice to see such an obviously dedicated fan. What’s your name?”

I think I was going into shock by then and I was blushing furiously. “I’m Cat,” I replied.

“That’s a cool name,” he smiled. “I actually have to get going now but it was nice meeting you Cat.”

“You too,” I nodded.

I was satisfied with the way things went but little did I know it would not be the last time I saw him. The next afternoon I sat at my favorite table in the corner of the local Starbucks. I didn’t see him approach me until he was standing in front of me saying “Hey, don’t I know you?”

I almost had a heart attack. “What are you doing here?”

“Getting coffee. Wow, what a coincidence right? Do you mind if I sit here?”

“Feel free,” I couldn’t help staring at him. I was in total disbelief.

We talked for a long time. I admitted to him how amazing I thought he and his music were. I explained how he inspired me and helped through a hard time. He listened carefully the whole time I spoke. We laughed and smiled and he was sure to compliment me often.

When it was time for him to leave he said my story touched his heart. He said I was obviously a strong, smart, and beautiful young lady who loved his band very much. He told me that he knew I was special from the moment he saw me and since he can’t just leave things like this he gives me his e-mail address.

I insisted that just meeting him meant the world to me so it was okay for him to go now but he protested. He was determined to give me his e-mail address so that we could stay in contact then asked permission to give me a hug which I of course accepted.

Things happened fast after that. We got to know each other on a new level and every time we were able to meet up again we did. He was engaged to be married to another girl at the time. Our relationship began to grow very complicated for a while.

Brendon was always such a happy person but he cried to me the night he broke up with his fiancé. It wasn’t an easy break. He did lover her but not the way he should if he was going to marry her and it had been that way since before he even met me. I still felt partially guilty for a while. Brendon practically begged me to try going on a date with him and I refused for quite some time.

Everyone had their reasons why I shouldn’t get married to Brendon but when he got down on one knee with that diamond ring I couldn’t refuse. Bella of course supported me and even came from Sweden just to be in our wedding. It was perfect like I’d always dreamed.

A year later here I am at the age of twenty one and him at the age of twenty six. We are still happily and madly in love. We both have our flaws but we are soul mates, I know that for a fact in the very depths of my heart.

“Is something wrong?” Brendon asks, knocking on the locked door.

That is a good question I think as I look down at the little plastic stick in my hands. I close my eyes and take a deep breath but the stick still says the same thing…pregnant.