Status: Complete

Our Story


I just walk out of the bathroom and hold out the pregnancy test. His brown eyes widen. “What? Pregnant? How?” he asks.

I shrug. “I don’t know.”

We forget all about our dinner plans as we sit down on our big bed and stare at that little plastic stick. Neither one of us know what to say or how to react.

I have been taking birth control pills since we started dating even though I knew I was going to wait to have sex with him. I hadn’t forgotten a single pill so I didn’t expect to be pregnant. I was feeling kind of sick and my doctor told me to take a test just to make sure I wasn’t pregnant but somehow I am.

For years I was sure that I didn’t want to be a mom. I couldn’t even imagine it. It wasn’t until I overcame the difficulties I was facing and became a happier better person that I decided I did want to be a mom someday. I knew I would be a mom eventually but things just keep happening so fast since I met Brendon.

“I’m calling Bella,” I announce and hurry to find the nearest telephone.

Bella came to visit soon after and she hugged me excitedly. “I’m so happy for you!”

“Thanks,” I nodded.

“Aren’t you happy?” she pulled back and studied my face carefully.

“I think so,” I shrugged.

“What do you mean?”

“Things are just happening so fast.”

“Isn’t this what you want though? Didn’t you want to marry Brendon and have his baby?” she questions.

“Yes,” I admit.

“You have this amazing life and an amazing husband who’s going to be by your side through all of this. You should be happier than ever! This is exciting!”

I smiled. “Okay, I’m happy.”

Bella has moved to America by now so she can live with her newlywed wife Shawnee. We used to joke about getting married to the famous Shawnee and Brendon but now we really are. Our dreams are coming true. It’s good to see Bella so happy with Shawnee. Bella deserves it. She’s amazing and beautiful and the best friend I have. Now that she lives closer to us she gets to be involved in my life with Brendon.

She is there with me and Brendon at the doctor when they do the big ultrasound. “What’s that noise?” I ask, listening carefully as they poke at my growing belly.

“Heartbeats,” the doctor answers.

“What?” I am confused.

“You’re having twins.”

I let it sink in for a moment then I run away. “I’m going to throw up.”

I am still sitting on the bathroom floor when Brendon finds me. He drags me out into the hallway and hugs me to him. “We’re having twins Cat. This is amazing,” he smiles.

“It’s going to be okay. We’re all here for you,” Bella tells me encouragingly.

I nod. It’s going to be okay.

For the first half of my pregnancy I am sick almost all the time. My hormones and emotions are all over the place. I cry often over almost everything. Brendon makes it his job to get me everything I need or want and to make me laugh as often as possible. He is so excited and it’s hard not to smile around him.

I feel hungry all the time and crave the weirdest foods. I am in love with pickles which I never used to care for that much. I feel like there are two little aliens inside me. I feel them move sometimes and it’s the strangest thing. My belly won’t stop growing. I wonder how much more my skin can stretch. I have always been tiny. I’m only just over 5 feet 4 inches tall and I’ve been naturally thin for as long as I can remember. Now my belly is so big that I think my back is going to break from the weight of it. I hold onto it when I walk but I am even clumsier than I used to be. I am off balance and I knock everything over.

Brendon tells me I am beautiful though. He cuddles with me at night and kisses my belly. He looks at me with that smile and those adoring eyes and he makes everything okay for me. I am lucky to have the best husband in the world and these babies are even luckier to have him as their dad. He sings lullabies to me and the babies in my belly every night and I think maybe being pregnant isn’t so bad after all.