Status: Complete

Our Story


I planned out the nursery. It would be yellow with a Winnie the pooh bear theme. Bella and Shawnee came over to help paint and decorate. I told them it has to be perfect. Brendon and I found out we’re having a boy and a girl, one of each.

“What are we going to name them?” I ask, sitting on the rocking chair in the now finished nursery.

“What do you want to name them?” Brendon replies.

I shrug. “I always liked the name Luca for a boy.”

“Luca Urie?”

I shrug. “If you don’t like it you can pick something else.”

“No,” he shakes his head and smiles. “Luca’s great.”

“What about our little girl? She needs a name too.”

“I kind of like the name Lucy for a girl.”

“Oh that’s beautiful! Our babies have names!” I clap my hands excitedly. “Luca and Lucy Urie.”

He walks over and helps me stand then he kisses me happily.

Bella and Shawnee insist on throwing me a baby shower. They give me gifts for the babies and we play funny games together. We eat cake and in the end I’m too tired out for any more activity so we sit down and watch a movie. Even though I would naturally pick a horror movie Brendon told me I wasn’t allowed to because the babies can hear it. He’s funny sometimes.

“Good morning beautiful,” Brendon smiles at me.

“What time is it?”

“Almost noon,” he responds.

I frown. “I don’t usually sleep that long.”

“You need your rest,” he tells me. “I made breakfast.”

“Help me up,” I say.

He pulls me out of bed and steadies me on my feet so that I can go to the bathroom. The babies are always pressing on my bladder. I brush my teeth and short hair and examine myself in the mirror. My body has changed a lot in the past months but I guess as long as Brendon thinks I’m beautiful that’s all that really counts.

I turn to leave the bathroom and go get breakfast when I feel a cramp. I place one hand on my belly and the other on the sink so I don’t fall over. I gasp suddenly. I’m in labor and it’s still weeks early. “Brendon!” I yell.

“Cat? What’s wrong?” Brendon opens the unlocked door and his eyes widen.

“My water broke. The babies are coming!”

He curses. “What do I do?”

“Call Bella and get the car ready. We’re going to the hospital.”

Bella and Shawnee meet us at the hospital. Just like everything else in my life with Brendon labor is moving fast. “The babies are both head down and ready to be born. Get ready to push,” the doctor tells me.

My husband is holding my hand and I look at him with tears in my eyes. “I can’t do this Brendon. I’m so scared.”

“You’re going to do fine. Just think about those babies. I’m right here by your side. We can do this together. It’s going to be alright. You are so strong and amazing Cat. You make me so happy. You’re my wife and you’re giving me these babies and I love you so much. You can do this,” he tells me.

I scream and Lucy comes first. She cries and the nurses take her to be cleaned up and weighed. They listen to her breathing and her little heart. Luca comes next and he doesn’t cry at first. It scares me for a moment but then he starts wailing loudly and I cry. I sob and they bring my babies to me. They lay my babies on my chest and they are both so tiny. They look just like Brendon and they are beautiful. Brendon smiles at me and he’s crying happily too. Everything really is perfect.