The Good Girl

Thee Intro

You see, I wasn't always that way. I wasn't always...quiet. Damn the label, but it became the truth.
Middle school I went to a private, Christian school. There was only eight of us and I grew up with those eight like they were all my sibilings. And then high school ran into me and I had a minor collison.
The only high school was public, so it was like exposing saints to demons. I learned quickly that not only was I a pariah, but that I was a freak.
I'm not going to hide the things they called me. I wasn't ugly, and I try to take this as humbly as possible but I was quite beautiful. Make up was a no need, long curly hair that the whole school envied, dark eyes that contrasted greatly and stood out. It wasn't my looks, it was who I was.
Apparently, enjoying a book instead of drugs doesn't make you 'cool'. Hating rap and listening to classical music is put to great shame too. And being quiet means you have nothing going for you but a dead end.
Both freshman and sophmore years I was waiting for that dead end, I would sit in class, eye the clock and wait for everything to just collapse around me and leave me behind. A more clear clarification of the meaning dead end was like being in a race, the race symbolizing life and the rest of the other competitors have each other to help them up and run along side. I only had me and I was lost in their tracks. If I fell, I sure as hell would have trouble getting back up.
Don't get me wrong, I had friends, but I never really...enjoyed their company and I'm sure anyone who fully understood why would be on my side.
It had always bothered me, being shy. I hated when people would ask me if I was shy, how was I supposed to respond to that?
Girls are always mean, there's no way of getting around that. Guys can be cruel but girls are mean.
The one I despised the most was named Dawn Frost. She had this long main of blond hair, green eyes that looked like a cats, make up that looked like it had been plastered to her face and the tightest selection of clothing.
Call it whatever, but Dawn Frost was truly the evil genius behind the whole junior class. And of course, her main object of disliking was me.
I hadn't done a thing wrong to her, she always claimed it was my existence, my quiet soul that would cluster every secret that it heard. And she would learn eventually to keep her mouth shut because of much I knew, and easily I could over throw her.
It's the typical thing to hate someone over, but the feud between me and my rival was a guy.
Daniel Hex.