Element of Fire

Fire pit

I stared at the creature in front of me, it gave a little cry that sounded something like a shrill then floated over and settled in the grass. I was sure that it would set all the grass on fire as it lay down but surprisingly none of the blades caught fire. It closed it's eyes and lay there for a few seconds, cautiously I reached out a hand and brushed it's mane. It opened it eyes as I touched it but it didn't react only closed it's eyes once more and started to make a noise that I was sure was it's purr.
"What are you?" I asked as I petted it.
It opened one eye then stood up and crawled into my lap, after it settled down it let out a sigh and went back to sleep. I started petting it again and to my surprise I found myself smiling. Even though this day had been super weird and this was the weirdest thing yet, it seemed almost natural to have this creature in my lap. I looked down at it and saw it had no collar, was it normal for someone to have a pet that's made of flames? In fact where had this creature even come from?
"Who do you belong to? How did you get here? What's you name?" I mused out loud as I continued to brush her.
<My name's Miyana> a female voice said softly.
I looked around but there was no one around but me and the fire creature.
"Hello, who said that?" I asked nervously I'd never been good with ghosts and things like that.
<I did silly girl> The voice giggled and something warm pressed against my shoulder.
I looked over and saw that the creature was floating again, it trilled and did a flip in the air.
<It's so good to finally meet you> The voice said.
I blinked as the creature bowed then trilled and flew circles around me.
<I've been waiting to meet you! I'm Miyana the fire guardian Sya> The creature smiled.
I stared at it for a few seconds then closed my eyes and fell backwards. I landed on the grass behind me and for a few seconds I lay there trying to forget what I was seeing.
<Sya are you alright?! Should I contact one of the others?>
I opened my eyes and smiled, Miyana paced in the air until I sat up. She rushed over and landed on my shoulder and rubbed her head against my neck. I reached up and petted her, then stood up and started walking back inside, how I was I going to explain this to the others?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, Miyana is here! I thought it'd be cool if she talked this time. = ) But I think she sounds a little too proper. Hmm.
<I do not!>
Ah! Run! She's after me!