Element of Fire


I was in my room laying out on the bed when Walter and the rest of them walked in the room. I sat up from my bed and watched as they all entered the room.
"Sya there is something that we have to tell you. Now that you have made the connection with your guardian there is somewhere that you have to go." He didn't seem to want to talk about it.
"Where?" I asked suspiciously.
"You have to go to the one place that calls to your heart."
"And where is that supposed to be?" I asked looking at him confused.
"When you figure that out you will become a full fledged warrior. Tomorrow you and i will leave and travel until you find it." He coughed and for some reason he seemed nervous.
"I'm still against this!" Brock said pushing his way to the front, "I should be the one to go with her!"
"We all decided this Brock, Walter will go with Sya end of discussion." Risa said walking up behind him.
He turned away and fumed while they told me the rest of what was going on. I would have two weeks to find this place or else I would not become a full fledged warrior. I nodded my head and they all left the room, everyone that is except Walter. He walked over and sat down on the bed next to me. I could sense unease rolling off him in waves.
"Is something teh matter?" I asked looking over at him.
"There something else you need to know before we head out tomorrow." His voice went up high and he coughed to clear his throat.
He didn't reply but instead leaned over and kissed me full on the lips. I didn't know what to do, but after a second her pulled away and wrapped his arms around me. My heart was beating so fast I could barely breathe.
"This is going to be dangerous, and I wanted you to know that no matter what happens I will always be by your side to protect you, even if you don't want me to." His voice was so commanding that it sent shivers down my spine.
He let go and quickly left the room, I sat there stunned for a few seconds then flopped down on the bed and covered my red face. Tomorrow I would be alone with someone who jut kissed me, for two whole weeks. I'd probably die before I even found the place.
<It's not that bad> Miyana said as she laid down next to me.
"It so is, kill me now." I said covering my face with a pillow.