Element of Fire


When I woke up I found myself locked in a cell, after a second I closed my eyes and tried to return to the dream I'd been having. It was a memory from after they found me, it was my birthday. But before I could return to the land of dreams, ice cold water doused me and I lept to my feet. There standing behind the bars that sealed me off from the world was Wendy.
"I'm glad you're finally awake." She said setting down the bucket that had previously contained the water now dripping down my face.
"Huh?" I was surprised, didn't she say when she knocked me out that she was going to make me pay?
"Yes, I'm glad your awake, so your torture can start. I didn't want to miss it." A smile curled across her lips.
I looked away from her, but a second later a hand reached through the bars and I was forced to meet a pair of completely black eyes. It seemed as if they drew me into their depths, and no matter how hard I tried I could not look away. As they stared into my eyes the world around us vanished. Then suddenly the hand let go and I saw nothing but bloody corpses surrounding me. Tears sprang from my eyes as I looked at them all, then I recognized the empty blue eyes staring at me. It was Brock! as I turned I saw who was there. Angela, Risa, Arthur, Mom, Dad, my little brother, then as I turned from the last corpse I saw someone staggering towards me. Blood splattered the ground behind them, bandages covered them from head to toe. It was only when they spoke that I recognized him.
"Why Sya, why would you do this?" He said blood dripping from the bandage under his covered eye.
"I didn't do this. I couldn't have done this. It's not possible." I said covering my ears and stepping back without taking my eyes from his.
He reached out his hand, then he burst into flame and began to turn to ash before my very eyes.
"Walter!" I screamed running towards him.
I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out of the flames, but the moment I touched his hand it disintegrated into ash. I screamed until I could no longer breathe....
the hand that held my face let go and I staggered back into one of the walls behind me. Standing before me was man I'd never seen before, his eyes as I watched turned from the endless dark into light brown ones. I covered my face so that he couldn't show me those visions again, but the sights I'd seen were burned into my brain. When I looked up both the man and Wendy were gone, leaving me alone with my thoughts and those terrible visions.
"The sight is always hard the first time, isn't it young one?" A voice called from my left.
I looked over and saw an old man hanging form the wall, bound by chains.
"Who are you?" I asked staring at the old man.
"My name is Nestrom."
♠ ♠ ♠
Who is Nestrom? I know, but all will be revealed next time. In the mean time watch out for the sight Sya!