Element of Fire


When I was finally able to get out of the bed that I'd been confined too, the first thing I did was to walk to the window and look out. What greeted me was a city that seemed to radiate happiness. Most of the city was done in a pale white stone that gleamed when light fell on it. But the other half was a river that passed through,it acted as another street, and the wood that made up the stands all around the city.
As I stood by the window taking it all in, a few people on the street waved and I waved back. There was nothing more that I wanted to do then go out there and explore this city until I knew every inch of it, every hiding spot. Unfortunately I couldn't do that without an entourage.
"I'll be fine on my own!" I argued glaring at the other warriors.
"That's not the point, you're still recovering and we just want to make sure you don't over do it." Risa replied coming to stand by me.
"I'm perfectly fine, I could go against a thousand enemies right now!" I boasted trying to hide the tremble in my voice.
"Sure you can, we'll just grab out cloaks." Arthur said rolling his eyes, he never missed anything.
Despite my protests everyone ended up going, and as the day rolled by it was as if the city had come alive in a way that it hadn't before. People who saw me knew who I was, but they didn't make a deal out of it. They walked up and talked to me, one little girl even asked if I could show her Miyana. I was welcomed by everyone, and when I asked why they were all so casual Walter smiled and explained that word had gotten out that I was in the city.
"That display was really something, and there really was no hiding the fact that you're here." He said as we all stopped to rest.
"But how do they know it's me?"
"Well, in all of the city you're the only one with bright red hair for starters. And besides everyone already knows who we are so it's kinda easy to figure out if you put two and two together." Risa explained.
Our last stop was a temple, I didn't see why we had to go but everyone insisted. As we raced up the steps urged on by Arthur's winds, something flickered in my vision and for a split second I saw Wendy. But when I stopped and looked she wasn't there. Suddenly the day was lost and my happiness had ended.
"Come on slow poke there's someone you have to meet." Brock called almost at the top.
I nodded and started up after them again my thoughts still on Wendy and the known. When I reached the top however they flew from my mind, the stairs led to a bowl like area with seating all around it. But what really caught my attention was the six foot flame that rose up from the center.
As I stared it beckoned to me like an old friend. Miyana jumped from my magic and raced down and settled into the blaze, as comfortable as if we she was in a favorite spot. The others backed away as I walked down a flight of steps that led to the flame. When I reached it, the flame itself eloped me. It slid over my clothes without leaving any scorch marks, I think that was it's way of saying hello. Finally after what seemed like ages it retreated from me and settled back in it's original form.
"Hey Sya come back up here!" Someone called from behind me drawing me from a trance.
I turned around almost without thinking and climbed the stairs back up to where the others were calmly waiting for me. An elderly man dressed in long red robes was waiting with them and in his hands he held what looked like armor.
"Sya this is the head of the temple. Honored sir this is Sya the current flame warrior." Walter said as I reached them.
He bowed and I bowed along with him.
"The head cannot speak, it is the way that the temple follows." Risa said from behind me.
I nodded and smiled brightly at the man standing in front of me. He returned the smile then bowed again and handed the armor to me. I looked at it as I took it into my hands, each piece was hand made and designed for maximum protection. It was beautiful.
"The head would like you to wear the armor of the first and lead the lighting ceremony tomorrow. It is where those who have traveled a long ways come to the heart flame and witness the fire warrior give birth to another flame." Arthur explained as I regarded the armor.
"But-" I started to say.
"No buts. This is an honor that comes every fifty years, since the last one didn't happen this is a great occasion." Brock said cutting me off.
I looked at the armor in front of me then at the man. Then slowly I nodded, this is why I was here, now, to give birth to new faith and hope. Just as the first did when she placed the first flame.
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Whew. Alot to write. The next chapter is the last so look for it!