Status: ACTIVE :D

One Hell of a Tour

Chapter 3: Getting ready for the party

*Annie POV*
One hour passed and i was getting bored, so I decided to call Syn, he answered right away:

- Yo Noob, where are you? I need my best friend!
- Geez, calm your horses, she’s getting ready for the party, and so am i. You should do the same.
-Fine fine, see you later then.

I went upstairs to my room and decided to wear white jeans and a black shirt with ninjas on it. I was trying to find my aviators but I couldn’t find them anywhere. I Fail at cleaning up, so i never know where i keep most of my belongings.
"Vengeanceeeeeee, have you seen my aviators?" I asked from my room.
No answer? The fuck... damn, i need to start paying attention to what my brother says, a few minutes ago he came to my room and said something about a party and beer, but i just nodded cus i was listening to music. Ah well, I guess i have to start my own LOST: Aviators season. I walked downstairs and started looking everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE: fridge, freezer, toilet, bath... but I eventually found them in the bathroom cabinet next to a bunch of bandages. Damn, how do I end up leaving things in places like this. Just as i was brushing my hair, I heard the doorbell. God heard me this time, WOOT! I was still fiddling with my shoes, so I walked to the door with only one shoe in my right foot. When I opened the door, i was immediately tackled and fell on my back.

"Vengeance ,happy birthday dude!" my best friend said.
"Thank you babes!" I answered.

Zacky was talking with the guys and their girlfriends near his car, so I got up from the floor and linked arms with Rory and we started skipping and stopped next to them.

"Jimmy Wimmy!" I shouted and jumped on his back.
"Annie Tranny!" he answered.

The guys started laughing like mad at the new nickname and I just started playing drums on jimmy´s head, he started doing weird faces so I thought I should stop, or the man would end up passing out and I wouldn’t want that!
Rory, being her random self, decided to lie down on top of her brother´s car.

"The hell Rory! I just washed the car, get out!" Brian said and started walking up to her.
"Make me man, I’m confy here." she answered.

Oh no, that wasn’t the correct answer, dear Rory. Brian ran up to her and pulled her onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, what a funny sight to see. She was just punching his back, but since he was a lot bigger than she is, she was just tickling him. Eventually, Brian joined the guys again, and returned to talk to them, not really caring about Rory.

"Oi! Can I have Rory back? You have her all the time!" I pouted.
He didn’t even look at me! He fucking ignored me. Oh, that man doesn’t know what´s coming for him.
"Matty, can you get my best friend back? Syn is being mean..." I did my best baby face.
"Awww, of course." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and he just walked behind Brian and grabbed Rory. He never saw that coming, muhahaha!
We started running to my house, and Brian was trying to go after Rory again, but we closed the door in his face.
Our plan for this party is just starting...

Birthday outfit:
♠ ♠ ♠
New chapter :) I don't know if you guys like the story,but we are doing our best...