Status: My favorite story, and the one I put the most effort into. So I will try to update once a week :)

NDAM Casefiles: File 1-The Awakening

Chapter 1

"Mommy! Look! It's the man from the TV!" The little girl shouted, tugging on her mother's arm. "Can I go hug him?"

"No, Sweetie. Don't go near him." Her mother led her to the ticket counter. As the woman was discussing ticket prices, the little girl, her golden ponytail bouncing back and forth, ran over to the stranger sitting on a bench. He wore dark clothes, strange for the region he was in, and sat with a guitar case and a duffel bag by his leg. A silver and red motorcycle was next to him. He had a black-bluish colored scarf around his neck.

"Mr. Man, why did you make the car salesman go to sleep?" The little girl asked.

The man looked up, surprised. Then he smiled and replied, "He was a bad, bad man."

"Are you going to make Daddy go to sleep too? He's very bad." The little girl told the stranger.

"Really? How is he bad?" The man asked, interested.

"He hits Mommy, really hard. He made Mommy bleed and wouldn't take her to the doctor." The girl answered, her voice getting quiet. "We're running away. That's why we're getting on the train."

"Is that so?" The man examined the little girl. She was very young, but clearly smart for her age.

"Mary! No!" The mother cried, alarmed. She grabbed the girl's hand, pulling her away. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Anderson."

"No. It's fine. Is something wrong?" The man asked her, standing up.

"That's my boyfriend…" The mother whispered. She pointed subtly at a young man with black slicked back hair. The red-haired man turned to examine the younger man.

"Mr. Anderson, no, it's-it's okay. I-Don't worry about it. I'd hate for you to miss the train." The woman stammered.

"I won't miss it. Trust me. Go." The man lifted his guitar case, slinging it over one shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill him."

After a hesitant second, the woman nodded and took the girl, Mary, onto the train. The young man saw her and started to walk towards her. The stranger stepped in front of him. The young man laughed and said, "Move, bro. This don't concern you."

The stranger shrugged. "Maybe not, but I'm getting involved."

The blond man laughed. "Really? Well, I'm Dirk Reynosa. People who get involved with me get stitches."

"Reynosa?" The stranger repeated. "The mob boss's son?"

"Yeah, bro. So move and you ain't going to be hurt." Dirk told him.

"Number one, I'm not your 'bro'. And two…well, you're the one getting hurt tonight." The stranger smiled. Dirk stepped back and pulled out a handgun. He shoved it against the stranger's forehead. The stranger laughed as everyone on the train platform scrambled to get on the train or out of the station.

"Bad move." The stranger said to Dirk. Before Dirk could react, the stranger grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward. The stranger brought his knee up, breaking Dirk's arm. Dirk dropped his gun and the stranger flung him to the ground. Dirk stood up, shaking and bright red.

"You'll regret this! Daddy will find you! He'll make you pay for this!" Dirk shouted.

The strange man snorted. "I'm already paying, Kid. And I've got Daddy's hand in my pocket. Now scram before I tell him you're roughing up your lady."

"You wouldn't dare!" Dirk shrieked.

"Don't scream. You're giving me a headache and you're making yourself look bad." The other man rubbed his temples.

Dirk glared at him, saying "I'll remember this! You'll pay. Just wait until Daddy croaks. Then you'll be sorry!" Dirk hurried off the train platform and got into his car.

The fiery-haired stranger groaned and steered his bike to the train. An attendant admired it for a moment before loading in onto the vehicle section in back. He stepped onto the train and looked around, searching for the woman and her child. Something about the little girl unnerved him and caused a stab of pain in the pit of his stomach. When he couldn't find the mother and daughter he resigned to an empty compartment, laying his guitar case under the seat. The man took a laptop out of his duffel bag and opened a video file. He was just about to hit play when a nervous brown haired man with glasses came in. He was young enough to be in college still and was shaking slightly.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked. When the man shook his head the nervous man sat down, pulling his cloak around him. "Name's Cliff Boldaire." The young man held out his hand.

"Travis." The red haired man shook Cliff's hand with a smile.

"I know. I mean… well, everyone knows who you are." Cliff stammered.

"And yet," Travis chuckled, "I'm still here."

"What do you mean?" Cliff asked, leaning forward.

"I've killed eight people. Everyone knows I killed them. And yet the cops still haven't arrested me. I passed an officer on the way here. My heart was pounding and I couldn't breathe. I thought to myself, 'well, Trav, this is it. It's been swell, buddy, but now it's time to pay the piper.' I ducked my head, you know, hoping he didn't recognize me. You wanna know what this guy did? He congratulated me. This cop, knowing who I was, shook my hand and told me good job." Travis laughed softly at the memory.

"Of course. The government can't get away with stuff like what they did to you!" Cliff said angrily, "Someone needs to bring them to justice."

Travis tilted his head. "You don't strike me as a radical."

"Me? Oh, no, no, not me. I'm with NAM. " Cliff explained quickly.

"Nam?" Travis raised an eyebrow.

"National Association of Mages." Cliff informed him proudly, "Our motto is liberty, equality and peace for all. We believe everyone has the right to live. This government has become corrupt; the ideals it was built upon have been tainted. We're on the brink of a civil war and the whole world is preparing for a war that, no offense, humans are going to lose."

"You're human, aren't you?" Travis asked, leaning forward.

"Kind of. I practice dark earth magic; therefore I am part of the magic society. Also, should decide to merge with a demon later, I become fully magic. But in essence I am a human who has learned magic." Cliff explained to Travis.

"Why would you learn magic?" Travis asked him. There was an edge to his voice that made Cliff even more nervous.

"You don't like magic?" Cliff slowly edged away from Travis.

"No, don't take me wrong. I have no problem. I'm just curious as to why someone like you would learn magic." Travis said quickly.

"Like me?" Cliff sounded almost offended.

"I apologize. I categorized you as an intelligent young man bound for college." Travis said.

"Oh. Okay." Cliff nodded.

"What did you think I meant?" Travis asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I wasn't sure." Cliff shrugged. "I learned magic because I'm from the west, and colleges aren't open to us. Plus, when we moved out east six years ago everyone mocked me and tortured me." Cliff looked at a scar at his palm. "Teenagers are cruel."

"You're fresh out of school, then?" Travis assumed.

"Graduated two years ago, top of my class. I had begun learning magic my sophomore year and by senior year…well, magic seemed to come naturally to me and my fellow mages envied me and no regular person wanted to be friends with me. I was as alone as ever. No one picked on me anymore, though." Cliff's voice trailed and he had a look of pure hatred on his face for the briefest of seconds. It faded and he smiled at Travis.

"Revenge. Seems like a good reason to learn." Travis nodded. He looked at his computer. "Revenge if a good reason to do a lot of things, it seems."

"Is that why…?" Cliff didn't ask anymore.

Travis nodded. "Well, officially I'm a psycho genius who disappears unless I'm slaughtering an innocent banker or a lawyer." Travis said, "That story is off in left field when it comes to the truth, though."

"Is it true? What people say?" Cliff inquired.

"That depends on what people say what. Some know the truth, somehow. Others know parts of the truth and others don't know what they're talking about." Travis shrugged. He turned off his laptop and put it away.

"Oh, were you busy? I'm sorry, I didn't even ask, I assumed…" Cliff stammered.

"That I don't do anything but kill people?" Travis smiled.

"I-I'll leave, I'm sorry." Cliff stood up.

"Sit down." Travis's voice gained a strange tone, a mix of emotions, but he almost seemed to beg Cliff to stay. "Company for me is far and in between, and decent company such as yourself is even more so. I don't have to worry about you stabbing me at least. And you're right. I don't really do anything but kill people. I've no home and no family. The life I lead is a solitary one."

"So it is true." Cliff said. "People say six years ago-"

Cliff was cut off by a blood-curdling scream and a sharp howl. The train came to a screeching halt and Travis and Cliff were thrown sprawling to the ground. Compartment doors slid opened and the corridors filled with confused, curious chatter.

"Lou garou." Cliff whispered.

"What the hell is a luger roo?" Travis asked, pushing open the door.

"A French werewolf. Its fur is shaggier, generally brown or red, and ten times more aggressive than an American werewolf. " Cliff recited.

"You're kidding. Tell me you're kidding." Travis stared at Cliff.

Over the intercom, a voice said, "We're being boarded. Please remain calm, return to your compartments and lock the doors. Thank you."

Suddenly the man gave a choked gasped and a short scream. "Oops." A rough voice laughed. "it seems your captain doesn't have the heart to continue. I shall be your captain, then."

"Mommy! Wake up! Please wake up! Why'd you hurt Mommy? Please don't hu-"

The intercom clicked off and Travis's expression changed. "Mary!" Travis shouted.

"Who's Mary?" Cliff asked as everyone else went inside their compartments.

"A little girl I met on the platform. I'm going." Travis said.

A man stepped in his way. "Not alone you aren't, mate." He had an Australian accent and black hair. He was wearing a camouflage outfit, like a hunter would wear in the woods.

"Ah, the huntsman is off to save little red riding hood from the big bad wolf." Cliff said sarcastically.

"Shut up, Mage. At least I don't hide behind a wall of magic." The hunter pulled out a crossbow and said, "Name's Ash, but you should stay here, Civilian. Things could get messy."

Travis smiled at the Australian. "I'm prepared." He grabbed his guitar case and slung it over his shoulder.

"You going to sing to them?" Ash rolled his eyes.

"I have a song I can sing, yea." Travis walked past him, entering the next compartment. The mage and the hunter followed.

Travis edged down the corridor. He broke the glass the surrounded the fire ax and jerked it out. He twirled it around and swung it a few times.

Travis lowered it and lead them into the next compartment. Just as Cliff closed the door, a werewolf howled, leaping through a window and charging them.

"Get down, mate!" Ash shouted. Travis ducked and Ash raised a flare gun. He fired one shot into the wolf's chest, knocking it backwards. He drew a nail gun and fired a single nail into the wolf's paw, nailing it to the ground.

Ash laughed and the three men ran forward. Travis pushed the door opened and looked around. They were in the car right behind the conductor's area. It was a simple sitting area with benches lining the walls and tables in front of them. It was almost impossible to see, since all the lights were off.

"Nothing's here." Ash said, pointing his flare gun.

"Yes, there is…" Cliff scratched his head. "I can feel it. There is something here with us, watching us. A…spirit? Yes, it must be." Cliff nodded and took out a small video camera.

"Hey." Travis put his hand on the camera. "I don't believe in ghosts or spirits or any crap like that. All I care about is what's here, now, and what I can see and touch. Got it? Put it away."

"Fine." Cliff shrugged and put the camera away. He felt something push him lightly and swore he heard a giggle. A few feet in front of them something hit the ground and Ash jumped.

Travis rolled his eyes and sighed. "Oh, you're a big, bad hunter, aren't you?" Travis took a step forward and slipped, hitting the ground on his knees. Something wet soaked through his jeans and covered his hands. It was warm and sticky.

"Blood?" Travis wondered aloud.

"Blood? Where?" Ash asked.

"I think…everywhere." Travis said, standing up.

"What's it from?" Cliff asked.

"I don't know." Travis wiped the blood on his pants and looked for a light switch.

"Lux!" Cliff shouted the spell and an orb of light about two feet in diameter blossomed in the center of the room.

"Interesting." Ash said.

Three werewolves were sprawled on the ground and appeared to be gutted. One of the wolves intestines were forming a circle around the group. Other organs were scattered on the floor.

"This disturbs me." Travis said, suddenly very quiet.

"See, a civilian shouldn't be here." Ash told him arrogantly.

"Too bad I'm not a civilian. I've served 12 years in the military and I have never seen anything like this. What could do this?" Travis asked.

"A monster. No wolf could do this. This," Cliff picked up a heart near his foot, "was done with surgical precision. No claw marks. None at all. And this…this is a black magic symbol. It's a symbol used for summoning things. I would say a creature of some kind. That's an Earth symbol."Cliff crouched down, touching the symbol. It seemed like it was burnt into the floor,b ut no ash came off on Cliff's fingers. Suddenly Cliff paled.

"What's wrong?" Ash asked.

"We…have to get everyone out of here." Cliff said.

"Why?" Travis asked, examining the symbol.

"That…" Cliff stood up, shaking. "Th-That's the symbol to summon King Lycaeon, king of the werewolves."

"No." Ash said softly. "Gods, no."

"I'm lost." Travis said bluntly.

"A very long time ago, King Lycaeon lead a battle in which hundreds of werewolves tore apart everyone in their path." Cliff explained. "It took three years and almost every Wanderer and Rider in the U.S. to seal him away."

"And…now he's here? On the train?" Travis clarified.

"I think so." Cliff nodded glumly.

"You're kidding." Ash said, running his hands through his hair.

"I could be wrong. Oh, I hope I'm wrong." Cliff nodded. "Okay, here's what we do. I can cancel this. It'll take some time but I can do it. Travis, you should go find the girl and her mother. Ash, I hate to say it, but I need you to stay here and watch my back. Once the wolves figure out what I'm doing they will try to stop me. I have to do this, or everyone will die." Cliff told the other two men.

"Hm. A Mage and a Hunter, working together? This must be a first." Ash smiled, raising his crossbow.

"Go. We have this handled." Cliff said to Travis.

Travis nodded and went to the next door.

"Hey." Ash called.

Travis turned and Ash tossed him a pistol. "Silver bullets." Ash told him with a smile.

Travis nodded. "Thanks. I'll need them."

"Oh, and Travis?" Cliff said, "If you smell rotting flesh and hear a distinguished and unique rasping breathing, run like hell, 'cause if you can hear and smell him, chances are he's already seen and smelled you."

"Thanks. Anything else I need to know?" Travis asked, placing his hand on the door, now apprehensive about moving on.

"Nope. I think that's it." Cliff responded, "Good luck."

Great, Travis thought to himself, we have a king werewolf on the loose and all he says is good luck.

As he stepped between platforms, Travis heard a noise that made him sick. Claws scraping against metal, fur rustling, a deep breathing.

"Wonderful…" Travis sighed, rolling his eyes. He hurriedly jumped over to the next car, slamming the door.

Travis looked around but didn't see anything. He had counted wrong and realized he had one more car to go. Slowly he made his way down the hall. From the shadows, a figure detached itself, slamming into Travis. It knocked him on his back and drug him towards the front, snarling. Travis kicked outward as the wolf jerked on his pant leg, tossing its head back and forth viciously Travis's guitar case was out of reach. Travis drew the pistol out of his pocket, thankful for Ash. He aimed at the creature's leg, not wanting to seriously hurt it. The creature tossed his head back even more and Travis couldn't see straight. He breathed deeply and tried to aim again.

Blindly, Travis fired and the creature yelped, letting him go. Travis sat up, feeling dizzy and dazed. The creature growled and lunged, this time landing on his chest.

"Hey, man, tic tac." Travis gasped for breath. The beast had to be at least 300 pounds, probably more, and Travis could feel his ribs crack from the pressure. To add insult to injury, the beast's breath was rank and smelled like rotten meat, curdled milk, skunk, and at least a dozen other unpleasant smells. To top it all off, the wolf drooled on Travis and a large drop of spit fell on Travis's jaw.

"Come on!" Travis exclaimed.

Suddenly where the liquid landed burned and a voice said, "Acid. Its spit is acid. Cliff, this thing ain't a wolf!"Ash fired the crossbow, catching the wolf between the eyes.

Cliff helped Travis up as the wolf's body collapsed onto him. "I can't break the spell, but NDAM is going to meet us at the station twenty miles ahead, in Maplewood." Cliff said quickly.

"That didn't take long for you to figure out." Travis groaned.

"Lucky for you." Ash said, looking around and slinging his crossbow over his shoulder. "I'm not sure if you would have survived a longer encounter. How'd you figure it out, kid?"

"I am very talented," was all Cliff said, "We have to stop the train, though."

"Excellent." Travis said. "Except…I myself do not know how to stop a train."

"Uh…me either." Ash glanced at Cliff.

"Oh my, God it's a train, people!" Cliff exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. "it's not a rocket!"

"So you can shut it off?" Travis asked.

"Magic can do anything." Cliff shrugged.

"Yea, physical might can do a lot of things too." Ash snarled.

Suddenly there was a soft growl. The three men turned and a wolf, bigger than any of the others, dropped down from the roof into the compartment.

"You want the good news or the bad news?" Cliff asked them.

"There's good news?" Travis asked.

"Of course!" Cliff backed up. "That is not Lycaeon. However…that is his second in command. I'm going to go stop the train! Good luck." With that, Cliff hurried out of the compartment into the conductor's area.

"Hey!" Travis shouted as the door slammed shut.

"Son of a bitch! This is why you don't trust mages!" Ash shouted.

Travis turned back to the wolf. He towered over them at nearly nine feet tall, and that was on all fours. He's fur was rust red and there was a scar over one amber eye. The wolf snarled and snorted.

"How do we kill it?" Travis asked.

Allow me, Coeunt, A beautiful sing-song voice trilled in the mens' head. Travis's scarf slipped down his chest, revealing that it was, in fact, a ferret with black fur and midnight blue tint. The ferret contorted and twisted, it's paws elongating, it's face twisting, it's tail contracting and it's body growing until it was a teenage girl with black hair and blue streaks. She wore a pure black suit that appeared to be latex but wasn't.

The girl snarled, revealing fangs. She seized the wolf just as the wolf lunged at Travis.

"Nyx!" Travis shouted her name in despair. Five more wolves jumped into the compartment as Nyx struggled with the beast.

"It's…a trap?" Ash asked, confused, "We're surrounded! Go help the mage! We'll cover! You need to get this damned thing stopped!" Ash ordered, loading a bolt onto his crossbow.

Travis nodded and went through the door Cliff had went through. Cliff was pulling a lever and Travis could feel the train jerk and begin slowing to a stop.

"No…No! Cliff, they want us to stop! There's more coming!" Travis shouted. He reached down to open his guitarcase. The train was still going almost full speed. Maybe they could make it to the station.

Just as this thought crossed Travis's mind, the train's windshield shattered and a long howl sounded.

"Lycaeon!" Cliff yelped, dropping to the ground.

The werewolf snarled and grabbed Travis, flinging him out the window and onto the tracks. Travis landed sprawled out on the tracks, arm slung out. His last conscious thought was the paralyzing pain shooting through his body as the train crushed his hand, his arm, his elbow, his shoulder…
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE: Coeunt is Latin for 'Mate'. This phrase is being used is in reference to a bond people in my story sometimes form with shapeshifters.
So this is my first post on this site. I have a hard time with the summaries and descriptions so if I can improve them please let me know. I've edited this story several times and had one of my friends look it over too, though not my normal proofreader. I hope I got all the errors, but if not please let me know and I will fix them.
I love this story. It's my personal favorite of everything I've written and I would love constructive criticism and feedback to help me improve on my writing.
Thank you for reading this.