Because the World Will Never Take My Heart

Chapter Uno.

As I sat in the back of my foster mother's car, I watched the scenery roll past. Jersey, that's where I was. I never have been out of New York, and let me tell you, if the rest of the world is like New York, like Jersey, I see no reason to leave. My foster mother pulled into a driveway of this off white colored house.

"Here we are," she said in the monotone voice I've always heard her talk in. I sighed and got out of the car. I followed her to the door, and hid behind her when she knocked.

"Hello," a man's voice said when the door opened.

"Hi. I'm looking for Mikey Way," she said. Did I hear right? Did she say....

"I'm him," the man replied.

"I'm Frannie Chuck," my foster mother started, and I zoned out for a second. "And this," she sighed, stepping aside, "Is Nicky Delacroix, the child you will be mentoring ," she finished. Mikey smiled at me.

"Won't you come in?" he asked. Someone was taught manners. That's a nice change.

"Actually, I can't. I'll be back at say, 5 pm?" Frannie asked. Mikey nodded and I watched my foster mother walk down the steps and get into the car and drive away.

"Nicky? Are you going to stay out here?" Mikey asked, waving his hand in front my face. I turned to face him. He stepped aside and motioned for me to come inside. I did it absentmindedly.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly. I nodded.

"Do you talk?" he asked rather bluntly. I shook my head.

"Oh. Well, want you to come meet my brother and my friends," he said, beginning to walk. "Just take your shoes off, okay?" he asked. I nodded and slid off my vans, following him quickly. In the kitchen, sitting at the table, was all of My Chemical Romance. Gerard was sitting there, with his hand curled around a cup of coffee. Frank was sitting next to him, leaning on his elbow. Ray was staring at the microwave, watching whatever was in there spin, and Bob was sitting across from Frank and Gerard, with his arms crossed.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet Nicky," Mikey said, causing everyone to face us.

"Hi Nicky," Gerard said. I waved.

"Gee, she doesn't talk," Mikey sighed.

"Can't or doesn't like to?" Frank asked. I held up two fingers.

"Well, why not?" Frank asked rather loudly.

"Dude, she's a foster child, she can decide she doesn't wanna talk and you don't question her," Bob said. I nodded.

"Do you know who we all are?" Ray asked. Again, I nodded.

"Mkay," Mikey sighed. "So...what should we do?" he asked. I pointed at the TV.

"Watch TV, good idea," Gerard said. He finished his coffee and led the way to the living room. I followed him and sat on the couch, as far away as possible. Frank sat down next to Gerard.

"So, Nicky, how old are you?" Frank asked. I held up one finger and then five on the other hand.

"6?" Frank asked, confused. Gerard smacked him in the back of the head.

"15 you moron," Gerard mumbled. I nodded. I sighed and watched the TV show Gerard turned on. I half wanna go home, and I half don't.