Because the World Will Never Take My Heart

Chapter Dos.

"Hey Nicky!" Frank shouted from the other side of the room. I turned around from the window and stared at him.

"What are you doing?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. He wanted an answer that would require me to talk. I looked at Mikey, who was in the closet, looking for something. I sighed, and pointed at the road.

"The outside. You wanna go outside!!" he shouted. I shook my head quickly.

"Then I'm confused," he said shortly, frowning. Mikey came out of the closet, with a whiteboard in one hand, and a marker in the other. He turned around and held them out to me.

"If you don't wanna talk, at least write it down so we're not completely in the dark," he explained. I nodded and took them. I uncapped the marker and wrote:

I'm waiting for Frannieyou insane dwarf.

I turned it around and showed Frank. He gasped.

"I am not a insane dwarf!" he shrieked. I cringed a little and when he was done, I nodded. I erased the first thing and wrote:

I think you just proved my point. And it's an insane dwarf, not a insane dwarf.

Again, I showed Frank and he frowned. He turned towards the kitchen, where Mikey had disappeared to. He walked over, stood in the doorway and pointed at me.

"Mikey! She's mean, and she's a grammar stickler!" he complained. I heard Mikey laugh a little. Then, he went past Frank and sat next to me on the couch.

"Nicky, what'd you say to him?" Mikey asked softly, talking the way all the social workers used to. I erased the board.

I called him an insane dwarf. Then, he proved my point, but he had bad grammar, so I fixed it.

I turned the board on my lap and showed Mikey. He sighed and shook his head.

"He doesn't like when people make fun of his height," he told me.

Well, I don't like it when people question why I don't talk.

Again, I showed him. He hummed.

"Touche, but still," he sighed. I nodded. I glanced out the window. Frannie was pulling in the driveway at the exact same second. I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. I waved at Gerard, Bob and Ray. But Frank stuck his tongue out. I rolled my eyes, and went to the front door.

"Bye Nicky, see you tomorrow!" Mikey smiled. I waved at him and went to Frannie, who was waiting in the car. I got in quickly, and sighed, preparing for the worst. Frannie didn't say anything, but began to drive. I was shocked, but I held my tongue. When we got home however, it started. As soon as I closed the door, Frannie turned around and struck my face. I fell to the ground, hitting my head against the coat rack. She kicked me in the side twice, and by that time, I blacked out.