Because the World Will Never Take My Heart

Chapter Tres.

When I woke up, I felt the familiar ache of a hard night. I sighed and opened my eyes as slowly as I could. I was on the floor in the main hallway. I sighed again and moved my eyes to window. The sun was raising, and soon, so would Frannie. I carefully pushed myself up to my knees on wobbling arms. The movement sent shocks of pain throughout my body and I whimpered. I slowly grabbed the coat rack and pulled myself up slower than I ever had before. I skimmed my hands down my bruised body. I didn’t feel anything that was broken. I sighed in relief and looked at the clock. 7:00 am. I looked at the window. The sun was higher in the sky. Did it seriously take me that long? I tried to walk and nearly fell again. I sighed, and tried again, slower and more carefully. I finally got to my room, and I looked for clean clothes. I picked a long-sleeved back shirt with skulls. I pulled on my black jeans and tried to not to cry. I finally put on my shirt and I crawled to the bathroom. I put on layers of coverup and eyeliner before going to the medicine cabinet and taking many many painkillers.

"Ready to go?" Frannie asked from the other side of the door. I opened the door and nodded. I followed her out to the car, and slid into the back. I slowly clicked my seatbelt. I closed my eyes and tried to pass the time until I got to Mikey's house. After about a half an hour, we got there. I got out of the car, and went to the door. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Hey Nicky," Gerard smiled when he opened the door. I waved at him and stepped inside. I slid off my shoes as he closed the door. Safe. For now, at least. I followed Gerard into the kitchen. Mikey was at the microwave today, and Ray, Bob, and Frank were playing cards at the kitchen table. I walked over to where Mikey was, and poked him in the sides.

"Holy shit!" he screamed, turning around. I giggled and stepped out of the way of the flailing arms. I smiled at him.

"Oh god, Nicky. Don't do that!" he exclaimed. I shrugged.

"Seriously, you almost gave me a heart attack," he told me. I looked around and saw the board. I grabbed the marker.

Almost? Only almost? Damn.

I showed him and laughed. He frowned and turned back to the microwave, pulling a bag of popcorn out. I sighed and sat next to Ray.

"Hey Nicky, wanna play blackjack?" he asked, shuffling the cards in his hands. I nodded. I watched him deal the cards and I looked at my cards and smiled. I took my board and wrote:


I showed Ray. He looked at me.

"Lair," he said shortly. I sighed and flipped my cards over. I wasn't lying. I got 21.

"She has blackjack," Ray sighed. I punched the air. My sleeve exposed a little bit of my wrist. A little too much. Mikey put the bowl of popcorn on the table and took my hand, pulling my sleeve. There were bruises all up and down my arm.

"What happened?" Mikey asked seriously, examining my arm.

"It's not what it looks like!" I blurted.