If We Can't Break The Silence, How Can We Survive?

Did You Ever Really Think Of Me When I Walked Away

Liz and I decided to walk to homeroom together since we had it with each other.
We still had a couple of minutes before the late bell rang, so everyone was talking amongst themselves. I walked pass Vic to get to my seat in the back, and noticed that she was glaring really hard at Liz behind me. She looked like a fucking bull that was about to explode. I don’t know why she always overreacted towards Liz whenever she didn’t listen to her.

Liz was trying to avoid looking at her, but she knew better than to ignore Vic when she called her name. Liz looked kind of scared. I think she was worried that she might embarrass her in front of the whole class. Vic had a habit of doing that.

“Liz, look at me,” Vic demanded.

She didn’t turn her attention towards Vic ‘til a few short seconds later. She was prepared to get bitched at again.

“What,” Liz asked.

“Where the hell were you yesterday? You were supposed to come with me and Paul remember? Why the hell didn’t you answer your phone, I called like a million times! You fucked up everything Liz, Gerard didn’t even go either and it’s all your fault!”

“Whoa, how the hell is it my fault? Me not going has nothing to do with Gerard!”

“It’s your fault because I said it is okay! So what happened last night that stopped you from hanging out with us?”

When Vic asked that question, Liz looked a little hesitant. I don’t think she knew how to answer her. She was struggling so hard to come up with a reason while Vic was just there waiting.

“My dad overheard us in the kitchen when you said we were gonna go out…we had a talk about it and…he said he would ground me if I had snuck out.”

“Okay…well why didn’t you answer your phone? You could have at least told me that you weren’t gonna go.”

“Well for one, even if I did say I wasn’t gonna go, you know you would have made me anyways. And second, my dad took my phone away. He said it was as a punishment. But he only took it away for last night.”

Vic seemed convinced enough to shut down the conversation. They ended it just in time for class to start.

Yeah I know I’m an eavesdropper, but did I have anything better to do?

I really didn’t feel like being around Gerard today, so I decided to skip chemistry and look around the school instead. I had done the whole project by myself ’cause I don’t think I could have handled Gerard and I being in the same house. I didn’t really like the idea of being partners with him because it made me nervous and not only that, but I felt like an idiot when I was staring at him the other day. Now I'm just embarrassed to be near him.

I walked down the empty halls, forged a hall pass in hand in case someone had asked for one. As I passed up classrooms and storage closets, a music room had caught my eye. I peeked in through the window and spotted an acoustic guitar. I was in awe. My fingers had yearned to touch the strings again. I wasted no time in going inside and making a bee-line towards it.

I picked it up and placed my fingers on the frets, playing notes that I barely remembered. The guitar was already in tune and everything. I wasn’t playing anything in particular, just plucking the strings.

I then felt someone tap me on the shoulder which made me jump right out of my seat. That really startled me. It was the music teacher, he laughed and then apologized. I shook my head and waved my hand, telling him that it was fine. He then started talking to me, asking me how I got in here and such. I looked at him confused, then started to talk to him in sign language.

Fortunately, the teacher knew sign language too. I told him that I was deaf and we had started a little conversation from there. Closing up the conversation, he told me that the bell had already rung, and that he was leaving to run an errand. He also told me that I could take the guitar home if I wanted, just as long as I would take care of it and bring it back soon. I was more than ecstatic when he said that.

I had about three more minutes ‘til next hour started and it was just down the hall so, I was gonna play something that my dad had taught me a few years ago. I was playing their song, my parents’ song.

I was almost done playing the chorus when I heard the door open. My back was facing the door so I couldn’t tell who it was. But I didn’t stop playing, I was going to finish then pack my pack my shit.

I was then done and put the guitar in the case that the teacher had given me. I grabbed my messenger bag and the guitar, then turned around to be met with Gerard staring at me with a stunned expression.

My heart dropped and my cheeks immediately turned bright red. I had no idea why I was so embarrassed.

Gerard then broke out of his trance and started talking.

“Oh God I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I heard some music and saw that you were in here. You weren’t in class last period and I wanted to talk to you about the project…”

Before he even mentioned the assignment, I was already looking through my bag for it 'cause I couldn't take being face to face with him in this moment.d Even though I wasn’t looking at him, he was still talking away.

He finally had shut up once I handed him the project. He looked confused and furrowed his eyebrows at me. I brushed passed him, walking really fast out of the door as he was calling my name.

“Wait, Frank! I need to talk to you about this! Frank!”

I felt like real shit ignoring him but, what else could I have done?
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Title: Built This Way by Samantha Ronson