Status: Re-posted from a while ago

Smoking Cigarettes

You're A Horrible Date

Sin P.O.V

“Damn it, Sin I don’t want McDonalds!” He yelled beside me, but I ignored the high pitched voice so I could pull into the drive thru.

This idiot…first he names me ‘dickhead’. Then he claims that I’m the ‘grim reaper’. Now he’s forcing me to take him out to eat. Can he become anymore annoying?

I shoot the creature a glare from the corner of my eye. The sad thing was, the glare softened as soon as I saw the pout he was sporting. Quickly, I shook my head and dispersed all thoughts that said how cute he looked like that. Stupid conscience, you really are useless.

“What do you want?” I growl, annoyed. He kept complaining the entire ride. I don’t think he understands. I don’t have the money to take him to any other place than McDonalds. Hell, I only have enough money for him.

“Chicken nuggets,” Aiden mumbles childishly beside me. I order him his food before pulling up to pay for it. “Hey, aren’t you getting something?”

“No,” I snap and oh how I wish Aiden would be a normal human being for once and just flinch whenever I’m angry. Then maybe I wouldn’t find myself so attracted to him….I did not just admit that. Shit, I didn‘t mean that! “I don’t have the money for that.”

“It’s McDonalds! Hobo’s have enough money for this place!”

I roll my eyes before ‘correcting’ myself, “Oh I’m sorry, I mean I don’t have any money on me, because a certain idiot dragged me out of my house without warning.”

Aiden gasped, as if I hurt his feeling, and if I did then I don’t care. The boy crossed his arms over his chest before shouting, “I told you to get me at 5 and I said if you didn’t I’d come kick your ass! That is a warning, you dickhead.”

“Do you ever shut up?”

Aiden whined and started kicking my dashboard. I reached over and grabbed his foot. Aiden’s whining only got louder and I let out a defeated sigh before grabbing Aiden’s food from the girl and shoving it in his chest. Suddenly, the whining stopped and Aiden was smiling like a crazy ADHD five year old with sharpie markers.

“Thank you, dickhead!” Aiden squeaked before ripping open the bag and pigging out on his food. I groaned at how loud he was. Does he have any manners at all?

When he burped my question was answered. I guess not.

I parked my car in the parking lot at the park. Once I turned off my car I rested my head against the steering wheel. Aiden sat beside me still pigging out on his food. I grimaced when he offered me one of their greasy fries.


“Come on!” Aiden whined before poking me in the cheek with it. I grabbed the French fry, rolled down my window, and tossed it out. “You asshole! If you didn’t want that I would have ate it. Why you little son of a bitch! Go get it.”

I looked towards the idiot next to me. There had to be something wrong with him. It couldn’t be ADHD he’s so stupid. He‘s too stupid. There had to be some other type of mental illness. “Are you ill?”

“No, why?”

“I think you need your head checked.”

“Are you calling me stupid?”


Aiden growled, “You’re a horrible date.”

“This isn’t a date.” That sounded wrong.

“It is too! Obviously it is, you drive me to a restaurant, then you buy me food, then you take me to the park, it’s obviously a date you jackass! You know you like it!” Aiden screeched. I really, really want to hurt him right now. He’s so god damn annoying. Does he ever shut up? Why did his parents even keep him?!

“This. Is not. A date.” I hissed through my clenched teeth. I needed nicotine or I was going to hurt this kid. Really, what do I see in him? Nothing, there is nothing good about this brat. He’s annoying and too hyper for his own good. He needs to chill the fuck out for once.

I grabbed a my pack of cigarettes from the dashboard. I could feel Aiden watching me as I placed the stick between my lips before lighting it up. I breathed in the smoke, allowing it to fill up my lungs, and probably quickening the killing process, before blowing it back out. I really just needed a smoke. Being around Aiden…it makes me so angry.

“Ew,” Aiden whispered beside me. “Smoke.”

I ignored him and continued smoking. I haven’t had one all day, which is odd for me. Normally I smoke almost a pack a day. It’s my way of keeping myself calm until I can get my hands on the drugs.

I relaxed into my seat, happy that Aiden was finally quiet. I could actually hear my own thoughts, along with everything that was around us. It was peaceful and I had no idea Aiden could actually be so calm. If only he were like this all the time.

“Can we leave now?” I ask after finishing my smoke.

“Yep,” Aiden answers with a content sigh. I watch as he kicks off his shoes and curls up into a ball in the passenger seat. He. Is. Weird. “Now tomorrow you better not scare Vince away, because I want a nice date!”

Did someone hear a record screech?

My grip tightened on the steering wheel. My blood was boiling just from hearing that guys name. Vince. If I see him anywhere near Aiden I will hurt him. That boy will wish he was never born. I’ll make sure of it. Fuck…why do I even care though! Ugh, I don’t. I don’t care. Yes I do.

“You can’t date him,” I spat furiously.

“And why not?”

“Because.” Why does he always have to question me? Can’t he listen for once in his life!

“Give me a good reason!”

I slammed on the breaks. Aiden screamed before shooting a glare at me. I turned in my seat so I was facing the boy before I growled, “Because. I. Said. So.”

Aiden immediately pouted childishly, “I hate you.”

“Not nearly as much as I hate you.”

Aiden stuck his tongue out at me before turning away, his nose stuck up in the air, obviously angry with me. I didn’t care though. I got my point across. He is not allowed to date Vince, or anyone for that matter. He just needs to accept that fact and get over it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love these two even though I wish I could write it better
But every time I tried to rewrite just turned out really bad lol
