Be My Jackass Prince

Chapter 5 Sometimes I am retarded

I woke up and Bam wasn’t there and I was extremely cold. I got up and dressed in this: I walked down stairs. Sammy was a sleep on the couch with Knox was lying next to her. “Aww,” I said. Then Ryan walked out of that bathroom. “Where’s Bam?” I whispered. “I don’t know,” Ryan said. “HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHERE A PERSON IS!?” I screamed with made Knox and Sam wake up. I was hyperventilating. Ryan was trying to calm me down. He was hugging me and rocking me back and forth. Then Bam and Raab walked in. “Skyler!” Bam yelled and walked over to me. “What’s wrong, baby?” Bam asked me. “Umm, nothing,” I said. “She was hyperventilating because she didn’t know where you were,” Ryan said. I looked down. Bam grabbed my chin and smiled at me. “It’s ok you wanted to know where I was,” Bam said and kissed me. I kissed him back. “Ok, so, what are we doing today?” Sam asked. “Filming another scene for Jackass,” Bam said. “But we still don’t know what to do,” Knox said. “Wow, fail,” I said. “I have to piss,” Bam said. “TMI,” I said. “Aw, don’t want to come with me,” Bam asked. “Pervert,” I said. He smirked and walked to the bathroom. “Ok, so, I have an idea,” Ryan said. “What’s that?” Knox asked. “Well, what did Bam say was his most important thing?” Ryan asked. “His heart-a-gram belt?” I asked. “No! He said it was you,” Ryan said. “Wh-really?” I asked and blushed. “, what we can do is...I don’t know,” Ryan said. I laughed. “Wow, some help,” I said. “I GOT IT! Ok, so we go to a store and you just start stripping, and Bam will get pissed and we will get a guy to flirt with you and make Bam pissed!” Ryan said. “Ok!” I said. Bam walked out of the bathroom. “Hey, can we go to the store?” Ryan asked. “Sure, whatever,” Bam said and went to go get keys. We went to the hummer and I turned on the radio. Justine Bieber was playing. “Aw, fuck! Really?!” I yelled. Bam just hit the button to change it. “Oh! Thank you!” I said. Bam laughed. We got to the store and Ryan walked off. We were walking around. I got a txt----------TXT CONVO!----------------------------

Ryan: Where are you?

Me: In the music.

Ryan: Ok, well, you will see me soon and when I give you the thumbs up they will film and you will strip.

Me: Ok!

----------------------------------End convo-----------------------------------

I saw Ryan. He gave the thumbs up. I unzipped my jacket. Then, I took off my shoes and pulled off my top. Bam was too busy looking at music to see I was stripping. Then a guy walked over. “Hey, sexy,” he said. “Hi,” I said and Bam looked over. “WHAT THE HELL SKYLER! Get your fucking shirt on!” Bam yelled angry. “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” I yelled back. Bam grabbed my wrist really hard. “Ah! Bam! You’re hurting me!” I said with tearful eyes. Bam let go really quick and his eyes watered up. I grabbed Bam and hugged him. He hugged me back. “I hurt you,” Bam said. “It’s my fault,” I said. “No, I should have known this was for Jackass,” Bam said. I kissed him. Ryan walked over. “I’m sorry dude,” Ryan said. “No problem, bro,” Bam said. I grabbed my shirt and put it back on. Bam smiled. “What?” I asked. “Get in the cart,” Bam said. “What? Why?” I asked. “Because we have to film something for Jackass,” Bam said. “Umm, ok,” I said and got in the cart. “Ok, so, what we are going to do is but you in isle and when people walk by say, ‘buy this’ and put it in their car, then I will run over and grab the cart and push you away,” Bam said. “Ha! Ok!” I said. He put me in a toy isle and walked away. These people walked by. “Hey, buy this,” I said and but this random toy in their cart. The guy looked at me and took the toy out. “Get this then!” I yelled and through another toy in their cart. Bam ran over and pushed me away. I was laughing. He stopped me in the underwear isle. This old lady walked buy and I put a thong in her cart. “Guys will enjoy these,” I said and winked. She smiled. “Thank you young lady,” she said. I started laughing as she walked away. This guy walked down the aisle and I but a bra in his cart. He didn’t even know I did. Bam came over. “Ok, so, we should say shit over the intercom!” I said. “Ha, ok,” Bam said and we walked over to the intercom. “All customers, all Trojan condoms are half off, so, teens stop getting pregnant! FUCK TEEN MOMS!” I said. “Yeah that’s what happened,” Bam said into the intercom. I hung it up. We walked around and another phone. “Mary Jo Whana, please come to the front desk, Mary Jo Whana,” I said. (Me: It is supposed to sound like marijuana) Bam laughed. We walked and I saw another phone. “All customers, Batman is a cock sucker,” I said. Bam smiled. Ryan walked over. “So, Batman sucks cock?” Ryan asked. “Yes,” I said. Ryan laughed. “So, I was thinking-“Ryan started to say but I interrupted him. “That’s a first,” I said. He rolled his eyes and started again. “Anyway, what we could do is put lots of pillows in a cart and have Skyler jump in it,” Ryan said. “OK!” I said. “No, I don’t want you getting hurt,” Bam said. “Shut the fuck up, I don’t like when you get hurt but I have to deal with it,” I said. Bam smiled. “Fine,” Bam said. We put tons of pillows in the cart. The camera man stated filming. “Hey, I’m Skyler Blade and this is Happy Jump,” I said and Ryan came running toward me and I jumped in the car. “OH!” Bam said. “Dude! I bet she could kick you in the face,” Ryan said. “FUCK NO! Dave already did that,” Bam said. “But dude she is a girl,” Ryan said. “True, let’s go get the rest of the guys and go to the field,” Bam said. We got the guys and were at the field. The camera man started filming. “Ok, so, we all know Dave can kick my face but can a girl?” Bam asked. “Don’t underestimate the power of Blade, Bam!” Sam said. I smiled evilly. “Ready?” Knox asked. I started running and jumped up and kicked Bam right in his face. He was on the ground and I walked over and kicked him in the balls. “Don’t underestimate me!” I said and ran away laughing like a crazy person. Bam was on the ground crouched together whining like a little bitch. “Well, that proves who is whose bitch,” Knox said. I saw Phil and Ape show up. I ran over and hugged Phil. Phil laughed. “Hello, Skyler,” Phil said. “Hi,” I said and went over and hugged Ape. “Hey, Sky,” Ape said. “Hey, Ape,” I said. We walked over to everyone. Bam was up so, I was hiding behind Phil. “What did Sky do this time?” Ape asked. “She kicked me in the balls!” Bam said. “You underestimated the power of me!” I yelled. Then another car pulled up. It was Ville Willy! I ran over to him. “Ville Willy!” I yelled and hugged him. “Hey, Skyler,” Ville said. “I love you!” I yelled in his ear. “Owww!” He yelled. I turned around and there was another guy here. It was Don Vito. “This is Skyler? Bam, how the fuck does you’re ugly ass get a sexy girl like her?” Don asked. I started cracking up. I stopped really fast and looked behind me. “Oh! I thought the retarded police man was coming to get me,” I said. “Ha, what?” Bam asked. “Never mind,” I said. “Oh, ok,” Bam said. My phone started ringing. The ring was the Joker laugh. “Holy Fuck!” I said looking at my phone. “THAT’S SEXY!” I yelled. “What?!” Sammy asked and looked at my phone. “No it isn’t,” Sam said. “Hella yeah,” I said. “That’s gross,” Sam said. “Hell no!” I yelled. Ville looked at my phone. “Really?” Ville asked. “Si,” I said. Bam grabbed my phone. Bam smiled. I had searched up pictures of Bam. I started laughing. I then realized it was October 30, tomorrow is my birthday. My eyes widened. Sam and Angel smiled. “DON’T YOU DARE!” I yelled. “Well, we called you all down here to say tomorrow is-“Sam started to say but I tackled her. “Skye-“Angel tried to finish but I tackled her. “My favorite holiday!” I said. “No! Your birthday!” Ryan yelled. I got up and pushed him down. He fell back and laughed. I glared at him. “I checked Facebook,” Ryan said. “YOU HAVE A FACEBOOK! ADD ME!” I screamed. “Tomorrow’s your birthday?” Bam asked. “Yeah,” I said. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Bam asked. “Every year I have a sucky birthday,” I said. “Well, not this year!” Bam said happy. Then Sam started playing Speak Now by Taylor Swift. “Skyler listened to this song every day the day she found out that you and Missy we’re getting married,” Sam said and smiled. I glared at her. I grabbed her phone and changed it to Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. She took her phone and changed it to Better Then Revenge by Taylor Swift. “She also always sung this song,” Sam said. “She underestimated me, she is an actress, and she’s better known for the things she does on the mattress,” I said. My phone started ringing. ‘All my friends are dead, all my friends are dead, they got smacked in the head, all my friends are dead,’ it sung. “Hello?” I asked. “Hey, Skyler, it’s Shelby,” my bestie Shelby said. “I do not like Dave,” I said. “Ha, what? I never said you did,” Shelby said. “I know. So, what’s up,” I asked. “Just about to pull up somewhere. You?” Shelby asked. “I just kicked my boyfriend in the face,” I said. “Wow, that’s mean,” Shelby said. “I know, I’m a Jackass,” I said. She laughed. “Turn around,” she said. I dropped my phone. I turned around quickly. “Aww, I thought you were The Joker,” I said sadly. “Nope,” Shelby said. I laughed and hugged her. Shelby: “This is him?” Shelby asked me pointing at Bam. “Uhhh, yeah, we have watched Jackass together….” I said with this face -_-. “Ha, I know,” Shelby said. ”Oh, ok,” I said. “Haha, Skyler said she wanted to bang you,” Shelby said to Bam. “Yeah! Like, two years ago!” I yelled. “So, you don’t want to bang me anymore?” Bam asked with a smirk. “Ugh!” I yelled. Everyone was laughing. “Hey! Remember a best friend will blurt out ‘she wants to bang you’ to his face,” Shelby said. “Yeah, yeah,” I said. Then I gave an evil smile and Shelby’s smile turned to a frown. “Please,” she said. I frowned. “Fine,” I said. “Yay thanks,” she screamed. “You owe me,” I said. She smiled. “MUSTACH!” I yelled pointing at her shirt. “Haha, yeah,” Shelby said. Sam ran over to Shelby. “You got here early,” Sam said. “Yeah, I know,” Shelby said. “Really, planed this,” I said. “Ha, yeahh!” Sam said and she started playing Shut Up by Black Eyed Peas. “Oh! This is my jam,” I said. “No, this is,” Sam said changing to Your Love is my Drug by Ke$ha. “Hella yeah!” I screamed. “What you got boy is hard to find, I think about it all the time,” I sung. Sam and Shelby looked at each other. “Hey, Bam?” Sam said. “What?” Bam asked. “Skyler said this is the song that makes her think of you,” Shelby said. I covered my face. I looked up at them. “Well you know what! I’m bringing Sexy Back!” I yelled and fell back. “Skyler fell,” Chris said. “No dip,” I said. “WHAT! THERE IS NO DIP!?” Angel screamed. I laughed. “We are the world!” I yelled. “Michael Jackson,” Angel said. I looked at Bam. “Holy fuck!” I screamed. “What?” Bam asked. “You’re Bam Margera!” I screamed. Bam rolled his eyes. “Ryan! Get over here,” I said. “Yes?” Ryan asked and walked over to me. “What do you see here,” I asked pointing to Bam. “I see a douche!” Knox yelled. “I see a guy, with skinny jeans,” Ryan said. “I see a hot mess,” I said. Bam kissed me. I kissed him back. “Is that all you guys do?” Ville asked. “No, we do this,” Bam said and he licked the bottom of my lip. I let him in just to prove a point. “Wow, amazing,” Ville said. Me and Bam stopped French kissing. “Very,” I said and smiled at Bam. Then Sam started playing Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship. “This is what happened to Skyler with Bam,” Sam said. “Yeah! I was such a good girl,” I said with this face -_-. “Still,” Sam said. “Note to Self: It is illegal to stab someone for being stupid,” I said. Everyone laughed. “Damn, I’m a sexy bitch?” I asked myself. “Haha, it says damn, you’re a sexy chick,” Sam said. “I thought it said bitch,” I said. “No,” Sam said smiling. “And they be lining down the block just to watch what I got,” I sung. “They better not be, you are mine,” Bam said. I laughed. “I’m bored,” I said. “Let’s go back to Castle Bam and we can go swimming,” Bam said. “YEAH! Ville you are coming too!” I screamed and ran to the car. Bam got in. I turned on the radio and Lil Hipster Girl by LMFAO was on. “Oh yeah,” I said. We got to Castle Bam and I ran upstairs and changed in my bathing suit. Swim suit: I walked down stairs and out to the pool. “Take off your dress,” Bam said. “Bam, your pants, are bothering me, take them off,” I said. “Ok,” Bam said. “No, no, Bam,” Ryan said. I laughed. I took off my wrap. “BUNNY!” Angel yelled. “Eeeee!” I screamed. Bam was staring at me. I was like this -_-. I pushed Bam in the pool and he grabbed my arm so I grabbed Shelby’s arm and she grabbed Raab’s arm. We all fell in the pool. I swam up and started laughing. Bam glared at me and Shelby was laughing at Bam’s face. I smiled and got out of the pool. “Ville!” I screamed and hugged Ville because he wasn’t in a swimming suit. “Really? Get me all wet?” Ville asked. “Yes,” I said. He rolled his eyes. “Grrr,” I said. “Di-Bam, your girlfriend just growled at me,” Ville said looking at me. I giggled. Then the song E.T came on. “Oh, maybe it’s because your boy easy gets ass a lot,” I sung. Bam looked at me strange. I smiled. “Ryan, hi!” I said when checking my Facebook. “Umm, hi,” Ryan said confused. I smiled. I walked over to Bam and hugged him. “Hey, sexy,” Bam said. “Hey,” I said. I kissed Bam. He smiled. “Hey, we should have a girl night in my room!” Sammy screamed. “Ok, cool! Let’s go!” I screamed and I ran inside. We all changed into are PJ’s: We were all lying on Sammy’s bed. “So, Sky, have you told Bam anything yet?” Sam asked. “What? That when we watched Jackass 2.5, I saw his penis?” I asked. “Ha! No!” Sam said. “Have you told him you loved him,” Angel asked. “No, I can’t, what if I say it to soon?” I asked. “Wel-“Shelby started to say. “What if he doesn’t love me back?! What if he doesn’t want to hear that!? WHAT IF HE BRAKES UP WITH ME!?!” I said and started hyperventilating. “SKY!” Shelby screamed shaking me. “What?” I asked. “He loves you, just tell him,” Shelby said. “What about you! When are you going to ask Raab out?” I said smiling. “I’m will tomorrow, if you tell Bam you love him, and if Angel asks out Steve-o,” Shelby said smiling. “Whoa! I’m not a part of this,” Angel said. “Now you are,” I said. “Fine,” Angel said giving up. I smiled and we all shook hands on it. We all talked about shit no one would give a fuck about. Then we all fell asleep. I woke up at like two in the morning freezing. I was freezing and I was all covered up. I started lightly sobbing. I had no idea why I was so cold. “Sky?” Shelby whispered. She walked over to me. “What’s wrong?” she asked sweetly. “I’m freezing, and I don’t know why,” I said. “Aw, Hun, Bam’s body heat keep’s you warm, you are in love,” Shelby said. Although it was pitch black I could tell she was smiling. “So, what should I do,” I asked. “Go to your guy’s room,” Shelby said. “Ok?” I said, getting up. “Thanks, Shelby,” I said and walked to Bam’s room. I walked in. I looked at him sleep for a second. “I don’t want to wake you,” I whispered. I walked over to my side of the bed and laid on the floor. Killer came over to me and cuddled up to me. “Hey, boy,” I whispered. “Hey, sexy, why are you on the floor?” I heard a voice. I looked up and it was Bam. “I didn’t want to wake you,” I said. “Get up here,” Bam said and I got up on the bed with him. “Damn you’re freezing,” Bam said. “I know,” I said and Bam cuddled up to me. I got warm again. “Bam?” I asked looking at him although all I could see is his outline of his face. “Hmm?” Bam asked. “I-I umm, I love you,” I whispered. Bam kissed me. “I love you, too,” Bam said. I smiled and kissed Bam back. ‘Thank you, Shelby,’ I thought and fell asleep……
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Meow! I have no life!