Status: will update as soon as i can be bothered ;P

Learning To Walk Again


i never got to say goodbye to my mother.

Anne Samuels was the sweetest woman on the face of the earth. i was barely two years old. my brother was just born, and all i could hear was the one endless beep of my mothers dead heart.

life was never the same after that.

that night, i said my first word.


that was the time when i tried to be more like my mother. i was a sports freak. just like she was. i became captain of every team in my school that allowed girls, physically or intelligence-related.
but nothing got rid of the pain.

my father became a shadow of his former self that night. the only thing that held him together was Alex. he was the happiest baby in the world. even now, sometimes he would crawl into bed with me, snuggling up into my side as we looked through albums before our mother died. he was always feeling guilty, like it was his fault that mother died.

it wasn't anybody's fault.
that's just how humans are.

i honestly think Alex is more human that me. he had just gotten his vampire powers. yet he was still the same old Alex Samuels that i loved.

if only i was the same as when i was before that night...
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter. it sucks i know!!!!!

Comment, Rate, something or other i can't remember, please???
