Sequel: Hood Chick #2

Hood Chick

This story is about a teenage girl living in the ghetto...This story is not true... Enjoy the read... :}
oh yeah sorry for any mis spellings :} its my 1st storie and this is kind of different than mobba... I also wrote this when I was like in the 5th grade...
  1. chapter 1
  2. chapter 2
    B4 school
  3. Chapter 3
    During school
  4. chapter 4
  5. Chapter 5
  6. Chapter 6
    2 months later
  7. Chapter 7
    A mounth later
  8. Chapter 8
    B-DAY YAY!!!!
  9. Chapter 9
  10. Chapter 10
  11. Chapter 11
    No, no, no dis cant b happen
  12. Chapter 12
    2 weekz lata
  13. chapter 13