Knives Gets You Far. Love Gets You Farther

Chapter 1 The Concert

It was 6 o'clock when I got off work. I was so excited! I'm going to a Skrillex concert tonight with my bestie, Kaylee. I ran to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed in this: I was putting on my make-up when there was a knock on my apartment door. "Come in!" I yelled. "Do you always let strangers just come in?" my bestie, Kaylee asked. "Well, yes," I said finishing up my make-up. I walked out of the bathroom. "Damn! You look sexy, babe," Kaylee said. "Ha, really?" I asked. "Uhh! Yeah!" Kaylee said. I smiled. "If you don't get Sonny's attention, nothing will," Kaylee said. "If I was wearing a mini dress would get his attention," I said. "True, but that would get everyone's attention. You and your sexy legs could turn a gay guy, straight," Kaylee said. "Yeah and so could my boobs," I said joking. "That's true, too! No homo!" Kaylee said. I laughed. "Well, we need to go if we want a good spot," Kaylee said. "Ok, let me get my cigarettes and lighter," I said. I ran to my room and grabbed my cigarettes and lighter then came back to my living room. "You need to clean your apartment," Kaylee said. "Then go ahead!" I said. "Fuck no!" Kaylee said. "Then don't tell me to clean my apartment," I said. "Fine!" Kaylee said and grabbed my hand and dragged me down to the lobby. "Bye, Bob!" I said to the doorman. "Goodbye, Miss. Skyler," he said. We walked out to Kaylee's car and she pushed me in. She ran to her said and drove off quickly. "SLOW DOWN!" I yelled. "Fuck no! We need to hurry and get a good spot!" she yelled back. She drove in to the parking lot and parked in a non-parking spot. "You can't park here!" I said. "Watch me," Kaylee said getting out. "Yeah! I'll watch you get a ticket!" I yelled. I opened the door and got out. We walked up to the doors and walked in. Kaylee gave the usher our tickets. I bought this glow stick, why? I was bored! I also got some rainbow smoke cigarettes. "Did you really need to get those?" Kaylee asked. "Yes," I said as I payed for two more packs. "Ugh!" Kaylee said. "Oh, shut the fuck up!' I said. She rolled her eyes and we went to the concert area. We were close to the front but not close enough. Sonny was on stage playing Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites. I smiled at him. He is always in his music. Yes, I have a huge crush on Sonny Moore. I admit it. I do, I mean look at him. He's hot! I closed my eyes and swayed to the music. Like, always I got into the music, too. I loved it. Usually, I would be head bang but there were to many people around. I opened my eyes and looked right at Sonny. He was staring at me. I smiled and he smirked. I bit my lip. He laughed a bit. I smiled and looked down. Kaylee smiled at me. "See, he saw you!" she said happy. "Yeah, but I'm just another girl," I said. "Bull shit! Did you see the way he looked at you? He totally was thing your hot shit!" Kaylee said. I just laughed and closed my eyes. I was listening to the music when Kaylee screamed. "Skyler! Sonny is crowd surfing!" Kaylee yelled. Then I got a text. It was Kaylee. "Put your arms up, so, you can grab his junk! ;)" Kaylee wrote. I looked at her. She smiled and looked forward. Then her eyes go really big. "What?" I asked and looked forward. My eyes got really big, too. Sonny was a few feet in front of us. He smiled. I was paralyzed by his eyes. Kaylee pushed me toward him. he was just about to say something when people started to push him to the stage again. I slightly smiled. Before I knew it he was back on stage. "Well, tonight has been great! Hope you had just of a good time as I did! Skrillex out!" Sonny said and walked of stage. I turned around and was about to leave. "Where are you going?" Kaylee asked me. "Uh, home," I said. "Fuck no you are not! I got backstage passes!" Kaylee said. I screamed. "Oh my god! No you didn't!" I yelled. "Yeah, I did!" Kaylee said. I ran over and hugged her. "Come on!" she said and drug me backstage. Then an body guard stood in front of us. "Here you go, good sir!" Kaylee said giving him the tickets. I smiled as the guy moved out of are way. Kaylee started looking around. "Where is he?" I heard Kaylee whisper. "Who?" I asked. "AH HA!" she screamed. I looked where she was looking and Sonny was looking at us. She pulled me over to him. "Hello! I'm Kaylee and this is Skyler!' she said happy. "Hey, I'm Sonny, but you probably knew that," he said looking at me. "Oh yeah, she knew that," Kaylee said with a smirk. I looked at her. Kaylee pulled out her phone and texted someone. My phone went off playing E.T by Katy Perry but the Skrillex version. Sonny smiled. I pulled out my phone. The text was from Kaylee. "You like that remix?" Sonny asked making me look away from my phone. "Uh, yeah. It's better then the real version. I love it," I said. "Sweet, glad you do," Sonny said. "Well, sorry for interrupting but I have a date tonight so I must be going," Kaylee said. "Wait! What?" I asked. "Oh sorry, forgot you are retarded. I n-e-e-d-" Kaylee started to say but I interrupted her. "I'm not retarded, Slim Shady!" I said to her. "Ah! I hate him!" Kaylee said. "I know! ICP all the way! Whoop, WHOOP!" I said. "Sky, you're not a juggalette," Kaylee said. "Who says I can't be?" I asked and Sonny's eyes widened. "Ha! I would love to see that! No homo!" Kaylee said. "When you say no homo, it makes me think you are homo," I said. Kaylee just rolled her eyes and left. I closed my eyes. "So, you like my music?" Sonny asked. "Um, no, I just came to your concert to be retarded," I said. Sonny smiled at me. "Hey, there is a after party in the other room. Want to come?" Sonny asked. "Uh, sure," I said. Sonny grabbed my hand and took me to the party room. He walked me over to some guys. "Who is this, Sonny?" a guys asked looking me up and down. "This is Skyler," Sonny said. "Well, hello, Sexy," another guy said. "Ha, sup?" I asked. The guys laughed. "SONNY! SONNY! SONNY!" said some chick as she ran over and started kissing Sonny. I looked at them. I turned around and walked out. I started running out of the concert place. I ran into the near by woods. I sat behind a tree and pulled out my lucky knife then started pressing it into my arm. I smiled when blood was slowly coming out. I heard Sonny yell my name. I put my knife away quickly and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "There you are," Sonny said. "Yeah," I said. I stood up. "What did you do to your arm?" Sonny asked looking at my arm. "I cut it," I said. "Why?" Sonny said. "Because I'm depressed," I said. "Why?" Sonny asked. "Why the fuck do you ask stupid ass questions?" I asked. "Because I want answers," he said. "Listen, you don'y know me, so, you don't need shit!" I snapped at him. "You don't need to be a bitch!" Sonny snapped back. "Sorry, but I am one." I said. Sonny sighed. "If it's about that girl, she is my crazy ex. and I hate her. I'm sorry," Sonny said. I ignored him and just smoked my cigarette. "Well, call me later," Sonny said and put his number in my pocket and walked off. I sighed and threw my cigarette then stepped one it. I was walking home when it started pouring rain. I walked into the lobby soaked. "Welcome back, Miss. Skyler," Bob said. "Hi, Bob," I said and went to the elevator. I got to my room and sat on my couch. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a wet piece of paper. It was Sonny's number. I slightly smiled and dialed his number. "Hey, this is Sonny Moore. i can't get the phone right now but, I will call you back asap. Skrillex out!" Sonny said. I chuckled a bit. "Hey, Sonny. It's Skyler. I just wanted to say sorry for getting pissed earlier. Just please, please, call me back," I said and hung up. Five minutes later I got a call. "Hey, it's Sonny," he said. "Hey! Listen, I'm so sorry for being a bitch and pissed. I just-" I was interrupted. "I'll forgive you, if you go out to lunch with me tomorrow, as a date," Sonny said. "Uhh, yeah!" I said. "Sweet, I'll call you at 12 so you can tell me where you live so I can pick you up," Sonny said. "Ok, cool," I said smiling like a crazy person. "Bye," Sonny said and I could tell he was smiling, too. "Bye," I said and i hung up. I got up and started dancing around. I was so happy! I ran to my bathroom and got changed into my pajamas. I texted Kaylee and told her I was going on a date with Sonny tomorrow. I went to sleep smiling. God, tomorrow was going to be great.....I hoped.
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I hoped you liked, because I had to rewrite this 3 times. :)