Black X S

The Letter


Meet me at the Hard Rock Hotel @ 8pm ;)


Her smile was from ear to ear as she read the small post it note. Gracefully folding and putting the square, yellow and sticky piece of paper into her leather embeded purse on her way out of their home, she bit her lip at all the possibilities that could apply to this little "get-away" her man had sneekily planned.

The day couldn't have gone faster, she kept her self busy with work and her mind racing for any new techniques they could perfect on or try out.

Walking out of her office she was totally oblivious that he was there; his ass perched on the red fire hydrant, arms folded upon his chest that heaved in and out from the working muscles beneath the clothes and skin.

"Shit!" She cursed to herself as she was having a difficult time figuring out what to wear.

The wooden enclosures to a new, small and crowded room, the material shapes hung from the wired shapes on a horizontal metal pipe.

The red Jacket

Lacey, see-through bra with

Matching boy leg panties

Suspender belt, suspenders, garter and stockings...

And those new killer heels.

That infamous smirk engrossed her face.

This... Will do nicely

It sure will sure will
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry guys! ive had a few scares and I've got writers block..sorry!